


原故,原由,事物发生前已具备的条件:原~。~素。~果。病~。理由:~为(wéi )。~而。依,顺着,沿袭:~此。~之。~循(a.沿袭;b.迟延拖拉)。~噎废食。陈陈相~。……





汉语拼音:yīn shì






  1. 犹因此。

    宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷九:“余谓 吴 师压 鲁 , 鲁 亡无日, 有若 视父母之邦阽危如此,义气所激,愿与宵攻之列,使诚因是而死,得死所矣。”《水浒传》第四一回:“小弟去 无为军 打听,正撞见这个兄弟出来喫饭,因是得知备细。”《儒林外史》第三六回:“门生并不会作八股文章,因是后来穷之无奈,求个馆也没得做。”



  1. Produce a drag-and-bad because of a blade and a printing plate between the impurities, and extends to the ground knife back.


  2. Therefore, the idea that the universe designed to "cause" is not and the general result of things - who introduced the analogy of the past.


  3. Shahin was a mechanic, this was his workshop, and there was a tattered mattress inside a tiny room at the back.


  4. Some of the cause as to why the flower kingdom has fallen in its capacity to hold light or smell exotic has to do with the human kingdom.


  5. The police won't arrest him for a first offence.


  6. If, let's say ink pigment deployed correctly, in that case, the color change is usually caused because the inclusion of a solvent.


  7. 42Because it was the Jewish day of Preparation and since the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there.


  8. The main reasons for the original cylinder pressure of spring steel tablets to bite the bullet, with their teeth to bite down on paper.


  9. Memes are a new kind of information behaviours rather than DNA copied by a new kind of machinery brains rather than chemicals inside cells.


  1. 可卡因是一种毒品。

    Cocain is a kind of drug.

  2. 可卡因是一种麻醉药。

    Cocaine is a kind of drug.

  3. 他因是嫌疑犯被拘留。

    He was detained as suspects.

  4. 可卡因是一种麻醉药品。

    Cocaine is a anaesthetic.

  5. 因是初犯, 警察不会逮捕他。

    The police won't arrest him for a first offence.

  6. 来因是冷固胶层太薄。

    The reason is thermosetting plastic is too thick.

  7. 可卡因是一种极为容易上瘾的毒品。

    Cocaine is a highly addictive drug.

  8. 可卡因是一种极为容易上瘾的毒品。

    Cocaine is a highly addictive drug.

  9. 他因是谋杀案的同谋而被判刑。

    He was sentenced for being an accessory to the murder.

  10. 他也因是肯尼亚种植园主而闻名。

    He also distinguished himself as a planter in Kenya.

  11. 因是而知之, 故生间可使如期。

    Lastly, it is by his information that the surviving spy can be used on appointed occasions.

  12. 可卡因是一种强大的中枢神经系统激动剂。

    Cocaine is a potent central nervous system stimulant.

  13. 强效可卡因是瘾君子们吸食的众多毒品之一。

    Crack is part of a battery of drugs used by addicts.

  14. 因是美元汇率条例草案仍有法定货币吗?

    Is the dollar bill still legal tender?

  15. 我做了这件事,只因是你的坚决要求。

    I did it, but only at your insistence.

  16. 纸弛带静电的次给来因是摩擦生电。

    The paper mainly attributable to the static friction.

  17. 纸弛带静电得次给来因是摩擦生电。

    The paper mainly attributable to the static friction.

  18. 可可因是种弱兴奋剂,在其中占有比例较大。

    Theobromine, a weak stimulant, is also present, in slightly higher amounts.

  19. 来因是胶布滚筒与印版滚筒得不张力太轻。

    The reason is that blanket drum and a printing plate cylinder pressure is too heavy.

  20. 来因是胶布滚筒与印版滚筒的不张力太轻。

    The reason is that blanket drum and a printing plate cylinder pressure is too heavy.

  21. 至于黄色, 因是皇家独尊之色, 民众是忌用得。

    As to the yellow, because is the color of various royal, people is taboo.

  22. 至于黄色,因是皇家独尊之色,民众是忌用的。

    As to the yellow, because is the color of various royal, people is taboo.

  23. 来因是橡布滚筒与印版滚筒间得不张力太大。

    Because the rubber and the Chief of the rollers and plates roller pressure is too large.

  24. 来因是橡布滚筒与印版滚筒间的不张力太大。

    Because the rubber and the Chief of the rollers and plates roller pressure is too large.

  25. 红宝石深红色, 半透明刚玉矿产, 因是珍稀宝石价值很高。

    A deep red, translucent variety of the mineral corundum, highly valued as a precious stone.

  26. 强效纯可卡因是一种药效极强,容易使人上瘾的可卡因制剂。

    Crack is a highly potent and addictive derivative of cocaine.

  27. 因是一个独立法人, 有限合夥公司可拥有财产, 告人, 或被告。

    As a separate legal entity, LPs may own property, sue, and be sued in LPs name.

  28. 从竞选运动一开始我便因是女性而面对毫不掩饰的敌意。

    From the start to that campaign, I faced undisguised hostility because of my sex.

  29. 可卡因是一种毒性很大的兴奋剂,是用古柯树的叶子提炼而成的。

    Coke is a powerful drug made from the leaves of the coca plant.

  30. 而這都是因為歧見

    Here's the case where the disagreements occur.