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1. 奢 [shē]奢 [shē]用钱没有节制,过分享受:~侈。~靡。穷~极欲。过分的:~盼。~求。~望。夸张:~言。……
汉语拼音:shē wàng
明 沉德符 《野获编·科场二·阁试》:“诸进士中有声有援者,各怀奢望,亦各挟妬心。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·论文下·文字凝炼》:“先大夫起而谢曰:不敢奢望,异日得如 晋竹 登贤书,有笔墨传留,於愿足矣。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》十一:“改善整个教育界呢,我也没有这样的奢望。这一个镇,如其能因我们的努力而改善,我就满意了。”
roy: i guess it's too much to hope for you to thank me for rescuing you, right?
我猜,要你为来救你而感谢我一定是我的奢望吧?This seems to be the only form of life, many people expect too lost to know the back of the existence of well-being.
这似乎是活着的唯一形态,许多过于奢望的人在失去后方知幸福的存在。It is too much to hope it will happen in a year. But it had better start soon.
期待这种变革能在一年之内发生,实属奢望;不过,它也最好能早些启动。I don't have any illusions that this sort of thing could be anything near a complete education. Some lessons have to be hard-won.
我并不奢望这类培训能够代替正规而完整的教育,能够选修上一些正规的课程是很难得的。And a, edge to edge, who did not expect each other is always thought?
聚散一场,缘来缘往,谁不曾奢望是彼此永远的念想?Basketball is still hope for, although do not expect to eight team dreams of the United States could try to destabilize him.
对男篮还是抱着希望的,虽然并没有奢望到能跟美国梦八队叫板。He did not want this fresh ambition, Van Gogh added anxiously, to be taken as "a new act of madness" or an attempt at self-sacrifice.
梵高焦虑的继续写道,他不想使这种新的奢望被当成是“一种新的疯狂举动”或者自杀企图。We used to see clear blue sky and breathe fresh air, but now this would be a real luxury.
我们过去还能看到蔚蓝的天空,呼吸到新鲜的空气,但现在这成了一种奢望。Without a degree and with no experience in teaching, he did not place hopes on getting the teaching post.