




建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:mǒu mén






  1. 犹某门下。自称谦词。

    《朱子语类》卷一三一:“ 魏公 在江中,忽有人登舟,公问为谁,云:‘ 苗太尉 使我来杀相公。’公云:‘汝何不杀我?’云:‘相公忠义,某门不肯做此事。后面更有人来,相公不可不防备。’”



  1. The test is to know how much you have mastered the course.


  2. Earlier this year, the university announced that it would no longer expect its courses to conclude with final exminations.


  3. They have proven they have a degree of discipline and that they're prepared to play by the rules.


  4. Web Teaching System is the combination of teaching content with teaching activities of some discipline through Web.


  5. Or is collateral reading for a course where you are must befamiliar with the central notions?


  6. I did maths in case I should fail in one of the other subjects . . .


  7. In Professor Pan Cuiqiong's opinion, students tend to jump to the conclusion that a certain course is boring and useless.


  8. have you learn the mechanics quantum?


  9. So whether I like a subject or not also depends on the teacher.


  1. 学过某门课程吗

    Have you learn the mechanics quantum

  2. 不再登某人家的门

    Not darken the door of

  3. 一个魔法门,一个可以到达多元宇宙某处的传送门。

    A magical Door. A portal to another part of the Multiverse.

  4. 我选读数学这门课, 以防有其他某门科目不及格。

    I did maths in case I should fail in one of the other subjects.

  5. 某一天,一名女士开始质疑泰勒的这门生意。

    One day, a woman began questioning Taylor about her business.

  6. 在学习某一科目时,千万别想起另一门学科的学习。

    Never think of learning another subject while studying one subject.

  7. 上帝在关闭一扇门的同时, 他又在某处打开了一扇窗。

    When The Lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.

  8. 某连队装备了六门大炮。

    One company had been furnished with six cannons.

  9. 他输入了某种密码锁定了星际门。

    He's entered some sort of security code to lock down the gate.

  10. 这扇门因为某种原因自行关闭了。

    The gateway has sealed itself for some reason.

  11. 在某种程度上,医学是一门科学

    To a degree, medicine is a science.

  12. 南海九江某水闸门库基础加固与纠偏

    Rectification and Reinforcement of the Door House Foundation of a Sluice

  13. 我听到有人敲门。我听到有人敲门。听到某人在做某事

    I can hear somebody knocking at the door. see sb. doing sth. e. g.

  14. 每一扇门关上都表示某件事的结束。

    Every door closed brings something to an end.

  15. 一门科学并非只是有关某种学科的大量信息。

    A science is more than amount of information on some subject.

  16. 他当时想制造某种武装机器人把我挡在他的房门外面。

    Missy He was trying to build some sort of armed robot to keep me out of his room.

  17. 某一晚, 小田回家后发现一个蓝色玩具手铐挂在门环上。

    One evening Oda returns home to find a pair of blue toy handcuffs hanging on the doorknocker.

  18. 某次尸检发现,一头死亡的凯门鳄的胃里发现一把大鱼钩。

    During an autopsy, one dead caiman was found to have a large hook in its stomach.

  19. 那么当然,很显然他也会使用某种护符来封印那道门。

    RCSo it stands to reason that he would use some sort of sigils to seal the gate, too. Of course.

  20. 我想树篱的某处有一个栅门通道吧, 福尔摩斯说道。

    I understand there is a gate through the hedge in one place, 'said Holmes.

  21. 园主在低声轻语着某种不知名的语言时触碰了门环。

    The master touches the roundel while he whispers something in an unknown tongue.