







汉语拼音:shí shì







  1. 真实存在的事物或情况。

    《韩非子·外储说右下》:“虚名不以借人,况实事乎!” 汉 王充 《论衡·对作》:“世俗之性,好奇怪之语,説虚妄之文。何则?实事不能快意,而华虚惊耳动心也。” 清 戴震 《孟子字义疏证·道》:“曰‘性’曰‘道’,指其实体实事之名;曰‘仁’曰‘礼’曰‘义’,称其纯粹中正之名。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文二集·什么是“讽刺”》:“讽刺的生命是真实;不必是曾有的实事,但必须是会有的实情。”

  2. 切实有益的事。

    《韩非子·显学》:“明主举实事,去无用;不道仁义者故,不听学者之言。”《东观汉记·杜林传》:“及至 汉 兴,因时宜,趋世务,省烦苛,取实事。” 宋 欧阳修 《议学状》:“教学之意在乎敦本而修其实事。”



  1. The NPC session is focusing attention on how much has really been done for the poor under Mr Wen's premiership.

  2. Between the schoolmate mutually trusts, the honest treatment, said the truth, does the practical work.

  3. But taken as a whole, the roadmap appears to be a genuine attempt to be constructive. It is non-partisan, which helps.

  4. Or to put it negatively, it may take a long time to realize that others are programming with sound and fury but producing nothing.

  5. From the point of view of evolution, human beings are very young children indeed, babies, in fact, of a few months old.

  6. To be fair, at least half of our pseudoscience features focused on debunking these practices instead of supporting them.

  7. So if people believe in leadership down in the organization, those are the guys who can really make a difference.

  8. Many who did not care about politics a year ago are now paying more attention.

  9. And err, he informed me that uh, she took the news rather badly, in fact, he uh, mentioned the word frenzy.


  1. 办实事好事

    do something concrete and good.

  2. 为民办实事

    perform actual deeds for the people.

  3. 办实事办好事

    do something practical and good

  4. 夸夸其谈, 实事少干。

    They bray most that can do least.

  5. 夸夸其谈,实事少干。

    They bray most that can do least .

  6. 夸夸其谈, 不务实事

    indulge in empty talk and do nothing practical

  7. 讲空话,不办实事。

    Much bruit, little fruit.

  8. 评论实事的新闻短片。

    a short film and commentary about current events.

  9. 学校向教育厅谎报实事。

    It misrepresented facts to the Ministry.

  10. 别老坐着,干点儿实事!

    Get off your backside and do some work!

  11. 别老坐著,干点儿实事!

    Get off your backside and do some work!

  12. 多干点实事, 少一点抱怨。

    Get on with it and stop grumbling.

  13. 多干点实事,少一点抱怨。

    Get on with it and stop grumbling.

  14. 他经常讲大话不做实事。

    We dislike those who talk big and do noting.

  15. 他不办实事,就知道搂钱!

    He doesn't do his job well, he just extorts money.

  16. 他不办实事,就知道搂钱!

    He doesn't do his job well, he just extorts money.

  17. 实事上我是跟她学的。

    Actually, I learned it from her.

  18. 实事上,会有办法摆脱它们。

    There are actually ways of getting rid of them.

  19. 别再装傻了, 干点实事吧!

    Quit playing the fool and get some work done!

  20. 光动嘴是不行的, 一定要办实事。

    All talk and no action doesn't work. We must do something.

  21. 光动嘴是不行的,一定要办实事。

    All talk and no action doesn't work. We must do something.

  22. 你认为这只是真实实事的一部份么?

    You think this is the only part of it that's true?

  23. 新来的经理就会唱高调, 不会干实事。

    Our new manager is not a man of action but empty talk.

  24. 含有实事小品、歌舞和丑角的综艺演出。

    A variety show with topical sketches and songs and dancing and comedians.

  25. 领导干部要做清官、办实事、留好名

    Leading Cadres Should Be Upright Persons, Do Concret Things and Have Good Name

  26. 可是实事上,他一生从没有到过印度。

    But in point of fact, he has never been near India in his life.

  27. 伦纳德不该想入非非了, 该干些实事了。

    It's about time Leonard got his head out of the clouds and did some real work!

  28. 我们不喜欢那种夸夸其谈,不干实事的人。

    We dislike those who talk big and do nothing.

  29. 实事上,妈,有件事我忘记告诉你了。

    Actually, mom, there's something I forgot to tell you.

  30. 要腾出时间来多办实事, 多做少说。

    We should spend more time on practical matters. That means saying less and doing more.


  1. 问:实事拼音怎么拼?实事的读音是什么?实事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:实事的读音是shíshì,实事翻译成英文是 actual thing; practical things

  2. 问:实事求是拼音怎么拼?实事求是的读音是什么?实事求是翻译成英文是什么?

    答:实事求是的读音是shíshìqiúshì,实事求是翻译成英文是 based on solid evidence


