


1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……





汉语拼音:kě kǒu








  1. 食物味美合口胃。语出《庄子·天运》:“三皇五帝之礼义法度,其犹柤棃橘柚邪!其味相反而皆可於口。” 宋 杨万里 《夜饮以白糖嚼梅花》诗:“剪雪作梅只堪嗅,点蜜如霜新可口。” 明 康海 《越调斗鹌鹑·春游南山》套曲:“休将那不可口的馒头便喫。” 冰心 《张嫂》:“老太太自己烹调,饭菜十分可口。”



  1. Ordering something that will reheat easily will provide you with a delicious lunch or dinner the next day.


  2. "Tasty, but not too gamey, " said my other friend. "We could be eating it in Paris, but for the riesling, which gives it a bright taste. "


  3. He took me out for a nice dinner in return for all of the help I gave him.


  4. Muhtar Kent, Coke president, said the company was "disappointed" but would respect the decision.


  5. They've both embraced the digital world as social media gets bigger and bigger -- but Coke seems to be faring better thus far.


  6. A few days ago, Adam Brown, the head of digital communications at Coca-Cola, got his car washed and the sun shone down on him in Atlanta.


  7. Scottish engineers brought crates of it up the Congo and Zambezi rivers decades before Coca-Cola set foot on the continent.


  8. Coca-Cola said the rumor stemmed from an issue with Brazilian orange products a year ago, but that the truth had been distorted.


  9. Ian Rush booked Liverpool's place in the semi-finals of the Coca-Cola Cup with a typically lethal strike to gun down Arsenal at Anfield.


  1. 这酒可口。

    The wine is dainty.

  2. 可口的饭菜

    a satisfying meal.

  3. 菠萝很可口。

    The pineapple was very luscious.

  4. 确实非常可口。

    And it is quite tasty.

  5. 确实非常可口。

    And it is quite tasty.

  6. 食物依然可口。

    The food was tasty as ever.

  7. 食物依然可口。

    The food was tasty as ever.

  8. 相当美味可口。

    It's delicious. It's savory.

  9. 这汤很可口。

    The soup is very tasty.

  10. 这鱼很可口。

    This fish is very tasty.

  11. 可口的奶油汤

    deliciously creamy soup.

  12. 可口腔崩解

    orally disintegrable.

  13. 嗯, 饭菜很可口。

    Um, it was delicious.

  14. 它还不可口服。

    It's not orally available.

  15. 嗯,饭菜很可口。

    Um, it was delicious.

  16. 酒味清醇可口。

    The wine is pure and smooth to the palate.

  17. 这蛋糕松软可口。

    This cake's nice and moist.

  18. 这点心松脆可口。

    The pastry is light and crisp.

  19. 这泉水纯净可口。

    The spring water was sweet to the taste.

  20. 精致的,极其精致可口

    Exquisite.an exquisite treat.

  21. 美味可口,香醇火热。

    Nice and hot and.

  22. 滋味鲜嫩, 酥软可口

    Fresh, tender and delicious

  23. 这些三明治很可口。

    These sandwiches are tasty.

  24. 精致的,极其精致可口。

    Exquisite. an exquisite treat.

  25. 这种糕点十分可口。

    This kind of pastry is delicious.

  26. 宾馆舒适 名菜可口

    Comfortable Hotels and Delicious Dishes

  27. 来杯可口可乐,怎么样

    How about a coke

  28. 它们看起来非常可口。

    And it looks delicious.

  29. 这些蛋糕绵软可口。

    These cakes are fudgy, gooey, and delicious.

  30. 马提尼酒很可口。

    The martini cocktail really downs.


  1. 问:可口拼音怎么拼?可口的读音是什么?可口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可口的读音是kěkǒu,可口翻译成英文是 tasty

  2. 问:可口可乐拼音怎么拼?可口可乐的读音是什么?可口可乐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可口可乐的读音是kěkǒukělè,可口可乐翻译成英文是 Coca-Cola

  3. 问:可口可乐拼音怎么拼?可口可乐的读音是什么?可口可乐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可口可乐的读音是kěkǒukělè,可口可乐翻译成英文是 Coke

  4. 问:可口地拼音怎么拼?可口地的读音是什么?可口地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可口地的读音是,可口地翻译成英文是 palatably

  5. 问:可口的拼音怎么拼?可口的的读音是什么?可口的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可口的的读音是,可口的翻译成英文是 goluptious

  6. 问:可口之物拼音怎么拼?可口之物的读音是什么?可口之物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可口之物的读音是,可口之物翻译成英文是 dainty

  7. 问:可口吹的拼音怎么拼?可口吹的的读音是什么?可口吹的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可口吹的的读音是,可口吹的翻译成英文是 whistleable

  8. 问:可口可乐企业拼音怎么拼?可口可乐企业的读音是什么?可口可乐企业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可口可乐企业的读音是kěkǒukělèqǐyè,可口可乐企业翻译成英文是 Coca-Cola Enterprises

  9. 问:可口可乐公司拼音怎么拼?可口可乐公司的读音是什么?可口可乐公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可口可乐公司的读音是kě kǒu kě lè gōng sī,可口可乐公司翻译成英文是 The Cocacola Company

  10. 问:可口可乐体育馆拼音怎么拼?可口可乐体育馆的读音是什么?可口可乐体育馆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可口可乐体育馆的读音是,可口可乐体育馆翻译成英文是 Coca Cola Dome

  11. 问:可口式炮火监视架拼音怎么拼?可口式炮火监视架的读音是什么?可口式炮火监视架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可口式炮火监视架的读音是kě kǒu shìpào huǒ jiān shì jià,可口式炮火监视架翻译成英文是 Demountable Artillery Surveillance Pod



“可口”是个多义词,它可以指可口(形容食物的词语), 可口(植物), 可口(香烟品牌)。