







汉语拼音:cāng ying



  1. As he thought, the day grew warmer and the flies began to settle on his legs and tickle his bare feet.


  2. I'm like the fly which is climbing on the glass, the sunshine is in front of me, but i just cannot find out the outlet.


  3. But just sit down and a fly is on the old man flying around, the old man felt very tired, want to drive off the fly, laid his hand.


  4. At the same time as if to open a new window, the sun and fresh air would come in, but the flies, mosquitoes will come.


  5. Housefly Bob: Well, I was just thinking how much money people spent building this beautiful ceiling and then they walk on the floor!


  6. If I was to get a habit (as you call it) of walking on the ceiling, like the flies, I should hear enough of it, I daresay.


  7. Yet, the lingered flies in the pavilion and fragmentary remains on the road make everything around seem to be out of the common in October.


  8. A man, telling me about his solitude not long ago said. "Last winter I got to the point of missing the flies. "


  9. This positioning then lets the fly spring into a flight pattern that takes it out of the danger zone.


  1. 苍蝇嗡嗡叫。

    Flies buzz.

  2. 蓝色大苍蝇

    The BlueTail Fly.

  3. 尸食性苍蝇

    necrophagous flies.

  4. 骆驼和苍蝇

    The Camel and the Fly

  5. 钉子还是苍蝇

    A Nail or a Fly

  6. 苍蝇大量繁殖。

    Flies multiply enormously.

  7. 苍蝇一度肆虐。

    The flies were a terrible torment.

  8. 飞排打苍蝇

    Fei Pai swatting the fly

  9. 拍那只苍蝇。

    Give that fly a swat.

  10. 她挥走苍蝇。

    She whisked the fly away.

  11. 苍蝇大都不螫人。

    Most flies do not sting.

  12. 雄鹰不捕苍蝇。

    The eagle does not chase flies.

  13. 苍蝇让我们讨厌。

    Flies pester us.

  14. 因此苍蝇喜欢它。

    So flies love this.

  15. 苍蝇可污染食物。

    Flies contaminate food.

  16. 猫头鹰不捉苍蝇。

    An eagle does not catch flies.

  17. 孩子赶走了苍蝇。

    The child drove away the flies.

  18. 正在靠近这个苍蝇

    that is going to go at the fly.

  19. 驱除苍蝇的喷雾器

    An aerosol spray that repels flies.

  20. 苍蝇是带菌体。

    Flies are germ carriers.

  21. 苍蝇嗡嗡地乱飞。

    The flies are buzzing about.

  22. 膏油中的死苍蝇

    Dead flies in the ointment

  23. 苍蝇叮脚脚不痛。

    Nyengznyaen haeb din vaiz mbouj in.

  24. 苍蝇会弄脏食物。

    Flies contaminate food.

  25. 苍蝇别来打扰我。

    Shoo, Fly, Dont Bother Me.

  26. 我们为苍蝇所扰。

    We were pestered with flies.

  27. 黄棕色非洲大苍蝇

    Congo floor fly

  28. 在苍蝇身上,是的

    And that is the case in flies.

  29. 苍蝇振翅嗡嗡作声。

    The fly buzzed its wings.

  30. 马甩尾赶苍蝇。

    The horse switched its tail to drive off the flies.


  1. 问:苍蝇拼音怎么拼?苍蝇的读音是什么?苍蝇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍蝇的读音是cāngying,苍蝇翻译成英文是 fly

  2. 问:苍蝇座拼音怎么拼?苍蝇座的读音是什么?苍蝇座翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍蝇座的读音是cāngyíngzuò,苍蝇座翻译成英文是 Musca

  3. 问:苍蝇拍拼音怎么拼?苍蝇拍的读音是什么?苍蝇拍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍蝇拍的读音是,苍蝇拍翻译成英文是 flyswatter

  4. 问:苍蝇幼虫拼音怎么拼?苍蝇幼虫的读音是什么?苍蝇幼虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍蝇幼虫的读音是cāng yíng yòu chóng,苍蝇幼虫翻译成英文是 fly larva

  5. 问:苍蝇座γ拼音怎么拼?苍蝇座γ的读音是什么?苍蝇座γ翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍蝇座γ的读音是,苍蝇座γ翻译成英文是 Gamma Muscae

  6. 问:苍蝇座δ拼音怎么拼?苍蝇座δ的读音是什么?苍蝇座δ翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍蝇座δ的读音是,苍蝇座δ翻译成英文是 Delta Muscae



“苍蝇”是个多义词,它可以指苍蝇(萨特话剧), 苍蝇(英国近代诗歌), 苍蝇(周作人的作品), 苍蝇(双翅目蝇科动物), 苍蝇(5.南斯拉夫动画片), 苍蝇(美国系列电影), 苍蝇(1921年周作人创作新诗), 苍蝇(匈牙利动画片), 苍蝇(80年代电影), 苍蝇(张楚演唱歌曲)。