







汉语拼音:shǐ shí








  1. 历史事实。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文二集·从“别字”说开去》:“史实在不断的证明着它只是一种‘并无其事’。” 孙犁 《秀露集·耕堂读书记一》:“史家为了史实而牺牲生命,传为美谈。” 吴晗 《论反内战运动》:“根据过去的史实,谁都知道共产党是消灭不了的。”



  1. In an interview with the BBC, the director said he had wanted to make a movie that represented the truth of what went on in Nanjing.

  2. "1911" tells its story like a great, bloody historical pageant, with a large cast of broadly drawn heroic characters (and a few villains).

  3. "If they concede historicity, all the ideology will just fall down, " he said, ". . . the entire ideology of the word of God. "

  4. Longitudinal are facts, non-additive representations, would not be easy to specify.

  5. Our history teacher is always generalizing; he never deals with anything in detail.

  6. From the fall of Qing to 1949 China has no central authority of any legitimacy, its a fact.

  7. The paper gives an incisive study of the historical data and reveals the facts of that historical period.

  8. "Yes, " said Landon, "he couldn't help it, for you will recall the fact, doctor, that Alexander the Great had Aristotle for a teacher. "

  9. But it's all true. - What's truth got to do with it?


  1. 最佳史实记录片

    Best Documentary of Historical Interest

  2. 小说来源于一段史实:

    The book was based on fact:

  3. 该书内容与史实不符。

    The book is historically inaccurate.

  4. 这些仅仅是孤立的史实么?

    So are these isolated incidents?

  5. 这些仅仅是孤立得史实么?

    So are these isolated incidents ?

  6. 这些故事大多有史实根据。

    Most of these stories are based on historical facts.

  7. 这本书记录了大量史实。

    The book is highly documented.

  8. 史实和任何事情有什么关系?

    What's truth got to do with anything?

  9. 清绥远城驻防八旗史实纵览

    The fact of the Eight Banners garrisoned in Sui Yuan City of Qing Dynasty

  10. 我对军事史实在一窍不通。

    Military history is really outside my domain.

  11. 我对军队史实在一窍不通。

    Military history is really outside my domain.

  12. 书里提供了一些有趣的史实。

    The book provides some interesting historical facts.

  13. 它们是设作史实剑技使用,

    They were designed to be used with historical accurate swordsmanship techniques.

  14. 考据史实独辟蹊径 吴缜的考据史学研究

    On Wu Zhen's Historical Textual Research

  15. 下表中将试图具体列出编目史实。

    The following chart attempts to crystallize the history of cataloguing.

  16. 抗日战争史实维护会, 设于美国。

    Alliance for Preserving the Truth of SinoJapanese War.

  17. 不要改变回合方,如果史实先开始

    Do not vary turn one, if Historical First Turn.

  18. 关于林则徐研究的若干史实补正

    Addenda and Corrigenda to Some Historical Studies on Lin Zexu

  19. 二是引证的材料与原文的史实不符。

    The quotations didn't tally with the history in the original book.

  20. 让我引述一些史实作为我立论的前提。

    Let me premise my argument with a bit of history.

  21. 纵是史实, 非加申述, 亦不易明。

    Longitudinal are facts, nonadditive representations, would not be easy to specify.

  22. 让我引述一些史实然后摆出我的观点。

    Let me premise my argument with a bit of history.

  23. 这种稗官野史中记载的未必都是史实。

    These are all anecdotes, but what they describe are not necessarily historical facts.

  24. 这种稗官野史中记载的未必都是史实。

    These are all anecdotes, but what they describe are not necessarily historical facts.

  25. 这种稗官野史中记载得未必都是史实。

    These are all anecdotes, but what they describe are not necessarily historical facts.

  26. 有关古埃及的史实, 最近已有新发现。

    New facts about the ancient Egypt have recently come to light.

  27. 有关古埃及得史实, 最近已有新发现。

    New facts about the ancient Egypt have recently come to light.

  28. 学生们很快便对听连串史实厌烦起来。

    Students soon grow weary of listening to a parade of historical facts.

  29. 中央红军长征过龙胜的一些史实辨析

    A New Explanation of Some Historical Facts of Chinese Red Army Travelling Through Longsheng County during Long March

  30. 吐鲁番出土文书充分证明了这一史实。

    The unearthed documents in Turpan fully testify the historical fact.


  1. 问:史实拼音怎么拼?史实的读音是什么?史实翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史实的读音是shǐshí,史实翻译成英文是 historical fact

  2. 问:史实性拼音怎么拼?史实性的读音是什么?史实性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史实性的读音是,史实性翻译成英文是 historicity




【拼音】shǐ shí


【引文】鲁迅 《且介亭杂文二集·从“别字”说开去》:“史实在不断的证明着它只是一种‘并无其事’” 。 孙犁 《秀露集·耕堂读书记一》:“史家为了史实而牺牲生命,传为美谈” 。 吴晗 《论反内战运动》:“根据过去的史实,谁都知道共产党是消灭不了的”。