




1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:zhǎo tou






  1. 买卖时找还的零头尾数。

    丁玲 《韦护》第二章:“因为爱人们都是大方的,不计较小钱的,他们没有一次要过那找头。”



  1. He left the packages, together with the balance of thirty-two cents, upon the kitchen table, where Carrie found it.


  2. If you put your money in, and you wait too long, you won't get your change back.


  3. We'll give you the change in local currency if that is all right.


  4. The balance of money returned when an amount given is more than what is due.


  5. Your separate checks and the change, please.


  6. OK, your receipt and change, keep well .


  7. Don't worry about giving me the change; it's small beer anyway.


  8. Sure. Take your change and receipt.


  9. You may keep the balance [change].


  1. 这是找头。

    Here is your change.

  2. 给您收据和找头。

    Here is the receipt and your change.

  3. 说完便递上找头。

    With these words, he gave them the change.

  4. 店主递给了胡珀他的找头。

    The shopkeeper handed Hooper his change.

  5. 店主递给了胡珀他的找头。

    The shopkeeper handed Hooper his change.

  6. 这是您们各自的收据和找头。

    Your separate checks and the change, please.

  7. 这是您们各自得收据和找头。

    Your separate checks and the change, please.

  8. 离开商店时,总得先点清找头。

    Always check your change before you leave the shop.

  9. 商业的奸诈行为,比如少给顾客找头,是违法的。

    Fraudulent business practices, such as shortchanging customers, are against the law.

  10. 他给了售货员2英镑的硬币, 但是只得到了一英镑的找头。

    He gives the shop assistant a twopound coin and only gets change for a quid.

  11. 要是你把钱塞进去后停的时间太长,你就拿不回找头了。

    If you put your money in, and you wait too long, you won't get your change back.

  12. 我在找一个短节头。

    I'm looking for a short sub.

  13. 那个孩子去找妈妈, 头却先着地摔在他妈妈跟前。

    The child leaned towards his mother and fell headlong in front of her.

  14. 回过头去找瑞兹亚呢

    to go back to Brizia?

  15. 她找了她头上满是鲜血, 左手几乎断成三节的儿子。

    She found her son, his head covered with blood, arm nearly severed into three pieces.

  16. 第二天,他探出头来找她,见她一出现就跟她打招呼。

    Next day he was looking out for her, and accosted her the moment she appeared.

  17. 其中最吓人的是一个无头骑士骑着马到处找他丢失的头。

    The most horrible part was that the nohead knight rode to look for his missing head.

  18. 蛇围着它转圈, 找不到哪是头, 哪是尾。

    The snake went round and roundand could find neither beginning nor end.

  19. 湿婆只好找了一个新的头给他安上。

    Shiva had to give him a new head.

  20. 我可以在那暂避风头,事情平息后找个工作。

    I can lie now there, may be sniff out a job when things quiet down.

  21. 我可以在那儿暂避风头,事情平息后找个工作。

    I can lie low there, maybe sniff out a job when things quiet down.

  22. 找来棍子打自己的头。

    He brings a staff to break his own head.

  23. 每次迟到他都找借口说他睡过了头。

    Every time hes late, he gives me a song and dance about oversleeping.

  24. 他让电话那头的人等一下,他找一下那个号码。

    He told the caller to hang on while he looked for the number.

  25. 这种行为很微妙, 找老板告状都很难找到由头。

    This behavior might be so subtle that there may be nothing specific to pinpoint to a manager.

  26. 找一大桶食人鱼来,让我头钻进去。

    Just get me a bucket of piranhas, I'll stick my head in it.

  27. 你想找些趣事就摇摇你的头踏踏你的脚,拍拍你的手吧。

    When the day is done and you want some fun you can shake your head and you can stamp your feet and you can clap your hands.

  28. 我要是有时间继续以色列我头让你座五秒。但会找时间。

    I don't have time update the israel trip, but I will try.

  29. 不要头痛医头, 找出病因才是根本之道。

    Finding real pathogeny is the best way to delete disease and not to be treated at random.

  30. 顺着线头找针脚

    pick up clues


  1. 问:找头拼音怎么拼?找头的读音是什么?找头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:找头的读音是zhǎotou,找头翻译成英文是 change; balance




拼音:zhǎotou 基本解释 [change from money paid] 找回给付款者的钱,其数为已付款数扣除应付款数后的余额 详细解释 买卖时找还的零头尾数。 丁玲《韦护》第二章:“因为爱人们都是大方的,不计较小钱的,他们没有一次要过那找头。” 是指檩端至枋心的中间部位,由找头本身、皮条线、盒子、箍头等部分组成。如檩枋较长,找头部分可延长,皮条线沿边用双线,加箍头、盒子等。