


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……





汉语拼音:dé shì








  1. 取得权势。

    《荀子·非十二子》:“是圣人之不得势者也, 仲尼 子弓 是也……则圣人之得势者, 舜 禹 是也。” 宋 王安石 《拟寒山拾得》诗之十五:“失志难作福,得势易造罪。” 艾青 《诗选·自序》:“也有人夸耀自己的‘政治敏感性’,谁‘得势’了就捧谁,谁‘倒霉’了就骂谁。”

  2. 谓占有优势。

    清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·掌故·陈侍御奏折》:“ 中国 得势,则 中国 强。”

  3. 犹得意。

    柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十四章:“ 老陈 在望不见的渠里那么得势,那么狂喜地尽嗓子吼叫:‘快下来吧,是咱的队伍啊!’”



  1. With anti-immigrant parties gaining ground, few governments are ready to open up to north Africans.


  2. I would share their worries today if it looked as though neoconservatives were regaining power.


  3. Yet Kissinger succeeded in defying an old Washington dictum that you can have in the capital visibility or influence, but not both.


  4. The wicked may gain wealth and power, but they do not get away with their sin; they rise again "to shame and everlasting contempt. "


  5. In Britain large parts of the Conservative Party, which looks set to take power in 2010, would like to sabotage the whole business.


  6. One of these new entrants may one day gain power.


  7. In Qin dynasty, there was a powerful and evil counselor named Zhao Gao.


  8. is in power to your recent person, is you lose power when leaves you farthest person.


  9. Mechanism, standardized bird to prevent such a mess most effective way to get the upper hand.


  1. 他的不得势

    his fall from grace

  2. 反对党似乎开始得势。

    The opposition party seems to be gaining ground.

  3. 我们队渐渐得势。

    Our team gained ground bit by bit.

  4. 这个传统依然得势。

    The convention was still in force.

  5. 这政治家渐渐得势。

    The statesman is gathering strength.

  6. 萨维奇还是会登台得势

    Savage will still rise to power.

  7. 萨维奇还是会登台得势。

    Savage will still rise to power.

  8. 自由党的衰落和工党的得势。

    The decline of the Liberal Party and the rise of labour.

  9. 树叶得势时趾高气扬,失意时威风扫地。

    Leafs will be astrut in breeze but chill when gale makes them falling down.

  10. 在威斯敏斯特中是工党得势。

    The Socialists were in power in Westminster.

  11. 我对崇拜得势人物的行为十分反感。

    m heartily sick of the cult of bandwagon personalities.

  12. 民族主义迅速变为一股危险得势力。

    Nationalism was rapidly becoming a dangerous force.

  13. 这就告诉了我这里得势应该是什么。

    So, that tells me what the potential should be here.

  14. 有时恶人得势竟像青翠月桂树那样繁茂。

    Sometimes the wicked flourishes like bay tree.

  15. 电势表示得是电子在某点得势能。

    Electric potential is the potential energy of electrons at a certain point.

  16. 阴影掷在我面前, 我走在你得势力里。

    A shadow cast before me, I walk inside your circle.

  17. 千万不要因为一时的得势而得意忘形。

    NEVER cheer for the coup until the countercoup has failed.

  18. 总体看,多空转换的速度加快,空方再度得势。

    Overall, the rate of conversion Straddle air to get the upper hand again.

  19. 这部影片再度叙述了他成名与得势的故事。

    The film tells anew the story of his rise to fame and power.

  20. 这同样也是体现谁家得势谁家失意很好的晴雨表。

    They, too, are a good barometer of who is up and who is down.

  21. 这些新得参选人中终有一天会有人得势。

    One of these new entrants may one day gain power.

  22. 这些新的参选人中终有一天会有人得势。

    One of these new entrants may one day gain power.

  23. 湿婆派在印度宗教生活中得势力也在增长。

    The Saivites were also a growing force in the religious life of India.

  24. 官僚和富豪在所有欧洲国家的首都都很得势。

    Bureaucrats and plutocrats thrive in every European capital.

  25. 他得势掌权的经过在头两章里作了简单的描述。

    His rise to power is briefly sketched in the first two chapters.

  26. 如果那个国家的叛徒集团一得势, 人民就要遭殃。

    If the renegade clique of that country were in power, it would have meant serious disaster for the people.

  27. 润湿性则是表面同特定性能得液体, 相互作用得势能。

    Wettability is the potential of a surface to interact with liquids with specified characteristics.

  28. 当然,深度衰退将引发政治反应,极端党派可能得势。

    Deep recessions will, of course, cause a political reaction, and extremist parties may gain.

  29. 它在1945年以后德国的艺术复兴中又重新得势。

    It was again influential in the revival of the arts in Germany after 1945.

  30. 美国新保守派的重新得势与布什政府的新帝国大战略

    The Acsendancy of American Neoconservatives and the Grand Strategy of the Bush Administration for the New Empire


  1. 问:得势拼音怎么拼?得势的读音是什么?得势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:得势的读音是déshì,得势翻译成英文是 be in power


得势,拼音dé shì,汉语词汇,意指取得权势。