


1. 红 [hóng]2. 红 [gōng]红 [hóng]像鲜血的颜色:~色。~叶。~灯。~尘。~包。~烧。~润。~艳艳。~口白牙。~绳系足(旧指男女前生注定的姻缘)。象征顺利或受人宠信:~人。~运。~角(jué)儿(受观众欢迎的演员)。……





汉语拼音:hóng yán








  1. 指年轻人的红润脸色。

    唐 杜甫 《暮秋枉裴道州手札》诗:“忆子初尉 永嘉 去,红颜白面花映肉。” 清 龚自珍 《己亥杂诗》之四:“此去东山又北山,镜中强半尚红颜。”

  2. 指少年。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《君子有所思行》:“共矜红颜日,俱忘白髮年。” 唐 李白 《赠孟浩然》诗:“红颜弃轩冕,白首卧松云。” 宋 王安石 《客至当饮酒》诗之二:“自从红颜时,照我至白首。”

  3. 特指女子美丽的容颜。

    汉 傅毅 《舞赋》:“貌嫽妙以妖蛊兮,红颜曄其扬华。” 南朝 陈 徐陵 《和王舍人送客未还闺中有望》:“倡人歌吹罢,对镜览红颜。” 清 李渔 《玉搔头·讯玉》:“青眼难逢,红颜易改。”

  4. 指美女。

    明 王世贞 《客谈庚戌事》诗:“红颜宛转马蹄间,玉筯双垂别 汉 关。” 清 吴伟业 《圆圆曲》:“慟哭六军俱縞素,衝冠一怒为红颜。”



  1. sirens is a friend of embellishment, she did not feel that you will not lonely, but You will find life boring.


  2. Just become a friend on his wife's roots are no longer friends, because very few men to his wife as a friend.


  3. More like a girl's face blush as rouge-colored flower buds, hidden in a lotus leaf, the wind had Office, reveal that the roots of it.


  4. Men are looking for a lifetime is not a wife, nor is it a lover, but a confidant and even more sirens .


  5. We always say " be up his hat as a confidante" , and this anger, how much is it really for confidante, alas, what men owe how many women.


  6. You have to live with his wife, lover to accompany you to spend money, you chat with friends sirens.


  7. The beauty bosom friend is a woman who hasn't pulled a last relation with you, but cans share your happiness and worry the demand of mind.


  8. Finally the sentence "Beautiful lady is a disaster . " was the best choice to do with all the problems.


  9. So you think the roots of your ambiguous on that, so she becomes your chest injuries Harbor.


  1. 铬锡红颜料

    pink color

  2. 忧郁伤红颜。

    Care is beauty's thief.

  3. 自古红颜多薄命。

    Beautiful flowers are soon picked.

  4. 红颜一生只为情!

    The life of beauty is for love!

  5. 老妇饮酒红颜常驻

    Wine makes old wife wenches

  6. 卿是红颜我白发。

    I have white hair while youre a fairy queen.

  7. 氧化铁红颜料

    red iron oxide pigment.

  8. 她是红颜俊杰。

    She is a pearl among women.

  9. 终古红颜多薄命

    Since old times, beautiful women have suffered a harsh life

  10. 做你的红颜, 好吗?

    Let Me Be Your Pretty Woman, OK?

  11. 做你的红颜,好吗?

    Let Me Be Your Pretty Woman, OK?

  12. 红颜专业护肤美容坊


  13. 难道不足矣博红颜一笑吗?

    Don't I get a smile?

  14. 我把她当作我的红颜知己。

    I take her as my soul mate.

  15. 她是他的红颜祸水。

    She was his femme fatale.

  16. 她, 真的只是你的红颜知己吗?

    Is she, simply your female confidant

  17. 事实上, 她是商人的红颜知己。

    In fact is the merchant's confidante.

  18. 氧化铁红颜料的表面处理

    Surface treatment of iron oxide red pigment

  19. 她不停地呻吟着,哀叹红颜薄命。

    With continual groaning, she bemoaned her fate.

  20. 红颜祸水,所有的女人都不是好人。

    Beauty disaster water, all women are not a good man.

  21. 感此伤妾心,坐愁红颜老。

    And, because of all this, my heart is breaking And I fear for my bright cheeks, lest they fade.

  22. 你有红颜知己么?如果有会不会变成情人?

    Do you have a female confidant? Will you become lovers?

  23. 合成氧化铁红颜料的技术规范

    Standard Specification for Synthetic Red Iron Oxide Pigment

  24. 你一直告诉自己她只是一个红颜知己。

    You constantly tell yourself that she is only your female confidant.

  25. 影响金红颜料呈色的几种因素

    Factors influencing the colouring of Gold Ruby colours

  26. 虎姐,在以后的日子,你就是我的红颜知己!

    Tiger sister, in the day, you are my girl bosom friend!

  27. 玛丽在30岁的年纪就红颜渐逝了。

    At the age of thirty, Mary began to lose colour.

  28. 天然氧化铁红颜料和氧化铁棕色颜料

    Standard Specification for Natural Red and Brown Iron Oxide Pigments

  29. 综述了氧化铁红颜料的制备及进展。

    This paper has reviewed the preparation and progress of iron oxide red pigment.

  30. 综述了氧化铁红颜料得制备及进展。

    This paper has reviewed the preparation and progress of iron oxide red pigment.


  1. 问:红颜拼音怎么拼?红颜的读音是什么?红颜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红颜的读音是hóngyán,红颜翻译成英文是 a beauty

  2. 问:红颜薄命拼音怎么拼?红颜薄命的读音是什么?红颜薄命翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红颜薄命的读音是hóngyánbómìng,红颜薄命翻译成英文是 beautiful women suffer unhappy fates; beau...

  3. 问:红颜料拼音怎么拼?红颜料的读音是什么?红颜料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红颜料的读音是hóng yán liào,红颜料翻译成英文是 iron-red

  4. 问:红颜知己拼音怎么拼?红颜知己的读音是什么?红颜知己翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红颜知己的读音是hóngyánzhījǐ,红颜知己翻译成英文是 pretty young lady bosom friend