







汉语拼音:zhǔ zhī






  1. 药物和水熬成汁液。

    明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草七·葛》﹝附方﹞:“诸菜中毒,发狂烦闷,吐下欲死。葛根煮汁服。”



  1. With balsam vinegar poured bottom of the pot, pour balm vinegar, cook slightly after the Zhuzhi dry. 3.


  1. 煮汁烹饪时制成的液体, 例如汤

    A liquid substance, such as broth, produced in cooking.

  2. 用香脂醋浇锅底, 倒入香脂醋后把煮汁略微煮干。

    With balsam vinegar poured bottom of the pot, pour balm vinegar, cook slightly after the Zhuzhi dry. 3.

  3. 枸杞浸泡于野菜煮汁内,放入炸好的丝瓜,备用。

    Steep it with medlar into vegetable sauce.

  4. 枸杞浸泡于野菜煮汁内,放入炸好得丝瓜,备用。

    Steep it with medlar into vegetable sauce.

  5. 把槭树汁煮成糖浆

    Boil down the maple sap to a thick syrup

  6. 然后加入鱼露和莱姆汁煮开。

    Add fish sauce and lime juice. Bring back to the boil.

  7. 把黄油硬糖汁煮开,关火。

    Bring the sauce to the boil, and then turn off the heat.

  8. 怀特夫人把枫木汁煮成浓糖浆。

    Mrs.White boiled down the maple sap to a thick syrup.

  9. 把浸汁煮滚,待完全冷后才可用。

    Boil up chicken sauce. Cool aside for later use.

  10. 这部电影就像想用苦涩酱汁煮出一道甜点。

    Slumdog, then, is at best an attempt to cook a saccharine dish in a bitter sauce.

  11. 爆香配料, 赞酒, 注入芡汁煮滚, 埋适量生粉水。

    Saute rest of ingredients, then sprinkle with wine and add sauce. Bring to boil and thicken with cornflour.

  12. 烧热1汤匙油,下芡汁煮至热透,淋于豆腐上,饰以葱丝。

    Heat1 tbsp oil. Heat through the sauce mix and pour over bean curd. Garnish wth shredded green onion.

  13. 烧滚后改用中慢火焖约50分钟,最后用猛火将汁煮浓,便可上碟。

    Bring to the boil and simmer for about 48 minutes. Thicken the sauce over high heat. Serve.

  14. 让我们再回到正在慢煮的蘸汁。

    After the gravy has reduced, it will have thickened up.

  15. 煮热砂糖及淡忌廉。同时煮热柚子汁及柚子皮。

    Cook the sugar and cream. Heat the yuzu juice and yuzu zest.

  16. 黄油汁土豆煮

    Fish and Potato with Butter Sauce

  17. 槭树汁被煮成糖浆。

    The maple sap was boiled down to a thick syrup.

  18. 是的,我要凤梨汁,煮蛋,吐司和茶。

    Yes, Ill have a pineapple juice, a boiled egg with toast and tea, please.

  19. 蕃茄酱汁炖煮五花肉和腊肠, 是老伊这个肉食主义者的最爱。

    Tomato sauce stewed the pork and sausages, it's the meat eater Ivano's favorite.

  20. 食前将汁再煮热,加入大虾同煮5分钟,拌入芫荽碎便可食用。

    Just before serving, reheat the sauce with the prawns and boil for 3 minutes. Stir in the coriander leaves and serve immediately.

  21. 鸭梨汁护色和煮熟味问题研究

    Prevention of color change and cooked flavor in juice of Yali pear

  22. 煮三文鱼配荷兰汁

    poached salmon fillet with Hollandaise sauce

  23. 调味汁不能煮沸,不然蛋黄会凝结的。

    The sauce should not boil or the egg yolk will curdle.

  24. 最后把糖醋汁及腩排煮至浓稠,与菜饭同吃。

    Lastly bring sauce and spareribs to the boil reducing sauce by half. Serve hot with vegetable rice.

  25. 厨师通过煮很长时间把汁液熬浓了。

    The cook reduced the sauce by boiling it for a long time.

  26. 可以, 我要一杯菠萝汁, 一个水煮蛋, 土司和茶。

    Sure, i'd like a pineapple juice, also, a boiled egg and tea and toast, please.

  27. 陈皮卤水汁材料放煲内煮滚, 改用中慢火熬15分钟至陈皮出味。

    Bring tangerine peel sauce to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes until well flavoured.

  28. 制法用法先煎蒲公英, 金银花, 去渣取汁, 再入粳米煮成稀粥。

    Make law use First decoct dandelion, honeysuckle, go broken bits takes juice, reentry rice boils gruel.

  29. 煮泡即用泵将麦芽汁输送至酿造罐中。

    The liquid is next pumped to the brew kettle.

  30. 澳大利亚和牛塔塔配水煮滑蛋和羊肚菌奶油汁

    an appetizer of Tartar of Wagyu beef, poached egg and morel cream sauce