


原故,原由,事物发生前已具备的条件:原~。~素。~果。病~。理由:~为(wéi )。~而。依,顺着,沿袭:~此。~之。~循(a.沿袭;b.迟延拖拉)。~噎废食。陈陈相~。……


1. 应 [yīng]2. 应 [yìng]应 [yīng]该,当,又引申料想理该如此:~当。~该。~分(fèn )。~有尽有。回答:答~。喊他不~。~承。随,即:“桓督诸将周旋赴讨,~皆平定”。姓。应 [yìng]回答或随声相和:~答。呼……



汉语拼音:yīn yìng






  1. The recent introduction of professional ethics into the engineering curriculum was one of the counter active measures taken so far.


  2. When economic environment fluctuates severely, how should the company in an upper position in a supply chain deal with the bullwhip effect?


  3. So Mr. Flowers did his best to be in or close by his glasshouse at the beginning and end of the school day.


  4. Hematopoietic stem cells have been shown to migrate to distant parts of the body in response to injury signals, as have cancer cells.


  5. even the "key texts" may have to be read against the cultural backdrops to which these texts originally responded.


  6. The targets set out in the White Paper were updated regularly to take account of new developments.


  7. The critical advantage of a cost leadership strategy is that the leader can threaten competitors with a price war if they do not behave.


  8. During the course at the acute ward, we summed up the core problem to be social maladjustment via comprehensive assessments.


  9. Indeed we have been sent to help you prepare for Ascension as you put it.


  1. 成立全球气候变迁因应基金

    Global Climate Change Response Fund

  2. 扶轮向来如何因应文盲问题?

    How has Rotary responded to the problem of illiteracy ?

  3. 因应社会诉求而作出的改变。

    The change was response to community wishes.

  4. 它可以因应气候变化 不断发展变化

    And that grows over time dynamically with the threat of climate change.

  5. 接下来将提出反思及因应之道。

    Then we will show how to reflect on and respond to the situation.

  6. 对因应对策之效果的计量评估。

    To enable quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of countermeasures.

  7. 面对禽流感饲料企业因应对策的探讨

    Facing AI, how should feed enterprise deal with AI

  8. 完善政府法治监督体制的因应对策

    The Countermeasures for the Perfection of the Governmental Legal Supervision System

  9. 但审批时间会因应个别情况而异。

    However, the processing time will vary, depending on the circumstances of each application.

  10. 以因应最新天气情况而计划活动。

    Area to facilitate the planning of their activities according to the latest weather conditions.

  11. 准备财务年度报表以因应年度帐目审核。

    Preparation of year end statement for annual audit of the accounts.

  12. 这将有助于纽西兰的弹性因应能力。

    This will help New Zealand respond flexibly.

  13. 扮圣诞老公公只是个因应时节得工作。

    Dressing up as Santa Clause is seasonal work.

  14. 扮圣诞老公公只是个因应时节的工作。

    Dressing up as Santa Clause is seasonal work.

  15. 政府当局因应委员的关注提供书面回应。

    The Administration provided its written response to address members concern.

  16. 现因应大众要求,特别整理明细刊登出来。

    Upon the request from the public, we now publish the breakdown of these contributions.

  17. 弹性皱摺设计有效因应喷气逆洗之功能。

    Elastic pleated design enables effective flushout function.

  18. 我们的世界发生了变化,我们也必须因应而变化。

    Our world has changed and we all have to change with it.

  19. 雨害之防护主要以改善地表排水因应。

    Improved surface water drainage was the only method used to mitigate rainfall damages.

  20. 只有因应时代的潮流和发展,才能生存下去。

    Only by moving with trends and developments can we survive.

  21. 它仅是痛苦指数和因应资源的不平衡。

    It is simply an imbalance of pain versus coping resources.

  22. 顾客可因应自己的需要选择不同的送货方式。

    Customers can choose different shipping methods according to their own needs.

  23. 你们一定不可以因应你的同僚提供假证。

    You must not offer false testimony with respect to your fellow man.

  24. 因应不同的剂型及不同的给药途径, 要求将有所不同。

    The requirements are varied for different form.

  25. 次级债券的利弊分析及我国的因应对策

    Analyzing the Advantages and Disadvantages of Subordinated Bond and the Countermeasures of Our Country

  26. 加强人力资源管理研究因应经济全球化挑战

    Strengthening the research of man power resources management to counter the challenge of economic globalization

  27. 这次敌人来势汹汹,你要想好因应之法啊!

    This time our enemies are bearing down menacingly, you need to think up an plan to deal with them.

  28. 这次敌人来势汹汹,你要想好因应之法啊!

    This time our enemies are bearing down menacingly, you need to think up an plan to deal with them.

  29. 报告次数因应情况有别, 但最低限度一年一次。

    The frequency of these reports will vary but, as a minimum, be annual basis.

  30. 因应委员的要求,政府当局同意提早展开安装工程。

    In response to members request, the Administration agreed to advance the installation programme.


  1. 问:因应拼音怎么拼?因应的读音是什么?因应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:因应的读音是yīnyìng,因应翻译成英文是 To get used to; Cope with