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抛,掷,扔(多指有目标的):~篮。~弹(dàn )。跳进去:~河。自~罗网。放进去,送进去:~入。~资。~标。走向,进入:~宿(找地方住宿)。~奔。~靠。~降。~师(从师学习)。~诉。发向:~射。~影。寄,递送:~递。~稿。合:~合。意气相……
汉语拼音:tóu qiú
While not necessarily shocked at the effectiveness of Wang, Torre was a little surprised he was able to maintain a no-hitter for so long.
王建民的投球效率不会让人惊讶,但是托瑞对于能这麽场时间没有被击出安打却很惊奇。Justin followed it with his 'eyes' and moved his arm down to grab it when a researcher threw it in his direction.
当研究人员向他投球时,贾斯丁会用眼睛盯着球然后移动他的手臂接住球。Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, and he lost hundreds of games and missed thousands of shots during his career.
迈克尔•乔丹被高中篮球队裁掉,在职业生涯中输了数百场比赛,数千次投球未中。In Game 1, Wang had been too strong and the pitch did not sink, causing him to abandon his game plan and throw more slides and change ups.
在第一战时,小王因休息太久而使他的下沉球无法下沉,破坏了他投球计划而让他投了许多滑球和变速球。Mouse operation point play to start netball, the ball flew to the heart-best time playing early are to be stressed.
鼠标操作,点play为开始投球,球飞到准心的时候打最好,提前量要把握好。That time, Girardi and Cashman said Pettitte would likely have pitched if it had been the regular season.
那一次,吉拉迪和现金人说如果是在球季时,可能还是会让他下场投球。TOM: But I'm not giving it to you, unless you promise me to go outside right now and practice throwing for 20 minutes, okay? You promise?
除非你们保证马上到外面去,练习20分钟投球,我才会把球给你们,行吗?你们保证?。But it was not as if James and Wade just ran down the court, told everyone else to get out of the way and launched off-balance jumpers.
但这不是说詹姆斯和韦德就控制着球权,叫所有人都闪到一边去,然后在失去平衡的情况下强行投球。The knuckle ball is an extremely slow pitch, but can be very effective due to its lack of predictability.