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1. 龟 [guī]2. 龟 [jūn]3. 龟 [qiū]龟 [guī]爬行动物的一科,腹背都有硬甲,头尾和脚能缩入甲中,耐饥渴,寿命很长:乌~。~甲(龟的腹甲,可入药,古人又用以占卜,亦用作货币。亦称“龟板”)。龟 [jūn]同“皲”。……
1. 裂 [liè]2. 裂 [liě]裂 [liè]破开,开了缝(fèng ):~开。~纹。~缝。~痕。~变(原子核分裂成几个其他原子核,并放出中子的过程)。~隙。~罅(裂缝)。分~。破~。决~。割~。扯~。裂 [liě]物体的两部分向两……
汉语拼音:jūn liè
手足皮肤因寒冷或干燥而坼裂。龟,通“ 皸 ”。
宋 韩驹 《至国门闻苏文饶将出都戏赠长句兼简其兄世美》:“骑驴兀兀无所之,破袖迎风手龟裂。” 高云览 《小城春秋》第七章:“‘不能大意,小子!’ 吴七 把 剑平 拉住,摇着一只龟裂而粗糙的指头,现出细心人的神气说。” 高云览 《小城春秋》第二章:“他从头到脚打量着 剑平 ,一看到他发皱的粗布大褂和龟裂的破皮鞋,脸上登时露出‘你是什么东西’的轻蔑的神气。” 魏钢焰 《宝地--宝人--宝事》:“多么渴望着在龟裂的田地上,流过一片清汪的水来。”
Crack patterns of this form are often referred to as craze patterns since the cracks have no preferential direction.
因为这种裂纹没有优势方向,所以常常把这种形式的裂纹图叫做龟裂图。Slowly, the land full of moisture absorption, it began to close the cracks of its big mouth.
慢慢地,土地吸足了水分,那龟裂开始合上了它的大嘴巴。The lines have properties of chap and corrosion resisting. Easy to remove residues with smooth lines.
焊后的焊道具有优良的耐龟裂、耐腐蚀、焊渣剥离性好,焊道平滑。Huge areas which were once covered with forest have turned into a treeless waste where the soil is exactly like broken-up brick.
很多曾一度被郁郁葱葱的森林所覆盖的地区现在都变成了土壤龟裂的荒芜之地。When gill hole was enlarged and handlers was formed after annealed, the surface shallow crack and chap appeared.
当锻件退火后进行鳃孔扩口和柄部弧形弯曲时,过热和过烧的缺陷引起表面浅层裂纹和龟裂。The cracked bed of a small dried up lake on unglaciated ground near to the southern end of the Humboldt glacier.
汉博尔德冰川南端附近未冻结地面一个干涸湖泊龟裂的湖床。By making a physical analysis of three samples, the coating structures: internal hole, external hole and chap structures have been revealed.
并通过对三个纸样的分析,揭示了喷墨打印照片纸的三种典型涂层结构:内孔隙结构、外孔隙结构、龟裂结构。After repeated cycling in this manner, fatigue will cause formation of a crack pattern thats recognized as heat checking.
这种状态循环往复将引起形成龟裂的模面,那就是作为识别热裂纹的特征。For there had been no rain for a long time. The crops withered, the grass turned yellow and fields cracked under the scorching sun.