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木料,泛指一切原料或资料:~料。教(jiào )~。素~。题~。就地取~。能力,资质:~干(gàn )。大~小用。因~施教(jiào)。棺木:寿~。……
汉语拼音:guān cai
北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·种槐柳楸梓梧柞》:“以为棺材,胜於松柏。”《儒林外史》第二一回:“当下同到 卜老 相熟的店里赊了一具棺材,又拿了许多的布,叫裁缝赶着做起衣裳来,当晚入殮。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“他们说,漆棺材的时候,老太爷挑那个,选这个,非漆上三五十道不可。”
As they were waiting for their meal to arrive, he began doodling a crude picture of a casket on his paper napkin.
在等着饭菜被端上来的时候,他开始在他的餐巾纸上粗糙地画着一口棺材。As the coffin to the grave and habitat: In the day vampire in the coffin or the grave is often open to the body exists in the way.
以坟墓和棺材作为栖息场所:在白昼吸血鬼往往在棺材或坟墓里休憩,以尸体方式存在。He goes to look inside and is mortified at what he sees: the body of a three year old little girl, laid out as though in a coffin.
他往里面看了看,他的所见让他十分难受:一个三岁大小女孩的尸体,像在棺材里一样躺着。This shook the coffin, and caused the poisoned piece of apple which Snow-white had bitten to roll out of her mouth.
这振动了这个棺材,白雪吃的那一口毒苹果从她嘴里滚出来。Morton said the records of acquisition in Europe either did not exist, or were questionable, so the U. S. government seized the coffin. U.
莫顿表示欧洲公司收购的记录要么不存在,要么存在疑点,所以美国政府没收了棺材。Ned: I hate to be a bad host, but I'm sort of exhausted from chasing your coffin.
我不想招待不周,不过今儿个追你棺材追得累死了。Who'll carry the coffin? I, said the Kite, If it's not through the night, I'll carry the coffin.
谁来运载棺材?我,鸢说。如果不用穿过夜晚,我将运载棺材。This would mean your relatives will choose a wood casket, no embalming will be involved and you will be buried a bit closer to the surface.
这将意味着你的亲属会选择一个木制棺材,不含防腐香料,而且你也会被埋得略接近于地层表面。So Joseph died at the age of a hundred and ten. And after they embalmed him, he was placed in a coffin in Egypt.