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1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……
汉语拼音:gǎi zhì
《荀子·正论》:“天下厌然,与乡无以异也;以 尧 继 尧 ,夫又何变之有矣?唯其徙朝改制为难。” 王先谦 集解:“谓殊徽号异制度也。” 宋 曾巩 《<礼阁新仪目录>序》:“失则必改制,以求其当。” 清 戴名世 《画网先生传》:“且夫改制易服自前世已然,因指其髮而詬之曰:‘此种种者而不肯去,何也?’” 毛泽东 《统一战线中的独立自主问题》:“没有红军的改编,红色区域的改制,暴动政策的取消,就不能实现全国的抗 日 战争。”
It was restructured into North China College of Mining in 1993, and began to recruit students all over the country.
1993年改制为华北矿业高等专科学校,面向全国招生;We charge a low price for renovating an old-style leather coat into a fashionable one, and assure your satisfaction.
旧式皮装加工改制成时髦款式,收费低廉,保您称心如意。The system transformation of the research institutes into business is of important significance to better the creativity in researches.
科研院所的转企改制,对提升我国科技创新能力有重要意义。The company operated better than before and gains excellent achievement under new structure.
公司完成转改制后,公司经营活力得到了充分发挥。The author alters legal adjustment as well as the goal of system for state-owned circulation enterprise to put forward plain knowledge.
笔者就国有流通企业改制的目标以度法律调整提出浅显的认识。Her skirt is made out of her mother's old one.
她的裙子由她妈妈的旧的改制的。All previous changes via a year of hardship make, "Drunkard " proper on system already implementation changes.
历经一年艰难改制,“酒鬼”已在体制上彻底实现变革。By the Ministry of Construction approved the establishment of the joint - stock company is one of the earliest and restructuring .
1年经建设部批准成立是全国最早改制的股份制公司之一。At the end of 1993 the company set up in 2001 for the restructuring GF Securities Co.