


与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……




1. 父 [fù]2. 父 [fǔ]父 [fù]爸爸,母亲的丈夫:~母。~辈。~子。~兄。对男性长辈的称呼:~老(一国或一乡的长者,亦指古代乡里中管理公共事物的人)。伯~。舅~。父 [fǔ]老年人:田~。渔~。同“甫”。……



汉语拼音:wài zǔ fù






  1. 母亲的父亲。俗称外公。

    《汉书·外戚传上·孝宣许皇后》:“ 许后 立三年而崩,諡曰 恭哀皇后 ,葬 杜南 ,是为 杜陵南园 。后五年,立皇太子,乃封太子外祖父 昌成君广汉 为 平恩侯 ,位特进。”参见“ 外公 ”。



  1. Theirs was out in the front yard, and had a little bed and a small table with a coal-oil lantern on it.


  2. It belonged to my grandfather; that was Major Knox: you've read about him in history books, I guess.


  3. But it seemed to strike upon her grandfather, though he had not noticed it before .


  4. And my grandfather and grandmother in the United Kingdom, they do not like the food there, neither the British.


  5. My grandfather lived an active, independent life until the day before he died in 2002, just a few days short of his 96th birthday.


  6. A young man is forced to join his grand father in a search for his father, who has fled with the body of his deceased wife.


  7. That "then" signified: If you do not come to embrace me. Marius looked at his grandfather, whose pallor gave him a face of marble.


  8. "It was always my aim eventually to run a bigger company than my grandfather, " he said once.


  9. There seemed to be a word gene that passed down from her maternal grandfather.


  1. 这是外祖父。

    This was the grandfather.

  2. 他外祖父还健在。

    The grandfather on his mothers side is still living.

  3. 一言为定了。外祖父说。

    That's settled, said the grandfather.

  4. 我的外祖父, 姨母等。

    my maternal grandfather, aunt, etc

  5. 我的外祖父要来了。

    My maternal grandfather is coming.

  6. 我得外祖父要来了。

    My maternal grandfather is coming.

  7. 我的外祖父会修自行车。

    My grandfather is skilled in repairing bicycles.

  8. 昨晚我梦见了我的外祖父。

    I remembered my grandfather in my dream last night.

  9. 我从没见过我的外祖父。

    I never got to meet my grandfather.

  10. 这个孩子的外祖母外祖父呢?

    The child's grandmother, grandfather it?

  11. 我和你提过的我的外祖父。

    As I've been telling you about my grandfather.

  12. 我外祖父和外祖母是老的。

    My grandfather and grandmother are old.

  13. 而我外祖父正是这么一个人。

    That's exactly what my grandfather was.

  14. 她外祖父正在火旁陶然独乐。

    Her grandfather was enjoying himself over the fire.

  15. 他的外祖父是飞行的先驱者之一。

    His grandfather was one of the pioneers of flying.

  16. 同外祖父分离是她最担心的灾祸。

    separation from her grandfather was the greatest evil she could dread.

  17. 外祖父谦恭地脱下帽子, 谢谢她。

    The grandfather humbly pulled off his hat and thanked her.

  18. 外祖父他老人家可怜的微笑全属枉然。

    The grandfather absolutely wasted his poor old smile.

  19. 外祖父和外祖母一有机会就手牵着手。

    Grandma and Grandpa held hands every chance they could.

  20. 她的外祖父吃得很香,她看了很高兴。

    Her grandfather ate greedily, which she was glad to see.

  21. 我的外祖父是一个聪明的老人, 它告诉我。

    My grandfather is the old person of a wisdom, it tells me.

  22. 在躲藏两年过后 我外祖父在伦敦出现了

    After two years in hiding, my grandfather appeared in London.

  23. 他的外祖父是一位癌症研究领域的先驱。

    His grandfather was one of the pioneers in cancer research.

  24. 说实在的, 马吕斯误解了他外祖父的心。

    We admit that Marius was mistaken as to his grandfather's heart.

  25. 他的外祖父于1907年开始从事石油生产投资。

    His granddad got into oil production investments in1907.

  26. 同外祖父分离是她最担心的一种灾祸。

    Separation from her grandfather was the greatest evil she could dread.

  27. 当地许多达官贵人都参加了他外祖父的葬礼。

    Many of the local dignitaries attended his grandfathers funeral.

  28. 珂赛特挽着外祖父的手臂在花园里散步。

    Cossets had taken the grandfather's arm and were strolling in the garden.

  29. 我叫林达威尔逊, 和我外祖父给我取的。

    My name is Linda Wilson. I was named after my grandmaother.

  30. 外祖父的堂兄雅阁布,他是第一个来到的人

    Grandpa's cousin jacob, he's first to come out


  1. 问:外祖父拼音怎么拼?外祖父的读音是什么?外祖父翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外祖父的读音是wàizǔfù,外祖父翻译成英文是 grandfather; mother's father

  2. 问:外祖父母拼音怎么拼?外祖父母的读音是什么?外祖父母翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外祖父母的读音是wài zǔ fù mǔ,外祖父母翻译成英文是 maternal grandparents

  3. 问:外祖父法拼音怎么拼?外祖父法的读音是什么?外祖父法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外祖父法的读音是wài zǔ fù fǎ,外祖父法翻译成英文是 grandfather method

  4. 问:外祖父模型拼音怎么拼?外祖父模型的读音是什么?外祖父模型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外祖父模型的读音是wài zǔ fù mó xíng,外祖父模型翻译成英文是 maternal grand sire model