


绘图:绘~。~图。~像。~地为牢。~脂镂冰(在凝固的油脂或冰上绘画雕刻,一融化就都没有了,喻劳而无功)。图像:~面。~片。~坛。~板。~卷(juàn )(a.成卷轴形的画;b.喻壮丽的景色或动人的场面)。~外音。图~。诗中有~。写,签押,署……


1. 卷 [juàn]2. 卷 [juǎn]卷 [juàn]可以舒展和弯转成圆筒形的书画:长~。画~。手~。书籍的册本或篇章:上~。第一~。藏书十万~。~帙(书卷成束,用布裹或布囊装起来称“帙”,即书套。现一般指书籍)。考试用的纸:试~。机……



汉语拼音:huà juàn








  1. 裱后带轴的长幅图画。

    宋 苏辙 《次韵王定国见赠》:“屡出诗章新管籥,偶开画卷小山川。” 明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·隐趣》:“弄笔窗间,随大小作数十字,展所藏法帖、墨蹟、画卷纵观之。” 清 松泉老人 《墨缘汇观录·名画上·宋迪秋山图卷》:“此卷且有‘奉华瑶暉’印章及 元 末诸公题咏,宜为 宋 人画卷中之錚錚者。”

  2. 比喻动人的场面或情景。

    魏巍 《壮行集·开辟中国的黄金时代》:“我们感激 毛主席 和他的战友们,他们在通宵不熄的烛光下写下了这部社会主义的灿烂画卷。” 冯牧 《不断革命的战歌和颂歌》:“当我们把这些诗篇排列在一起,在我们眼前就出现了一幅充满着革命者的豪情壮志的我们时代的丰富的画卷。” 何为 《从苏家坡到古田会议》:“今天,一幅千帆竞发、百舸争流的壮丽宏伟的画卷,已在辽阔的 中国 大地上迅速展现。”



  1. marriage was only the beginning. the lines of our loving weave an ever more closely patterned fabric a tapestry of a shared life.


  2. "I think our museum should have the right to display the whole painting as well, " he said.


  3. As if facing an impressionist painting, we can see that soldiers have been transformed into animals in this cruel and inhibitive world.


  4. I think, the university is a picture of a blank scroll, waiting for you to use wisdom and hands of discus youth depict belong to oneself.


  5. Swaying of the leaves roll up a beautiful picture layers, as if Tiannvsanhua speckled along the well-being and joy!


  6. Marriage was only the beginning. The lines of our living tapestry weave are ever more closely patterned fabric a tapestry of a shared life.


  7. Her white dress and deep blue gown look as if she came right out of a painting.


  8. First shock at the beginning of it, a Chinese scroll through the splendid culture of five thousand years!


  9. Earlier today I had the privilege of visiting the China Pavilion , with its sweeping panorama of a great nation.


  1. 漂亮的画卷

    a pretty picture.

  2. 把一幅画卷起来

    Roll up a picture

  3. 他把画卷了起来。

    He rolled the picture back.

  4. 用风的色彩描绘画卷

    Paint with all the colors of the wind.

  5. 长江小镇的风云画卷

    A Wind and Cloud Picture at a Small town Near the Yangtse River

  6. 这里像一幅天然的画卷。

    Like the canvas of a natural painting.

  7. 抚琴展画卷雅乐燃激情

    Playing Piano Like Unfolding a Painting Scroll, Let Beautiful Music Kindle Our Passion

  8. 壮丽的时代画卷瑰丽的艺术珍品

    Magnificent Picture of Epoch Beautiful Masterpiece of Art

  9. 一幅灰烬与尘埃的永恒画卷

    An eternal landscape of ashes and dust

  10. 他们是一幅和谐的运动画卷!

    They are a moving picture of harmonious unity.

  11. 生命的画卷一旦动笔就无法修改。

    Life is drawing without an eraser.

  12. 街头是一幅活灵活现的人生画卷。

    Street is a vivid picture of life.

  13. 秋天多么恰似一幅流光溢彩得画卷啊!

    How like the fall of an Ambilight picture ah!

  14. 秋天多么恰似一幅流光溢彩的画卷啊!

    How like the fall of an Ambilight picture ah!

  15. 画卷和丝绸品再造了16世纪那个时代。

    Paintings and style cloth textiles reproduce the of 16 the 16 th century.

  16. 春,一幅饱蘸生命繁华之画卷。

    Spring, a busy life Baozhan the picture.

  17. 历史不过是一幅罪恶与不幸的画卷。

    History is but a picture of crime and misfortune.

  18. 这是一幅玫瑰色得美丽画卷, 对不?

    Pretty rosy picture, right ?

  19. 这是一幅玫瑰色的美丽画卷,对不?

    Pretty rosy picture, right?

  20. 所有这些构成了一幅无比美丽的画卷。

    All of them make a matchless beautiful picture.

  21. 学生求知的眼神是教师心中最美丽的画卷。

    Curious students are a joy to teach.

  22. 在画卷中, 曹植和洛水女神反复多次出现。

    On the scroll, Cao Zhi and the Goddess appear many times.

  23. 那就是一幅灰色得和无味得生活画卷。

    That is a grey and dull picture of life.

  24. 那就是一幅灰色的和无味的生活画卷。

    That is a grey and dull picture of life.

  25. 皖南, 就是一幅舒展不尽得秀丽画卷。

    Wannan, a beautiful landscape scroll painting of the Southern Anhui unrolling in front of us!

  26. 皖南,就是一幅舒展不尽的秀丽画卷。

    Wannan, a beautiful landscape scroll painting of the Southern Anhui unrolling in front of us!

  27. 他们交织在一起,构成了一幅小小的画卷。

    All these components make a small portrait of the city they are living.

  28. 春, 绝对是一幅饱蘸着生命繁华得画卷。

    Spring is definitely a busy life picture.

  29. 春,绝对是一幅饱蘸着生命繁华的画卷。

    Spring is definitely a busy life picture.

  30. 把这张画卷起来以使它不被损坏。

    Roll the picture up so that it does not get damaged.


  1. 问:画卷拼音怎么拼?画卷的读音是什么?画卷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:画卷的读音是huàjuàn,画卷翻译成英文是 scroll painting; grand spectacle




拼音:huà juàn