


1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……





汉语拼音:jīng xué







  1. 针灸学名词。指隶属于经脉的穴位。

  2. 针灸学名词。针灸穴位分类名。为五腧穴之一。十二经脉各有一个经穴,位置多在腕、踝关节附近。



  1. Shouwuli points belong to the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming, on the main for the treatment of elbow pain up in clinical.


  2. the selection combined points is the scalp acupuncture+yin yang meridians with alternating, the effect will be relatively the best.


  3. Objective: To observe the effect of impulse millimeter wave via acupoint on chronic atrophic gastritis( CAG ).


  4. Bee sting have double action of bee venom and acupuncture by using living bee to sting the channel and points.


  5. There are inhibition or enhancement or biphasic regulation effects of acupuncture on gastric motility and gastroelectricity.


  6. Results In rats, the sound amplitude at the acupoints was higher than the control spots beside them(P05).


  7. At the same time, to provide experimental evidence for the meridian-viscerus-correlation theory and the clinical acupoint prescription.


  8. Influence of Acupuncture of Acupoints of Foot-Yangming Meridian on the Diastolic Length of Gastric Antrum Smooth Myocytes in the Rabbit


  9. Clinical study of continuous point infusion by PCA on treatment of osteoporosis vertebral body compression fractures pain in older patients


  1. 针炙经穴模型

    meridians and points model for acupuncture

  2. 经络经穴探测仪

    detector of channel and acupuncture point

  3. 经穴电测定法

    acupoint electrometry.

  4. 针刺不同经穴

    stimulate different meridian points

  5. 经穴磁导疗法

    Body channels and points magnetic therapy.

  6. 十四经穴图解

    Acupuncture Meridian Theory and Acupuncture Points.

  7. 经穴声信息

    acoustic signal of point.

  8. 经络经穴玻璃人

    glass figure for meridians and acupoints

  9. 经穴针灸人体模型

    acupuncture point model

  10. 经络经穴测定仪

    detector for meridians, collaterals and acupoints

  11. 标准针灸经穴挂图

    Standard Meridian Points of Acupuncture

  12. 足厥阴肝经穴。

    Zujuyin Ganjingxue Points of Liver Meridian of FootJueyin, LR.

  13. 手少阴心经穴。

    Shoushaoyin Xinjingxue Points of Heart Meridian of HandShaoyin, HT.

  14. 手厥阴经穴

    Points of Pericardium Meridian of Hand Jueyin.

  15. 气功经穴导引法

    Qigong Channel Massage

  16. 手阳明大肠经穴。

    Shouyangming Dachangjingxue points of large Intestine Meridian of HandYangming, LI.

  17. 针灸经穴中的冷僻穴

    On Rarely Used Points among The River Points of Acupuncture.

  18. 女性标准针灸经穴部位挂图

    Female Atlas for Standard Location of Acupuncture

  19. 论经穴的穴组与组合穴

    On Point Group and Combinative Point of Meridian Points

  20. 他自己打通了所有的经穴!

    He opened all the meridian points himself!

  21. 经穴刀治疗颈椎病的临床观察

    Meridian point knife treat cervical spondylopathy of clinical observation

  22. 经穴推拿为主治疗郁病61例体会

    Experience on Treatment of 61 Cases of Psychoneurosis by Massage on Channels and Points

  23. 经穴按摩治疗肩周炎临证体会

    Experience on the Treatment of Periarthritis of Shoulder with Massage Through Acupuncture Points

  24. 这幅图绘制出了上肢部的经穴。

    This chart illustrates the acupoints along the upper limbs.

  25. 这幅图绘制出了上肢部得经穴。

    This chart illustrates the acupoints along the upper limbs.

  26. 这幅图绘制出了上肢部的经穴。

    This chart illustrates the acupoints along the upper limbs.

  27. 实验家兔常用经穴的客观检测与标定

    Objective Detection and Labeling of the Common Acupoints in Rabbits

  28. 针刺肝胆经穴治疗偏头痛207例临床研究

    Clinical study on treatment of207 cases of migraine with acupuncture at acupoints on the liver and gallbladder channels

  29. 腰背经穴与脊神经关系的解剖观察

    Anatomic observation on the relation between the spinal nerves and the meridian points on back and loin

  30. 经穴疗效筛选在运动疲劳恢复方面的应用

    Application of acupoint therapeutic efficacy screening in the recovery from sports fatigue


  1. 问:经穴拼音怎么拼?经穴的读音是什么?经穴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经穴的读音是jīngxué,经穴翻译成英文是 In acupuncture, it refers to an acupuncture poin...