




1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……



汉语拼音:yòu jí






  1. 附带再提一下。信写完并已署名后又添上几句时,常在下面注明“又及”或“某某又及”。



  1. P. S. Along the way, beware of a cross-eyed man, a cripple, and a mangy character.


  2. PS: We suppose to post you some money , but the envelop has already sticked.


  3. P. S. I cant wait to love your kids the way I love you.


  4. A message appended at the end of a letter after the writer's signature.


  5. P. S. I recently got some letters from my father.


  6. Postscript: I enclose the photograph my sister and I took on the way to school.


  1. 又及, 由于匆忙, 字迹潦草, 请原谅。

    Excuse bad writing, am in a hurry.

  2. 信写完了,她在下面又添上一行字:又及

    At the end of her letter, she added another line:PS

  3. 之缺点, 比油压系统更经济又安全及高效率。

    The UNIMEC booster is an efficient way of generating hight pressure hydraulic fluid.

  4. 为何有时会记了又忘 及其它到底隐藏着什么样的潜力

    why it sometimes doesn't work and what its potential might be.

  5. 且同时低工资成本又襄助出口及就业率提升。

    Lower wage costs, in turn, have helped boost exports and jobs.

  6. 远不可及而又忧愁满腹,好像你已死去。

    Distant and full of sorrow as though you had died.

  7. 其中,合成词和及物动词又是本文探讨的重点。

    Among these, the compound word and transitive verb is of priority in study.

  8. 吕氏是较晚兴盛,名气在唐末及宋却又极盛的家族。

    Family Lv was late to thrive, famous in late Tang and Song.

  9. 是这么容易得到,有时又似乎遥不可及。

    is so easy to get, and sometimes it seems out of reach.

  10. 他又出现明显高热及意识状态差等特征。

    He presents the obvious high fever and the conscious state inferior characteristic.

  11. 微粒径填料既可提高片材韧性,又能提高刚性及耐热性。

    Small particle size fillers increase not only the tenacity, but also the rigidity and resistance.

  12. 然后,海恩斯接着又发明了消音器及各种不同的金属合金。

    Haynes then went on to invent the muffler and different metal alloys.

  13. 你高雅及仁慈兼备又有感性。

    You have grace and kindness and sensuality.

  14. 摇滚巨星及乐迷命运又会是怎样?

    The rock and roll giant star and the music lover destiny can be what kind of?

  15. 及长,又成了一种慰藉和一声叹息。

    Reach long, became a kind of solace and groan again.

  16. 配页办法及道理配页又分为配书帖和配书芯。

    With page method with the page divides with books or book distribution.

  17. 母亲得过世又给她一个措手不及得打击。

    His mother's death was another blow out of the dark.

  18. 饭后,妇人又讯问黄章的家人及亲戚。

    After the meal, the woman inquired about Huan Zang's family and relatives again.

  19. 又, 该第一凸片及第二凸片分别具有第一端面及第二端面

    each contact sheet is respectively in interference with the first lug and the second lug.

  20. 您又曾听闻过淫亵及不雅物品管制条例吗?

    Have you ever heard of the control of obscene and Indecent Articles ordinance?

  21. 那么,我们又怎样才能够提升及确保楼宇得品质呢?

    So how can we raise and ensure quality building?

  22. 那么,我们又怎样才能够提升及确保楼宇的品质呢?

    So how can we raise and ensure quality building?

  23. 邓氏来自权力核心, 拥有诠释及发言权, 本身又深习朱子儒学。

    Dang, a disciple of Chu and authority then, had a power for interpretation, and spokesman.

  24. 师父加持我的耳朵及额头好几次,又教我如何做观光。

    Master then touched my ears and forehead several times. She also taught me how to meditate on the Light.

  25. 然后,又分析了曲线图的种类及使用。

    After that, analyze also kinds and using of diagram.

  26. 要保有聪明又要谈恋爱, 非凡人能力所及。

    To be wise and exceeds man's might.

  27. 又费了很大的力把墙壁及地板恢复原状。

    I worked hard to restore the wall and the floor to its former condition.

  28. 阁下又同意,阁下将确保该等资料保持正确及更新。

    You further agree that you will ensure that this information is kept correct and uptodate at all times.

  29. 一个既可以接直接宾语又可以接间接宾语的及物动词。

    A transitive verb that takes both a direct and an indirect object.

  30. 综合法又包括超声沉淀法,激光沉淀法及微波合成法等。

    The comprehensive method included ultrasound depositing, laser depositing and microwave synthesis and so on.


  1. 问:又及拼音怎么拼?又及的读音是什么?又及翻译成英文是什么?

    答:又及的读音是yòují,又及翻译成英文是 postscript





【 英文 】〖postscript(PS)〗 解释 附带再提一下。信写完并已署名后又添上几句,在后添加的几句话下常注明“又及”或“某某又及”。