




水、火、荒旱等所造成的祸害:水~。火~。~难(nàn )。~害。~患。个人的不幸遭遇:招~惹祸。幸~乐祸。破财消~。……



汉语拼音:xiāo zāi






  1. 消除灾祸。

    《后汉书·党锢传·尹敏》:“上疏陈《洪范》消灾之术。”《三国志·魏志·张臶传》:“詔求隐学之士能消灾復异者。” 郭沫若 《中国古代社会研究》第二篇第二章第一节:“吃人钱财,与人消灾。”



  1. In the past, some people would cut off the thread when the kite flew to the sky, letting it drift to wherever the wind took it.


  2. Banding together to share risk, exchanging the possibility of a larger loss for a smaller, certain payment, is the essence of insurance.


  3. A weak dollar is not, however, a get out-of- jail free card.


  4. That's the best we can do -- slow it down. But thinking that we can buy our way out of it is totally bogus .


  5. Children's clothing an important component of implication misfortunes evil, with distinctive ethnic characteristics.


  6. Therefore during the activities around except kibaki new, disaster praying for the center.


  7. Now the boss has not expect subordinates by their money, the disaster for the others.


  8. Also said there is stripped off grapefruit skin skins, attempt to spirits of disaster.


  9. Clear White Glass Beads- Relieve stress, calm nerves; prevent bad luck, good human relationship.


  1. 谨慎消灾。

    Good watch prevents misfortune.

  2. 我们得花钱消灾。

    We gotta try to make this go away.

  3. 得人钱财, 与人消灾

    if one gives me money, I will avert this disaster for him

  4. 祈求神灵消灾降福

    pray to the gods to ward off calamities and send down blessings

  5. 上帝保佑我消灾避祸!

    God blessed me from all evils!

  6. 愿上帝保佑我消灾去祸!

    Bless me from all evils!

  7. 此活动具有消灾驱邪的含义。

    The activity is for getting rid of ghosts and disasters.

  8. 私人部门实际上是在花钱消灾吗?

    Is the private sector in effect buying its way out of trouble?

  9. 愿上帝保佑我消灾去祸!时日过去,消息全无。

    Bless me from all evils! Days went past without any news.

  10. 就是你有什麽灾难,你一诵这个咒就没有了,消灾了。

    Quelling Disasters means that if a calamity is due, reciting the mantra will make it disappear.

  11. 古人认为在重阳节这一天插茱萸可以避难消灾。

    The ancient thought this day inserts the fruit of a medicinal cornel in the double ninth festival to be possible to seek asylum disappears the disaster.

  12. 就是你有什么灾难,你一诵这个咒就没有了,消灾了。

    The Dharma of Quelling Disasters means that if a calamity is due, reciting the mantra will make it disappear.

  13. 女人会把茱萸插在头上或者挂在门窗上,以求避难消灾。

    Women used to stick such a flower into their hair or hang its branches on windows or doors to avoid evilness.

  14. 息灾法就是你有什麽灾难,你一诵这个咒就没有了,消灾了。

    The Dharma of Quelling Disasters means that if a calamity is due, reciting the mantra will make it disappear.

  15. 消灾延寿药师佛

    Medicine Master Buddha Who Dispels Calamities and Lengthens Life

  16. 但也有方法消灾解难。

    However, it can be avoided.

  17. 这张画符可以用来消灾免难。

    This talisman can block off disasters, and evil things.

  18. 这张画符可以用来消灾免难。

    This talisman can block off disasters, and evil things.

  19. 不少人想依靠烧香拜佛来消灾解难。

    Many people want to relieve their worries and difficulties by burning incense and praying to Buddha.

  20. 不少人想依靠烧香拜佛来消灾解难。

    Many people want to relieve their worries and difficulties by burning incense and praying to Buddha.

  21. 藏传佛教认为宝瓶可以镇邪消灾保一方平安。

    According to Tibetan Buddhism, treasure bottle could keep down demons, protect from disasters and bring the safety.

  22. 欢迎意见对药师佛治病因果或所求皆得满你志愿, 消灾免难。

    Comments are welcome on responses to treatment by Medicine Master Buddha or fulfillment of ones requests, quell disasters and prevent misfortunes.


  1. 问:消灾拼音怎么拼?消灾的读音是什么?消灾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消灾的读音是xiāozāi,消灾翻译成英文是 rid calamities; remove ill fortune

  2. 问:消灾寺拼音怎么拼?消灾寺的读音是什么?消灾寺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消灾寺的读音是xiāo zāi sì,消灾寺翻译成英文是 Sojaesa Temple



拼音:xiāo zāi 意为:消除灾祸。