


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……


1. 空 [kōng]2. 空 [kòng]3. 空 [kǒng]空 [kōng]不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。没有结果的……



汉语拼音:shàng kōng






  1. 指一定地点上面的天空。

    周立波 《湘江一夜》:“各种火舌,一阵阵爆炸的红焰,一道道弹道的流光,闪耀地交织在墨蓝的田野的上空。”



  1. Finally man learned so much about the sky that he began to use it.


  2. The front page picture shows paratroopers jumping out of the hatch near Mao County, Chongqing yesterday.


  3. The sun hung low above the reed-beds along the western bank, as the wind began to gust and rip.


  4. This took place a year ago, and the long shadow of the law hung over the posters until the club's lawyers dropped the case last week.


  5. Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations of the Surface Signatures of Cold- Season Bands over the Great Lakes .


  6. With the Arab spring turning into a hot summer, the gaze of EU diplomats will no doubt be drawn across the Mediterranean.


  7. The shuttle enabled its astronauts to see, every 90 minutes, how the sun ignited a giant rainbow over the morning Earth.


  8. And also a guy who beat up one of her friends in labour, guy whom she shall hang by the balls over a piranha -infested pool.


  9. A survivor pointed to the sky and asked where NATO's aircraft had been all day.


  1. 上空使用权

    air right

  2. 上空烟雾弥漫。

    Smog hung in the sky.

  3. 照亮心灵上空

    That lightens over the heart

  4. 在机场上空盘旋

    To circle around the airport

  5. 飞机在上空盘旋。

    The plane circled overhead.

  6. 正门上空等你们

    waiting just beyond the main gate.

  7. 照亮了心灵上空。

    That lightens over the heart.

  8. 海鸥在上空盘旋。

    The seagulls circled overhead.

  9. 飞机在上空回旋。

    The airplane is circling overhead.

  10. 海湾上空乌云压顶。

    Huge clouds lowered over the bay.

  11. 直升机在上空盘旋。

    A helicopter is hovering overhead.

  12. 直升机在上空盘旋。

    A helicopter is hovering overhead.

  13. 草原上空烟火滚滚。

    Flames and smoke billowed over the prairie.

  14. 战场上空硝烟弥漫。

    Gun smoke filled the air over the battlefield.

  15. 飞机从上空掠过。

    Planes were sweeping past.

  16. 大轿车上空无一人。

    And the limousine empties out.

  17. 头顶上空雷鸣不断。

    The thunder was still rumbling about overhead.

  18. 头顶上空雷鸣不断。

    The thunder was still rumbling about overhead.

  19. 烟雾在房屋上空密布。

    The smoke clouded above the houses.

  20. 上空的云层越来越厚。

    The clouds above began to get thicker.

  21. 飞机在浓雾上空飞行。

    The aircraft was flying above thick fog.

  22. 洒上空枝见血痕。

    Tears on the branch with some blood stains.

  23. 伯利恒上空的巨星,

    As the star shone over Bethlehem

  24. 飞机在森林上空兜圈子。

    The aeroplane circled over the forest.

  25. 飞机在上空嗡嗡飞过。

    A plane droned overhead.

  26. 它在车上空盘旋。

    It hovered over the car.

  27. 我们正在群山上空飞行。

    We're now flying high up over the mountains.

  28. 飞机在飞机场上空盘旋。

    The aircraft circled over the landing field.

  29. 卢浮宫上空的乌云。

    Heavy clouds above the Musee du Louvre, Paris.

  30. 大雁在头顶上空飞过。

    The wild geese sailed overhead.


  1. 问:上空拼音怎么拼?上空的读音是什么?上空翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上空的读音是shàngkōng,上空翻译成英文是 in the sky; overhead

  2. 问:上空原则拼音怎么拼?上空原则的读音是什么?上空原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上空原则的读音是shàng kōng yuán zé,上空原则翻译成英文是 ad coelum doctrine

  3. 问:上空使用权拼音怎么拼?上空使用权的读音是什么?上空使用权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上空使用权的读音是shàng kōng shǐ yòng quán,上空使用权翻译成英文是 air rights