






1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……


两性结合:~偶。~种(zhǒng)。相互分工合作:~合。~器。用适当的标准加以调和:~料。~制。~伍。~药。~色。~餐。有计划地分派、安排:~备。~置。~给(jǐ)。分~。搭~。把缺少的补足:~套。~乐(yuè )。装~。衬托,陪衬:~搭。……



汉语拼音:àn xū fēn pèi







  1. 共产主义的分配原则。即社会根据每个人的需要分配生活资料。



  1. As with platform services, virtualization is an often used method to provide the on-demand rationing of the resources.


  2. "Distribution according to needs" is not the communist element, and cannot become the communist principle of demands.


  3. Absolutely not. -You may recognize this famous quote: 'From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. '


  4. You may recognize this famous quote, "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. " That's from Karl Marx.


  5. Infrastructure services address the problem of properly equipping data centers by assuring computing power when needed.


  6. this principle without highly developed productive forces and vast material wealth?


  7. The three methods of distribution are distribution according to key element, distribution according to work, distribution according to need.


  8. The principle that the government or charity organization abides by is to distribute according to need.


  9. Memory will be allocated on demand, based on current database server load.


  1. 各尽所能,按需分配

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his need

  2. 什么是按需分配?

    What is the principle of to each according to his needs?

  3. 按需分配时分多址解调器

    Demand assignment time division multiple access demodulator

  4. 我们才能做到各尽所能,按需分配。

    We shall be able to apply the principle of from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.

  5. 云计算的灵活性在于能够按需分配资源。

    The flexibility of cloud computing is a function of the allocation of resources on demand.

  6. 政府或慈善机构实行的原则是按需分配。

    The principle that the government or charity organization abides by is to distribute according to need.

  7. 马克思认为真正的公正在于各尽所能, 按需分配。

    Karl Marx believed that the real justice is to do everything according to need.

  8. 按需分配,没有极大丰富的物质条件是不可能的。

    It is impossible to apply that principle without overwhelming material wealth.

  9. 每个排序都有单独的由数据库管理器按需分配的排序堆。

    Each sort has a separate sort heap that is allocated as needed, by the database manager.

  10. 一直在不断努力,确保按需分配返回资金,并使各民族都参加。

    Efforts have continued to ensure that returns funding is distributed according to need and involves all communities.

  11. 按需订货法

    Lot for Lot.

  12. 按需传送数据

    ODDT On Demand Data Transfer.

  13. 按需心脏起搏器

    demand pacemaker

  14. 按需股务系统

    on demand system.

  15. 婴儿应该按需喂食。

    Babies should be fed on demand.

  16. 基金会可以按需开具收据。

    The foundation can provide a receipt if required.

  17. 每周按需使用一到两次。

    Use one or two times per week or as required.

  18. 按需发放避孕套, 我们学校的护士

    by providing contraception on demand , our school nurse..

  19. 植物根下按需自动供济装置

    Automatic Supply Device as Required under Plant Root

  20. 将扩大使用按需印制的新技术。

    The use of new technologies such as print on demand will be expanded.

  21. 按需指尖蒸汽把持一连蒸汽或间歇蒸汽。

    ONDEMAND Fingertip Steam Control for continuous steam or intermittent steam.

  22. 将上述水果洗净后按需切割成形。

    Wash all fruit and cut into desired shapes.

  23. 按需出席及参加各类培训和会议。

    To attend training and meetings and when required.

  24. 按需从厕所上拆下音乐播放器。

    Remove the music tape reproducer from the lavatory if it is necessary.

  25. 按需出席及参与各类培训和会议。

    To attend training and meetings as and when required.

  26. 按需恢复方法通过虚拟设备技术实现。

    The method is implemented by virtual device technology which can be universal.

  27. 我不知道为什么,但是我们按需作活。

    I'm not quite sure why, but we've done it anyway.

  28. 矿井按需分风优化调节的研究进展

    Development of Optimized Regulation of Air Distribution according to Demand in Mine

  29. 按需对深圳办公室的管理工作提供支持。

    Provide other supports to the Shenzhen Site Management at needs.

  30. 这种桌子得全部早期系列都会按需供应。

    A complete back series of this table is available on request.


  1. 问:按需分配拼音怎么拼?按需分配的读音是什么?按需分配翻译成英文是什么?

    答:按需分配的读音是àn xū fēn pèi,按需分配翻译成英文是 distribution according to needs

  2. 问:按需分配多址接入拼音怎么拼?按需分配多址接入的读音是什么?按需分配多址接入翻译成英文是什么?

    答:按需分配多址接入的读音是àn xū fēn pèi duō zhǐ jiē rù,按需分配多址接入翻译成英文是 Demand Assigned Multiple Access

  3. 问:按需分配时分多址拼音怎么拼?按需分配时分多址的读音是什么?按需分配时分多址翻译成英文是什么?

    答:按需分配时分多址的读音是àn xū fēn pèi shí fēn duō zhǐ,按需分配时分多址翻译成英文是 Demand-Assignment Time-Division Multiple-Acce...

  4. 问:按需分配信号传输与交换子系统拼音怎么拼?按需分配信号传输与交换子系统的读音是什么?按需分配信号传输与交换子系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:按需分配信号传输与交换子系统的读音是àn xū fēn pèi xìn hào chuán shū yǔ jiāo huàn zǐ xì tǒng,按需分配信号传输与交换子系统翻译成英文是 Demand-Assigned Signaling and Switching Subsy...

  5. 问:按需分配信号的发送与转换子系统拼音怎么拼?按需分配信号的发送与转换子系统的读音是什么?按需分配信号的发送与转换子系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:按需分配信号的发送与转换子系统的读音是àn xū fēn pèi xìn hào de fā sòngyǔ zhuǎn huàn zǐ xì tǒng,按需分配信号的发送与转换子系统翻译成英文是 Demand-Assigned Signaling and Switching Unit S...