


本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……


1. 了 [liǎo]2. 了 [le]了 [liǎo]明白,知道:明~。一目~然。完结,结束:完~。~结。在动词后,与“不”、“得”连用,表示可能或不可能:看不~。办得~。与“得”、“不得”前后连用,表示异乎寻常或情况严重:那还~得!了 ……





汉语拼音:zì liǎo hàn






  1. 《晋书·山涛传》:“帝谓 涛 曰:‘西偏吾自了之,后事深以委卿。’”后谓只顾自己,不顾大局者曰“自了汉”。

    《景德传灯录·洪州黄蘗山希运禅师》:“后游 天台 ,逢一僧,与之言笑,如旧相识。熟视之,目光射人,乃偕行。属涧水暴涨,乃捐笠植杖而止。其僧率师同渡,师曰:‘兄要渡自渡。’彼即褰衣躡波,若履平地,迴顾曰:‘渡来,渡来。’师曰:‘咄,遮自了汉!吾早知,当斫汝脛。’” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录四》:“忽阁上厉声叱曰:‘时方饥疫,百姓颇有死亡。汝为乡宦,既不思早倡义举,施粥捨药;即应趁此良夜,闭户安眠,尚不失为自了汉。乃虚谈高论,在此讲民胞物与。’”



  1. 网络
  2. A mar who only looks after himseIf

  1. 你是两性人?你感染了汉他病毒?

    Are you a hermaphrodite? Do you have hantavirus?

  2. 汉语谚语反映了汉民族的文化特点。

    Chinese proverbs reflect the culture feature of Chinese people.

  3. 法律儒家化自汉朝肇其端,到汉末出现了一股逆流。

    Legal Confucianism since the Han Dynasty merged his side, to the Han Dynasty emerged in reflux.

  4. 第四章、第五章考察了汉韩语疑问词的语义特征。

    Chapter IV and chapter V examine the semantic features of interrogative pronouns in Korean and Chinese.

  5. 考察了汉麻籽油生物柴油和橡胶籽油生物柴油的理化特性。

    The physicochemical characteristics of biodiesel prepared from hemp seed oil and rubber seed oil were determined.

  6. 从这一点上, 正是说明了汉文化有着强大的渗透力。

    It is prove that Chinese Han culture has the formidable penetrability.

  7. 当代科技刺激了自恋的增长。

    Current technology fuels the increase in narcissism.

  8. 他不打自招了。

    He confessed without being tortured.

  9. 我们开发了自适应步态规划软件。

    We developed our adaptive gait planner.

  10. 我们对自己愤怒,并学会了自毁。

    We turn our anger inward and learn to sabotage ourselves.

  11. 公共领域的萎缩滋生了自恋文化。

    The withering of public fields has multiplied the narcissism culture.

  12. 提高与优化了自定义挂网速度。

    Improves and optimizes the speed of custom screening.

  13. 这层次似乎扭转了自那时以来本身。

    That hierarchy seems to have reversed itself since then.

  14. 数百万年过去了, 地球已经停止了自转。

    Millions of years later, the earth has stopped rotatingaxis.

  15. 有了自检得能力, 马虎得毛病才能克服。

    With the ability to selftest and slovenly problems to overcome.

  16. 本报告概述了自会员国收到的信息。

    The information received from Member States is summarized in the present report.

  17. 死去吧,我抽完了自会把它掐了。

    Drop dead. I'll put it out when I'm finished.

  18. 在程序设计与调试上采用了自上而下。

    At program design with adjust to try up adopt from topbottom.

  19. 他们看来是完全自毁了。

    Their destruction appears to be complete.

  20. 这次你真是自投罗网了。

    This time you have really put your head in the noose.

  21. 在我看来你是自投罗网了

    I doubt it. You walked straight into a trap.

  22. 两天前, 他还摘取了自选手枪射击的银牌。

    He also won a silver medal in free pistol two days ago.

  23. 他那样狂躁,只好让他自便了。

    He was manic and it was best to let him be.

  24. 是因为得了自闭症的孩子在 近年急剧增长?

    Has that number been increasing dramatically over time?

  25. 此图表明了自20世纪80年代以来房价上涨的情况。

    The graph shows how house prices have risen since the 1980s.

  26. 理论上探讨了自积分电阻对测量频率的影响。

    The influence on measurement frequency of selfintegration resistor was explored in theory.

  27. 你是否已经入戏太深,忘掉了自在幸福的本质?

    Have you been too involved in acting to be aware of the essence of ease and happiness?

  28. 本文提出了自适应的分组算法,提高了网络覆盖率

    A stepwise refinement distributed group joining method is proposed to improve the coverage performance.

  29. 哇,自创了个新词感觉真不错。

    Oho, the feeling is no bad to design a new words.

  30. 带着绝望的心, 她上吊自尽了。

    Taking acedia heart, commit suicide of her hang oneself.