




1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……







汉语拼音:qīng jiā dàng chǎn





全部家产都给弄光了。《三国志·蜀书·董和传》:“货殖之家,侯服玉食,婚姻葬送,倾家竭产。” 倾:倒出。荡:弄光。



  • 【解释】:倾:倒出;荡:扫除,弄光。全部家产都被弄光了。
  • 【出自】:《三国志·蜀书·董和传》:“货殖之家,侯服玉食,婚姻葬送,倾家竭产。”
  • 【示例】:匪徒们眼瞪着他们的大锅盔,~。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、补语;含贬义


  1. If he had known what it had cost me to acquire my art, he would also have known that it would break any collector to buy it.


  2. A well-known local chemists, openly ridiculed Wang Yung-ching did not know what the plastic, plastic plant start-up money to be sure!


  3. Some investors are sure to see their shirts blown away in the wind.


  4. Within a year, poor sales forced him to close the store, and bad business deals with the shady Baath Brothers left him destitute.


  5. Obviously I'm not going to break the bank, but a cup of coffee or two isn't going to break me and it just might make their day.


  6. How much , even if convert bankrupt, at a time you cure nice she, how much all work!


  7. The gipsy grumbled frightfully , and declared if he did a few more deals of that sort he'd be ruined.


  8. If I had taken out a life policy on this one the premiums would have bankrupted me ages ago.


  9. He hopes that Mako will do the same and settle down with him, however it is still Iketani in her heart.


  1. 使人倾家荡产

    lamb down.

  2. 赌博使他倾家荡产。

    Gambling ruined him.

  3. 赌博使他倾家荡产。

    He was ruined by gambling.

  4. 赌博导致他倾家荡产。

    Gambling has brought about his ruin.

  5. 他吃得我倾家荡产。

    He's been eating me out of house and home.

  6. 他吃得我倾家荡产。

    He's been eating me out of house and home.

  7. 她眼看就要倾家荡产了。

    Ruin was staring her in the face.

  8. 你会令我倾家荡产的。

    You will be the ruin of me.

  9. 我们要告得你倾家荡产!

    We're going to sue your pants off!

  10. 酒和美色使人倾家荡产。

    Wine and wenches empty men's purse.

  11. 那场官司使我倾家荡产。

    I was financially ruined by the lawsuit.

  12. 他们为了那所房子倾家荡产。

    They took a ruinous expenditure on the house.

  13. 他能把你吃得倾家荡产。

    He can eat you out of house and home.

  14. 他能把你吃得倾家荡产。

    He can eat you out of house and home.

  15. 购买新房子使我们倾家荡产。

    Buying our new house has completely cleaned us out.

  16. 我们倾家荡产了,我们必须面对事实。

    We are ruined, and must face up to the fact.

  17. 我非要把你告倒,让你倾家荡产!

    I'm gonna sue your pants off!

  18. 原告虽然胜诉,如弄得倾家荡产。

    The plaintiff had won, but was ruined financially.

  19. 我被那场官司搞得倾家荡产。

    I was ruined by that law case.

  20. 他不得不倾家荡产,无法重新开始了。

    He had to be sold out and was unable to make a fresh beginning.

  21. 如果你买错股票, 你可能会倾家荡产。

    If you have a bad stock, you can lose your shirt.

  22. 在弹子球房那晚我倾家荡产了。

    My night at the billiard parlor left me busted.

  23. 她要把我吃得倾家荡产不可了!

    She grazes all day long! She will eat me out of house and home!

  24. 史密斯先生因赌赛马而倾家荡产。

    Mr Smith lost his shirt betting on the horses.

  25. 失业加上长期的疾病,使他倾家荡产。

    Unemployment and lingering disease cooperated to make his family broken.

  26. 然而也有人为了她而倾家荡产的。

    And yet men had ruined themselves for that woman.

  27. 当他们倾家荡产时, 大家都说他们是活该。

    When they lost their fortune, everyone said that they had it coming.

  28. 得啦!看一晚上戏不会倾家荡产的。

    Come on!One evening at the theatre won't break the bank.

  29. 他们一旦安家落户,能吃得你倾家荡产。

    Once they establish residency, they can eat you out of house and home.

  30. 即使倾家荡产,他也要为儿子讨个公道。

    Hw wants justice for his son, if it costs him his hast penny.


  1. 问:倾家荡产拼音怎么拼?倾家荡产的读音是什么?倾家荡产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾家荡产的读音是qīngjiādàngchǎn,倾家荡产翻译成英文是 be ruined



词 目 倾家荡产 发 音 qīng jiā dàng chǎn 释 义 倾:倒出;荡:扫除,弄光。全部家产都被弄光了。 出 处 《三国志·蜀书·董和传》:“货殖之家,侯服玉食,婚姻葬送,倾家竭产。” 示 例 匪徒们眼瞪着他们的大锅盔,~。(曲波《林海雪原》三十) 歇后语:打鱼子碰烂船;跌翻鸟窝砸碎蛋 用 法 联合式;作谓语、定语、补语、状语;指破产,含贬义。 近义词 一贫如洗、家徒四壁 反义词 兴家立业