




1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……



汉语拼音:wú jí






  1. 没有赶到。

    《左传·宣公十二年》:“无及於 郑 而勦民,焉用之? 楚 归而动,不后。”

  2. 来不及。

    《左传·哀公六年》:“作而后悔,亦无及也。” 宋 苏轼 《代张方平谏用兵书》:“帝虽悔悟自克,而殁身之恨,已无及矣。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致章廷谦》:“老板今天来访我,然已无及,因为我的箭已射出了。”



  1. "The white has no and tightly stares at her, " you what all good, be deed impetuously too many, hesitant, will break down important event.


  2. Your intention only have a , be carry out your white have no and of private desires and greed!


  3. Tragically, they learned too late that he was Polish, and a member of the RAF.


  4. This time solicit white have no and, perhaps not satisfactory!


  5. Removed some of the "Cracked, Rusty, Battered" and other nasty weapon conditions.


  6. overburdened with guilt, remorse, debt.


  7. Duke of Zhou, also a saint, no future generations and Yan.


  8. Whether there is the tax revenue and how many, it directly affects each industrial development prospect.


  9. Sun, also a saint, and no later Yan;


  1. 税收的有无及多少, 直接影响着各个产业发展的前景。

    Whether there is the tax revenue and how many, it directly affects each industrial development prospect.

  2. 根据对自杀各维度态度可以判断自杀意念的有无及强弱。

    Suicidal ideation and the existence of strong and weak can be judged according to the attitude of suicide.

  3. 难民及无国籍人

    refugee and stateless persons

  4. 磁砖磁砖分上釉及无釉。

    Tile Tile cent glaze and without glair.

  5. 青椒主要病虫害及无公害综合防治技术

    The main diseases of the green pepper and its nuisanceless comprehensive control and prevention technology

  6. 韭菜主要病虫害及无公害综合防治技术

    Primary Insect Pests and Diseases of Chinese Leek and Comprehensive Prevention and Control with Public Harmless Technology

  7. 无编号及姓名。

    Without Number and Name.

  8. 红曲中桔霉素的检测控制及无桔霉素红曲产业化

    Detection and control of citrinin in Monascus and its strategy of industrial production.

  9. 及无意识的设计 影响这些肉眼不可见的世界

    and unconscious design, we're impacting these invisible worlds.

  10. 交际中无语语用学及无语现象的理论基础

    The Pragmatics of Silence in Communication and Theoretical Foundations of Silence

  11. 对各种炼焦工艺及无回收焦炉的评述

    Commentary on Various Coke making Process and No Recovery Coke Oven Batteries

  12. 注入有功功率及无功功率为零的节点。

    Node with zero input active and reactive power.

  13. 概述了热镀锌钝化及无铬钝化技术的发展历程。

    The development of hot galvanizing technology was described.

  14. 限流,自动关机,保险丝及无熔丝开关保护。

    Limits Current, automatically shuts down the machine, without fuse switch protection.

  15. 讨论了准晶体及无公度相得对称特点。

    The symmetry characters of quasiperiodic crystals and incommensurable phases were discussed.

  16. 选手须穿著白色无条纹及无滚边之空手道服。

    Contestants must wear a white karate gi without stripes or piping.

  17. 代理授权行为的独立性及无因性问题再探

    Inquired about Independence and Abstract Issue of Agency Authority

  18. 韭菜干尖黄叶病害诊断及无公害防治技术

    Diagnosis for the Disease of the Yellow Dry Top Leaves of Chives and Its Prevention and Control

  19. 广泛用于重量分析、微量分析、胶体分离及无菌实验中。

    They are widely used for gravimetric analysis, microanalysis, colloid separation and sterility test.

  20. 计及无功功率成本及其资源价值的无功采购方法

    A method of dynamic reactive power procurement considering cost and resource value of reactive power

  21. 无毒,无刺激性及抗原性。

    It had no toxicity, irritation, and antigenicity.

  22. 芳香烃含量极低, 确保不损皮肤及无刺激性气味。

    Extremely low aromatic content, ensuring no harmful to skin and no smell.

  23. 淮山中多酚氧化酶特性及无硫护色脱水工艺

    Characteristics of Polyphenol Oxidase in Chinese Yam and Nonsulfur Prevention of Discoloration in Chinese Yam Processing

  24. 直线同步电动机直接牵引力控制及无速度传感器运行研究

    Direct Thrust Control for Linear Synchronous Motors and Sensorless Operation

  25. 除特别注明外,所有作品为录像制式,彩色及无对白。

    Unless otherwise stated, all animations in video format, colour and without dialogue.

  26. 伯尔拜伦德, 经济学家, 作家, 及无政府主义网站的创建人。

    Per Bylund economist, writer, and founder of web site Anarchism. net.

  27. 蒜苔无黄斑点及其它病毒。

    The garlic moss has no the yellow fleck and other virus.

  28. 超强回热特性,补偿温度迅速,适用低温焊接及无铅焊接。

    Super speed on heat recovery and widely applied for low temperature soldering and leadfree soldering.

  29. 锅内有无残浆及其它杂物。

    Whether there is pulp remnant or other sundries in the tank.

  30. 加密是指将讯息转换成不能理解及无意义的数据。

    Encryption refers to the conversion of a message into an incomprehensible , meaningless form of data.




【读音】wú jí



【示例】 明冯梦龙《东周列国志》第七十一回:“(齐)景公急使人止之,已无及矣。” 鲁迅《书信集·致章廷谦》:“老板今天来访我,然已无及,因为我的箭已射出了。”