


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà táng







  1. 高大的厅堂。为古代帝王主持政事、宣明政教的地方。

    《淮南子·俶真训》:“立太平者处大堂。” 高诱 注:“大堂,明堂,所以告朔行令也。”《隋书·南蛮传·真腊》:“城中有一大堂,是其王听政之所。”

  2. 旧时指官府办事或审理案件的正厅。

    《红楼梦》第五七回:“要耽悮了,我打发人去拆太医院的大堂。” 沙汀 《记贺龙》三十:“你们还没有看过 清 朝时候问案的情形,好威严哟!把你一带上大堂,就夹棍、板子,啪地一声堆在你的面前。”

  3. 明 清 时指中央各衙门的长官及府、州、县的正印官。

    《儒林外史》第八回:“长子现任通政司大堂。”京剧《串龙珠》第三场:“下官 徐达 。 元室 为臣,官拜 徐州 大堂。”

  4. 客堂。

    叶紫 《丰收》八:“﹝ 云普叔 ﹞进内换了一身补得规规矩矩了的衣裤,又吩咐 少普 将大堂扫得清清爽爽了。”



  1. "It was out of the door yesterday, " he says, beckoning across the entrance hall.


  2. With a lobby designed so guests can socialize with new friends or old, at Sheraton, you know you belong.


  3. The Hotel Il San Pietro is built into the side of a seaside cliff, and the lobby lift takes guests directly to a private beach.


  4. to get a new guest from the lobby to his cleaned room involves the front office , the uniformed services , and the housekeeping department.


  5. The penguin was waiting AT the front desk. In the lobby, tired business travelers looked on AT the reunion -- I think with a touch of envy.


  6. One afternoon I was sitting in the lounge of the Grand Hotel when Burton came in and seated himself in the chair next to mine.


  7. The hotel has a tour desk within the lobby that we found to be a lot cheaper than any of the external agencies.


  8. It seems to be a clear indication of the dangerous influence of the lobbies of proprietary software manufacturers on the commission.


  9. Morty: So, you stand in the lobby, by the elevator, and wait for her to come down for lunch.


  1. 行李认领大堂

    baggage reclaim hall

  2. 祭坛大堂顶层

    Top of the Altar Hall

  3. 大堂展览场地

    foyer exhibition area.

  4. 大堂内部横幅

    Horizontal slogans in the hall.

  5. 下楼到大堂。

    Go down to the lobby.

  6. 罗马圣母大堂

    Santa Maria Maggiore.

  7. 以太广场大堂

    The Atrium inside Ether Plaza

  8. 大堂内部直幅

    Vertical slogans in the hall.

  9. 圣索菲亚大堂

    Sancta Sophia.

  10. 码头大堂照明装置

    ferry concourse lighting

  11. 机场行李领取大堂

    airport baggage reclaim hall

  12. 麒麟皇冠大堂酒吧

    Kilin Crown Hotel Lobby Lounge

  13. 往下走到大堂。

    Go down to the lobby.

  14. 大堂里有人吗?

    Was anyone in the lobby?

  15. 渡轮码头大堂。渡轮码头广场

    ferry concourse

  16. 设有服务台的大堂

    Main Lobby with Help Desks and Commercial Area

  17. 地点香港太空馆大堂

    Venue Hong Kong Space Museum Foyer

  18. 文艺宾馆大堂集合出发

    Gathering at the hotel lobby

  19. 我们在宾馆大堂集合。

    We all assembled in the lobby of the hotel.

  20. 上海太平洋大饭店大堂

    Shanghai Westin Pacific Hotel Lobby

  21. 这门是通往大堂的。

    This door gives on to the hall.

  22. 这门是通往大堂得。

    This door gives on to the hall.

  23. 用冬青树来装饰大堂。

    deck the halls with holly.

  24. 您好, 您是大堂经理吗?

    Hello, are you tell the lobby manager?

  25. 大连世界博览广场大堂

    Lobby of World Expo Plaza

  26. 外币兑换柜设在大堂。

    The money exchange counter is in the lobby.

  27. 导游10点将在大堂等你。

    The guide will meet you in the lobby at 10.

  28. 在酒店大堂, 遇见了雪人!

    I met the Snow Man in the lobby!

  29. 地面大堂设礼宾司服务

    Concierge service on ground floor lobby.

  30. 你到大堂等我好吗

    Why dont you wait out in the lobby


  1. 问:大堂拼音怎么拼?大堂的读音是什么?大堂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大堂的读音是dàtáng,大堂翻译成英文是 lobby; principal hall in a yamen

  2. 问:大堂区拼音怎么拼?大堂区的读音是什么?大堂区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大堂区的读音是Dàtángqū,大堂区翻译成英文是 Cathedral Parish, lying in the southeast of Maca...




拼音: dà tánɡ词义:1.形容宽大而敞亮的堂屋,用于迎接宾客。为古代帝王主持政事﹑宣明政教的地方。2.旧时指官府办事或审理案件的正厅。3.明清时指中央各衙门的长官及府﹑州﹑县的正印官。4.客堂。5.民间用语:对簿公堂,旧指:法厅大堂,到大堂打官司。