


1. 藉 [jiè]2. 藉 [jí]藉 [jiè]垫在下面的东西。衬垫:枕~。同“借”。抚慰:慰~。含蓄:蕴~。假设,假使:“公等遇雨,皆已失期,失期当斩。~第令毋斩,而戍死者固十六七”。藉 [jí]践踏,凌辱:“人皆~吾弟”。狼~。进贡……





汉语拼音:jiè yǐ






  1. 谓凭借某种事物或手段以达到某一目的。

    明 李贽 《复士龙悲二母吟》:“而婿与女又皆不幸早世,故两节妇咸以此孙朝夕奉养为安,而此孙亦藉以成立。”



  1. I have never doubted the truth of signs; they are the only things man has with which to orient himself in the world.


  2. Billie Holiday's reputation as a jazz-blued singer rests on her ability to give her emotional depth to her songs.


  3. The basic theory of aberration is first discussed and a few parameters are then chosen as the design factors for experiments.


  4. And that's because what's called the velocity of money, the speed with which a dollar moves through the economy, has fallen.


  5. The parents decided to move away, hoping that she could eventually forget everything and be happy.


  6. And to understand the kind of novel at the time was given in the role of expectations.


  7. And especially for the sports ones, you can meet a lot of young as you and develop sociability and blab la bla.


  8. When they dissolve in seawater they are combining with it, in a simple chemical reaction, to produce carbonic acid.


  9. She was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal in 1945 for her service in World War II.


  1. 警察设置障碍物,藉以控制人群。

    The police put up barriers to control the crowd.

  2. 沉浸於历史传奇故事藉以逃避现实。

    Historical romances offer an escape from the present.

  3. 利率提高了,藉以支撑疲软的美元。

    Interest rates were raised to brace up the sagging dollar.

  4. 他眼睛一眨, 藉以掩盖他的严肃态度。

    A twinkle in his eye belied the gravity of his demeanour.

  5. 她只吃藉以维持生命的最低限度食物。

    She eats only the bare minimum to stay alive.

  6. 物权观念是整个物权法藉以建立的逻辑基础。

    The concept of real property is the logical basis of the whole real property law.

  7. 彼得将自己埋首工作中,藉以忘记玛丽。

    Peter immersed himself in work to stop thinking about Mary.

  8. 她当音乐家庭教师, 藉以弥补她那微薄收入的不足。

    She eked out her small income by working as a music tutor.

  9. 月光, 诗人用来抒发过感情, 摄影家也藉以寄托过心境。

    Moonlight, poets used to convey their emotion by it photographers found sustenance in it.

  10. 神赐给你才能并不仅让你藉以维生,更是为了你的事工。

    Your abilities were not given just to make a living; God gave them to you for your ministry.

  11. 声音以纵波形式藉由固体,液体或气体传播的物理扰动。

    Sound Mechanical disturbance that propagates as a longitudinal wave through a solid, liquid, or gas.

  12. 爱上帝藉以显明的行为

    The Deeds Whereby Love Toward God Is Manifested

  13. 他们挥动白旗藉以表达投降。

    They waved a white flag in token of surrender.

  14. 被告以暂时精神失常作为藉口

    The defendant alleges temporary insanity.

  15. 慢慢的以各种藉口方式离开你。

    Slowly to a variety of ways to leave your excuses.

  16. 学生不得以任何理由,藉口,吸烟,饮酒。

    Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages are forbidden.

  17. 今天约翰以生病为藉口,提早离开了。

    John left early under the pretext of illness.

  18. 胡乱找个藉口以逃避不喜欢的任务。

    Grabbing at any excuse to avoid an unpleasant task.

  19. 非洲国家总统一向以执政不正常而声名狼藉。

    African presidents used to be notorious for only leaving State House feet first.

  20. 他想出了一个可藉以逃脱的办法。

    He devised a plan whereby he might escape.

  21. 然后他们以没有能力辩护为藉口被开脱。

    They are then excused by being unfit to plead.

  22. 请接受这个小礼物藉以表达我们得感激。

    Please accept this small gift as a token of our gratitude.

  23. 请接受这个小礼物藉以表达我们的感激。

    Please accept this small gift as a token of our gratitude.

  24. 不以各种藉口来故意拖延处理问题时间。

    No any excuse to delay dealing with all the customers affairs.

  25. 公司提出给她一笔可观的花红藉以拉拢她。

    The firm offered her a generous bonus as a sweetener.

  26. 切勿以任何藉口给予职员任何金钱或打赏。

    Do not give any money or gratuity under any pretext whatsoever to any staff of the Hall.

  27. 以此方式合并的责任被称为藉法律实施而解除责任。

    An obligation merged in this manner is said to be discharged by operation of law.

  28. 绝对不要想以我很忙当作怠惰的藉口。

    And don't ever, ever, ever try I'm busy as an explanation of any dereliction.

  29. 他也不能以自己没有被重生为不信的藉口。

    Nor may he plead lack of regeneration for unbelief.

  30. 他以贫穷为藉口请求为他犯的偷窃罪从轻量刑。

    He pleaded poverty in extenuation of the theft.