











汉语拼音:bì huò jiù fú







  • 【解释】:避开凶险,趋向幸福。
  • 【出自】:宋·张君房《云笈七签》第五十五卷:“或示形象,倚托物类,使人思惟,自解意趣,吉凶善恶,了然知之,避祸就福,所向谐也。”
  • 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. 网络
  2. pursue good fortune and avoid disaster

  1. 有心就有福, 有愿就有力。

    Intentions beget blessing , vows beget strengths.

  2. 凡不因我跌倒的,就有福了。

    And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.

  3. 主人来了,看见奴仆儆醒,那些奴仆就有福了。

    Blessed are those slaves whom the master, when he comes, will find watching.

  4. 你们既知道这事、若是去行就有福了。

    If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.

  5. 你们既晓得这事, 若是去行就有福了。

    If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.

  6. 主人来到,看见仆人这样行,那仆人就有福了。

    It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns.

  7. 人在自己以为可行的事上,能不自责,就有福了。

    Blessed is the man, who does not condemn himself, by whathe approves.

  8. 这样, 你行耶和华眼中看为正的事, 你和你的子孙就可以得福。

    Do not eat it, so that it may go well with you and your children after you, because you will be doing what is right in the eyes of the LORD.

  9. 因为在那里有耶和华所命定的福, 就是永远的生命。

    For there the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.

  10. 又有几条小鱼。耶稣祝了福, 就吩咐也摆在众人面前。

    They had a few small fish as well he gave thanks for them also and told the disciples to distribute them.

  11. 那没有看见就信得,有福了。

    Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.

  12. 女人一旦得到平等,就对男人作威作福。

    Woman once made equal to man becomes his superior.

  13. 梅森就福斯特的家庭毫无顾忌地发问。

    Mason was uninhibited in his questions about Foster's family.

  14. 那没有看见就信的, 有福了。

    Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.

  15. 公证人还没等回答,维尔福就把他拉到了一边。

    But before the notary could answer, Villefort had drawn him aside.

  16. 欺诈行为被发现的第二天, 斯坦福就认为三十六计走为上。

    The day after the discovery of the fraud, Stanford thought it prudent to show a light pair of heels.

  17. 就看看这辆福特。

    Just asked a ford pinto.

  18. 赐福给我,我就改过自新。

    Bless me and I'll change my ways.

  19. 贝福莉, 但叫我贝福就行了。

    It's Beverly, but please call me Bev.

  20. 这就是人所共知的福田主义。

    This became known as the Fukuda doctrine.

  21. 他就住在格伦斯福尔斯。

    He lives in Glens Falls.

  22. 一切马上就要结束了,平静,至福。

    It can all end, right now. Peace. Bliss.

  23. 第二天福斯蒂娜就出现了。

    The next day Faustina showed up.

  24. 我们就越能靠近这三个福。

    we will get nearer to getting each of these blessings.

  25. 可人家就是有钱, 这也是福报?

    Can somebody else be rich, this also isf quote ?

  26. 你就没有听说过, 无知是福吗?

    Have you not heard ignorance is bliss?

  27. 认识耶稣, 就明白永恒的福乐。

    Knowing Jesus, will be able to know the eternal happiness and fortune.

  28. 认识耶稣, 就明白永恒得福乐。

    Knowing Jesus, will be able to know the eternal happiness and fortune.

  29. 始终不违信心的,就有福了

    Yea, blessed art thou whose faith is not offended

  30. 哈福德郡根本就没有人喜欢他。

    He is not at all liked in Hertfordshire.



出 处 商鞅《商君书·定分》:“万民皆知所避就,避祸就福,而皆以自治也。”宋·张君房《云笈七签》第五十五卷:“或示形象,倚托物类,使人思惟,自解意趣,吉凶善恶,了然知之,避祸就福,所向谐也。”