


1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……





汉语拼音:ér yì






  1. 连词。表示承接。

    《论语·子张》:“夫子焉不学?而亦何常师之有?”《左传·成公二年》:“公即位,受盟于 晋 ,会 晋 伐 齐 。 卫 人不行使于 楚 ,而亦受盟于 晋 ,从於伐 齐 。”



  1. I have a alternative, but for well the heart didn't select.


  1. 我有选择, 而亦心没有选择。

    I have a alternative, but for well the heart didn't select.

  2. 而挫折感亦终将消失。

    and eventually frustrations will disappear.

  3. 而青蛙亦能够游泳和繁殖。

    And where frogs can swim and breed.

  4. 而它亦是最神秘的动物。

    And it's a most mysterious animal.

  5. 他享受伦敦生活而他亦安定了下来。

    He enjoys London and he is settled.

  6. 而城城亦十分开心, 感觉特别有意义。

    But the city also very happy, the feeling is specially meaningful.

  7. 我们从来没有要求他回来,而他亦没有这样要求。

    We didn't ask him to come back and he didn't ask to come back.

  8. 而星轮亦由一个夹轮手动夹住。

    The starwheel is also swiftly clamped by hand, using a locking wheel.

  9. 这就是现在得状况而我们亦意见一致。

    That's the situation and we are agreed on it.

  10. 这就是现在的状况而我们亦意见一致。

    That's the situation and we are agreed on it.

  11. 而我亦回赠每人一双运动鞋和羽绒服。

    I in return gave everyone a pair of sports shoes and a jacket.

  12. 叛逆者为人唾弃,甚至利用其叛逆而得益者亦唾弃之。

    Traitors are odious even to those who profit by their treason.

  13. 云散了,你却选择了离去,而我亦回到了孤单。

    The wind lulled, The clouds have cleared away. But you chose to leave, And me, still keep alone again

  14. 而行人亦较难判断驶近车辆的速度及距离。

    Pedestrians also lose their ability to judge the speed and distance of approaching traffic.

  15. 而人类亦将喜迎一个新世纪的千岁新年。

    In two years, the world will be greeting the beginning of a new millennium.

  16. 而人类亦将喜迎一个新世纪得千岁新年。

    In two years, the world will be greeting the beginning of a new millennium.

  17. 而圣灵亦加力给我们, 使我活出新人得样式。

    The Spirit of God wants to help us live area of that new nature.

  18. 而圣灵亦加力给我们, 使我活出新人的样式。

    The Spirit of God wants to help us live area of that new nature.

  19. 而绿色亦有暗示新事物之意 护理专业的新生代。

    The green colour also implies something new and youngthe new and younger generation the nursing profession.

  20. 而他亦是民国琴坛一位颇具盛誉的湖南琴家。

    He is also a considerable reputation of the altar of the Republic of guqin Hunan performer.

  21. 而负载量亦都稍高, 有可能是为方便轮椅运送。

    And the capacity is slightly higher, possibly to cater for wheelchair transportation.

  22. 印度要求将其引渡回国, 而美国亦将其列为恐怖主义者。

    India has requested his extradition and he has been designated a terrorist by the United States.

  23. 而师尊亦有很多活跃和受教育的青年僧伽在祂身边。

    And Master also has a lot of dynamic and educated young Sangha around Him.

  24. 而他亦十分满足,一家人围在一起吃饭是件幸福的事。

    But he as well pretty many satisfies, one family's rounding to together have a meal is a elated material.

  25. 他说全家正举债度日,而他亦无钱替儿女买新学年的书。

    He said the family was relying on borrowed money and he could not afford new school books for his children.

  26. 生而快乐死亦欢

    Glad did I live and gladly die

  27. 而水能载舟亦能覆舟。

    The water can bear, or it can capsize.

  28. 而验证实验亦得到相同结果。

    A verification experiment is the result agrees with the prediction.

  29. 因饼上遍布疤痕而名, 亦名籽饼。

    From all over the scar on the cake and the name of yi ming seed cake.

  30. 而骆驼本身亦非常适应在沙漠的生活。

    The camel is marvellously adapted to life in the desert.