


1. 少 [shǎo]2. 少 [shào]少 [shǎo]数量小的,与“多”相对:多~。~量。~许。缺,不够:缺~。减~。不经常:~有。~见。短时间:~等。~候。~顷。丢,遗失:屋里~了东西。轻视:“且夫我尝闻~仲尼之闻而轻伯夷之义者,如……





汉语拼音:shào yáng







5.中医学经脉名。分手少阳经和足少阳经。手少阳经为三焦经﹐足少阳经为胆经。 6.见"少扬"。



  1. 东方。

    《史记·司马相如列传》:“邪絶少阳而登太阴兮,与真人乎相求。” 裴駰 集解引《汉书音义》:“少阳,东极。” 晋 张华 《博物志》卷一:“东方少阳,日月所出。” 王闿运 《衡阳常氏家庙碑》:“前设大殿,户向少阳。”

  2. 东宫。太子所居。

    《文选·颜延之<三月三日曲水诗序>》:“正体毓德於少阳。” 李善 注:“正体,太子也……少阳,东宫也。”

  3. 后以指太子。

    南朝 梁 王筠 《昭明太子哀册文》:“式载明两,实惟少阳;既称上嗣,且曰元良。”《旧唐书·李密传》:“始曀明两之暉,终干少阳之位。”

  4. 《易》“四象”之一,符号:(U+268E)。

    《易》以七为少阳。《易·繫辞上》“十有八变而成卦” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“每一爻有三变……其两多一少为少阳者,谓三揲之间,或有一箇九、有一箇八而有一箇四,或有二箇八而有一箇五,此为两多一少也。如此三变既毕,乃定一爻。”

  5. 中医学经脉名。分手少阳经和足少阳经。手少阳经为三焦经,足少阳经为胆经。

  6. 见“ 少扬 ”。



  1. "shaoyang helm" is a important concept of six meridians of Exogenous Febrile Diseases.


  2. Conclusion: Acupuncture at points of The Lesser yang Meridians for treatment of migraine is effective.


  3. They are the manifestations of half exterior and half interior seen in shaoyang disease or malaria.


  4. "The organizers really messed up on this one, " Luo Shaoyang, 34, a retail worker in Beijing, said Tuesday.


  5. Foot Shaoyang Meridian and hand-foot-Yangming is mostly selected, Ying meridian is less involved.


  6. Bupleurum root and Scutellaria root is the core paired-component of the Minor Chaihu decoction.


  7. Shaoyang stroke, ears hear nothing, Mu Chi, chest full of the trouble those who can not spit up, down, spit, Ha palpitate and scared.


  8. Study on Development of the Gallbladder Channel of Foot-Shaoyang in Acupuncture Treatment Chronic Cholecystitis


  9. Experiences of Treating Erythroderma Psoriaticum Caused Fever with Method of Relieving Shaoyang Disorder


  1. 少阳脉, 少阳, 嫩阳

    shaoyang meridians

  2. 少阳经脚气

    shaoyang meridian beriberi.

  3. 少阳病纲要

    outline of SHAO YANG syndrome.

  4. 阴中之少阳

    shaoyang within yin

  5. 少阳病本证

    shaoyang basic syndrome.

  6. 足少阳经筋

    Gall Bladder Muscle Channel.

  7. 足少阳经别

    Gall Bladder Divergent Channel.

  8. 足少阳经病

    disease of gallbladder meridian.

  9. 手少阳经病

    disease of triple energizer meridian.

  10. 足少阳之别

    the collateral of gallbladder meridian.

  11. 手少阳经筋

    musculature of triple energizer meridian.

  12. 阳明少阳合病

    disease involving both yangming and shaoyang meridians

  13. 手少阳之别络

    the collarteral of SAN JIAO meridian.

  14. 明与少阳合病

    yangming and shaoyang syndrome complex.

  15. 病邪直犯少阳

    pathogenic factor invading SHAO YANG directly.

  16. 少阳主半表半里

    SHAO YANG being in charge of half exterior and half interior

  17. 太阳与少阳合病

    disease involving taiyang and shaoyang simultaneously

  18. 少阳常少血多气

    meridian of SHAO YANG regularly having sufficient QI and less blood

  19. 足少阳经别, 足少阳之正

    branches of gallbladder meridian

  20. 手少阳经别, 手少阳之正

    branches of triple energizer meridian

  21. 少阳之至大而浮

    pulse of SHAO YANG being large and floating

  22. 足少阳络脉, 足少阳之别

    collaterals of gallbladder meridian

  23. 手少阳络脉, 手少阳之别

    collaterals of triple energizer meridian

  24. 试论升发少阳清气

    On Ascending Lucid Qi of Shaoyang

  25. 阴中之少阳,足少阳脉,足少阳胆经,足少阳

    gallbladder meridian

  26. 朝医治疗少阳人体质胆囊炎的研究

    Study on cholecystis with soma of Shao yin of korea medicine

  27. 发作期女性少阳经偏头痛针刺方案比较研究

    Comparison Research of Acupuncture Protocols on Acute Attack of Female Migraine of Shaoyang Meridians

  28. 电针少阳经穴对偏头痛的镇痛作用的临床观察

    The Clinical Observation on Analgesic Effect by Electroacupuncture at Meridian Point of Shaoyang in Patients with Migraine

  29. 接通手肺阴经气和手少阳三焦经气,达到阴阳相合。

    Feiyin connected to the gas and hand in hand Shaoyang triple burner by the gas, to coincide yin and yang.