







汉语拼音:xiū xí









  1. 演习;练习。

    《汉书·赵充国辛庆忌传赞》:“山西 天水 、 陇西 、 安定 、 北地 处势迫近 羌 胡 ,民俗修习战备,高上勇力鞍马骑射。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·省烦》:“至乃讲试累月,督以楚挞,昼夜修习,废寝与食。”

  2. 学习;研习。

    《南史·陈新安王伯固传》:“为政严苛,国学有墯游不修习者,重加檟楚,生徒惧焉,由是修业颇进。” 唐 白居易 《六十救学者之失》:“此由官失其业,师非其人,故但有修习之名而无训导之实也。” 元 郑廷玉 《金凤钗·楔子》:“小生造物低,闭了选场,在状元店修习一年,今年春榜动,却去应举去。”

  3. 修行。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·自叙》:“将登名山,服食养性,非有废也,事不兼济,自非絶弃世务,则曷缘修习玄静哉!” 唐 谷神子 《博异志·张竭忠》:“ 天寳 中, 河南 緱氏县 东 太子陵 仙鹤观 ,常有道士七十餘人,皆精专修习,法籙斋戒皆全。” 宋 范成大 《吴船录》卷上:“﹝ 王继业 ﹞诣闕进所得梵夹舍利等,詔择名山修习。” 清 龚自珍 《长相思》词序:“既为祷祝之词,又以见山川清福,亦须从修习而来,殆不可妄得也。”

  4. 修养;涵养。

    明 何良俊 《四友斋丛说摘抄》卷四:“盖公之宽大仁恕出於天性,不假修习。”



  1. I remember when I started practicing Buddhism fourteen years ago, and I was told that the end of this practice was to be happy.


  2. He studied graphic arts for a year to please his parents but then switched to his passion: fashion.


  3. Therefore, I encourage you to try to practice until you meet with you own thoughts and are able to pull yourself out of them.


  4. After learning the Convenient Method, he said he felt very good and would continue the practice.


  5. Just a year ago, I started going to Law School. I am not enrolled for this semester but I am planning to go back and finish it.


  6. "I suppose it's part of my training. " I said. "I'm a monk in the Hare Krsna movement. We live to help others in various ways. "


  7. This teaches us not to listen through views and opinions, but to listen with determination and to try it out with practice.


  8. Whether in primary school or middle school, our focus is nothing but basic knowledge.


  9. Without this mind, no one can hope to be accepted by the Buddha, and therefore is not qualified for the practice of the Esoteric doctrine.


  1. 修习基础课学年

    foundation year

  2. 真正的高人是修习德行的人。

    Real excellent people is who devote to virtuous.

  3. 之后您同时修习小提琴与钢琴

    Later you studied both the violin and piano

  4. 你也可以为对自己做此修习。

    You can do it for yourself also.

  5. 能依此轨来修习是非常好得。

    It would be a wonderful practice to adopt.

  6. 能依此轨来修习是非常好的。

    It would be a wonderful practice to adopt.

  7. 您尊者如何修习而获得大神通?

    By having developed and cultivated what things has the Venerable Anuruddha attained to greatness of direct knowledge.

  8. 他告诉他们净化心灵就要修习五学处。

    He told them that practising the Five Training Steps is necessary to purify the mind.

  9. 有人因修习谛观而疗愈严重得疾病。

    Some people have been cured of serious diseases through the practice of insight meditation.

  10. 有人因修习谛观而疗愈严重的疾病。

    Some people have been cured of serious diseases through the practice of insight meditation.

  11. 今天我相信人们会赌做修习的那组。

    Today I believe the smart money would be on the group that is doing the practices.

  12. 现在, 帕坦加利开始阐述瑜伽和瑜伽得修习。

    Now Sri Patanjali gave the explanation of Yoga and its practice.

  13. 现在,帕坦加利开始阐述瑜伽和瑜伽的修习。

    Now Sri Patanjali gave the explanation of Yoga and its practice.

  14. 直到这个大怪物终于愿意修习五学处了。

    Eventually the monster agreed to follow the Five Training Steps.

  15. 事实上,困难通常是修习起作用的可靠迹象。

    In fact, difficulties usually are a reliable sign that the practice is working.

  16. 他和他的信徒也因修习五学处而出名。

    It also became known that he and his followers were practicers of the Five Training Steps.

  17. 每个学生必须修习两门持续一学年得课程。

    Each student has to pursue two sessional courses.

  18. 每个学生必须修习两门持续一学年的课程。

    Each student has to pursue two sessional courses.

  19. 会后,我们邀请与会来宾参加方便法的修习。

    After the meeting, invitations were extended to everyone to participate in learning the Convenient Method.

  20. 修习中文一年以上或具有相当之中文读写能力。

    Proof of one year study for Chinese, or equivalent ability.

  21. 我们这些在山林修习禅定者,不占卜运气好坏。

    We forest meditators are not seers of good and bad luck.

  22. 修习禅定的人,智商和情商都得到了高度的提高。

    Meditate on the person, IQ and eq are highly improved.

  23. 在英国修习所得的资格在其他欧洲国家是否得到认可?

    Are qualifications gained in Britain recognized in other European countries ?

  24. 国家政治学,相较于其他科学,是我应该潜心修习的。

    The science of government it is my duty to study, more than all other sciences.

  25. 由小学到中学, 所修习得无非是一些普通得基本知识。

    Primary and secondary school will impart to you only some rudiments of knowledge.

  26. 由小学到中学,所修习的无非是一些普通的基本知识。

    Primary and secondary school will impart to you only some rudiments of knowledge.

  27. 正因为如此,哈他瑜伽说首先要修习的是清洁术。

    Therefore, hatha yoga says that the shatkarmas must be practiced first.

  28. 很多年的精进修习后,他成了一个了不起的佛教大师。

    He worked hard for many years and finally became a great Buddhist.

  29. 但是现在修习的人仍然觉察不到他们究竟所求何物。

    But many practicing it today are very unsure of what they are looking for.

  30. 每个兄弟姐妹和孙子修习正法,那麽这些鬼就会跑掉。

    Every brother, sister and grandchild practice in the correct method then the ghosts will run away.