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汉语拼音:bì bèi
I'll never repeat this one enough, getting out of your regular stuff is something you MUST be able to do by yourself.
做常规事务以外的事应该是你的必备能力,这一点永远值得重申。Since agility and a keen sense of balance are skills essential to the sport, women climb just as well as, or better than, men.
既然矫捷的身手和敏锐的平衡感是这项运动必备的技能,女性攀岩绝对不让须眉,甚至比男人更好。You've all been so eager and willing to help and to cooperate with one another. That's the right spirit with which to begin your trip.
你们为了一个共同的目的,是如此自觉自愿地彼此合作,相互关心,而这正是此次远行所必备的精神。For an entrepreneur, confidence and determination in the heart are the traits you must have, it is as important as an engine to a car.
内心的自信和决断是作为一个企业家必备的品质,其重要性就好像汽车引擎之于汽车那样;Traditional installation includes an installation program to run with a set of files that are copied to a prerequisite operating system.
传统的安装包括一个要运行的安装程序,以及一组复制到必备操作系统的文件。English is an international study of accounting professionals must have the quality of a wide range of social needs and development.
学好会计英语是国际化人才的必备素质,具有广泛的社会需求和发展空间。The ability to expect the unexpected should be considered something of a virtue for public officials.
可以预期未来应当被看作是社会公仆们的一种必备的道德品质。Shocked at how much money kids spend? Maybe you haven't checked the price tags lately on some of the younger generation's must-haves.
这个数据令你吃惊吗?也许你最近没看过这帮孩子必备品的价格标签吧。It was one hell of a case, all right; one of those juicy ones with all the right elements.