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1. 甲 [jiǎ]甲 [jiǎ]天干的第一位,用于作顺序第一的代称:~子。花~(六十岁的人)。居于首位的,超过所有其它的:~等。古代科举考试成绩名次的分类:一~(名为“进士及第”);二~(名为“进士出身”);三~(名为“同进士出身”)。古……
汉语拼音:jiǎ běn
Had the oil fire reached that tank, the report said, the resulting explosion could have released a toxic cloud endangering the entire area.
该报告表示,倘若火势蔓延到那个二甲苯储罐的话,那么引起的爆炸可能会造成毒云,危及整个地区。m- Nitrotoluene was an important chemical material, from which many downstream products could be derived.
间硝基甲苯是一种重要的化工原料,由其可衍生出许多下游产品。Previously, say residents, the Xiamen government had given no indication that paraxylene might be hazardous.
居民说,厦门政府之前从来没有提过聚二甲苯能造成的危害。Indicate by an arrow the position most likely to react in each of the following three isomeric nitrotoluenes. Explain your choices.
用箭头标出与硝基甲苯的三种同分异构体发生反应最有可能发生的位置并解释。Due to insufficient proportion between chlorine toluene generate less output, 1%, just as dye intermediates.
由于间氯甲苯生成比例不足1%,产量较小,目前仅作为染料中间体使用。A leading supplier to nail salons, OPI Products, announced in March that it would begin removing toluene from its products.
美甲店的主要供应商,OPIProducts,三月份声明其将开始从产品中去掉甲苯。The methods were used to resolve overlapping spectra of the mixtures ofp-nitrotoluene, p-nitrophenol and p- nitroaniline .
将离散变换主组分回归方法用于处理对硝基甲苯、对硝基酚和对硝基苯胺混合物的重叠紫外吸收光谱数据。synthesis of dibenzyltoluene by solid mixed catalysts WAS an advanced, rational, and prospective process.
分析表明,混合固体催化剂催化合成二苄基甲苯的工艺技术先进合理,具有良好的发展前景。Because after high temperature can be turned into a carcinogenic substance--tolylene--pyricutaria (TDA).