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It would be just a short time later that Jesus would go to the cross to die for our sin, and three days after He would rise from the dead.
很快,主耶稣将会为我们的罪死在十字架上。三天以后,他会从死里复活。The greatest way God has shown His care for you was in sending His Son Jesus to die for your sin.
小朋友们,神以各种方法看顾你!最奇妙的方法就是赐下他的儿子耶稣为你的罪死。When Jesus left Heaven to come to earth to die for your sins and mine, He fulfilled the promise God made in the beginning of the world.
当耶稣从天上来到地上为你和我的罪死的时候,他成就了神在创世之初所作的应许。us. " Christ Jesus, God's perfect Son, died on the cross for your sin, was buried, came alive the 3rd day, and now is in Heaven. "
耶稣基督是神完美的儿子,他没有犯过罪,但他为我们的罪死在十字架上,被埋葬,第三天复活,现在他就在天上。He died to sin that He might live to God. And that is the way the Holy Spirit brings the cross into our hearts.
但是因着祂向罪死,向上帝活,藉此圣灵就将十架活化在我们心中。Forty days after the Lord Jesus had died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and rose again, He went back to Heaven.
耶稣为我们的罪死在十字架上,被埋葬,又从死里复活。四十天后,他回到天上。Jesus died on the cross of Calvary for our sins, making forgiveness and eternal life possible for us.
耶稣为我们的罪死在加略山的十架上,好叫我们得到赦免和永生。He died for your sin to save you according to God's plan.
按照神的计划他为您的罪死来救您。For the death which He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life which He lives, He lives to God.