







汉语拼音:gǔn shuǐ








  1. 开水;热水。

    元 马致远 《寿阳曲》曲:“一锅滚水冷定也,再攛红几时得热?”《金瓶梅词话》第五四回:“ 李瓶儿 喫了叫苦, 迎春 就拿滚水来,过了口。”《红楼梦》第五四回:“一个老婆子提着一壶滚水走来。”



  1. Water temperature varies from tea, if it is the finest green tea, boiling water will hurt the aroma of tea.


  2. lean meat, place in boiling water for 5 minutes, picked clean.


  3. The plank end a cistern called "iron pools" this is an intermittent fountain, every few minutes out of steaming hot boiling water.


  4. Espresso is made with a machine that forces steam and boiling water through finely ground coffee. It's strong.


  5. Put the small balls into the boiling water until they become flowing.


  6. Billy: You'll be all right. Just cook them in the boiling water for three minutes and presto! Yummy food.


  7. Sterilise bottles, teats and utensils by boiling or using an approved sterilizing agent.


  8. Boil hot: Wash cauliflower cut into small pieces, boil in hot boiling water picked up after the drain.


  9. In both cases, the idea of heat and boiling is connected with the feeling of anger.


  1. 芦笋尖放滚水内拖水1分钟, 取出隔水, 备用。

    Blanch asparagus in boiling water for 1 minute. Drain and set aside.

  2. 浸软冬菇后开半, 将鱼肚放滚水内拖水, 隔水。

    Soak mushroom until soft, halve.Blanch fish maw in boiling water, drain.

  3. 把面饼放滚水内拖水至松身,即取出过冷。

    Blanch the egg noodles in boiling water until just loosened. Strain and rinse well with cold water.

  4. 烤麸放滚水内拖水5分钟,取出,迫出水份,撕成条状。

    Blanch gluten in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain and squeeze out excess water. Tear into shreds.

  5. 烧滚水, 加入糖及臭粉, 快手与澄面及薯粉拌匀, 搓成粉团。

    Bring water to the boil. Add sugar and edible ammonia powder. Quickly mix in tang flour and tapioca flour. Knead into dough.

  6. 应倒放滚开的水。

    Boiling water shall be poured on.

  7. 小水电站滚水坝进水栅条技术改造

    Technical renovation of trash rack bar at water inlet of overflow dam in SHP station

  8. 煲滚两碗水,放入冬菇及西兰花煮5分钟。

    Bring2 bowls of water to boil, add mushrooms and broccoli. Simmer for5 minutes.

  9. 最后加入辣椒粉, 姜蒜蓉酱, 盐和水煮滚。

    Add chilli powder, ginger garlic paste, salt and water to bring to a boil.

  10. 把水煲滚,放入蟹柳段,略煮约5分钟,盛起。

    Boil water. Put crabsticks in and boil for 5 minutes,take out and set aside.

  11. 加入酱料、椰奶或淡炼乳、干椰丝和水并煮滚。

    Add paste, coconut milk or evaporated milk, desiccated coconut and water and bring to boil.

  12. 爆香配料, 赞酒, 注入芡汁煮滚, 埋适量生粉水。

    Saute rest of ingredients, then sprinkle with wine and add sauce. Bring to boil and thicken with cornflour.

  13. 水在火上一直滚着。

    The water is boiling away on the fire.

  14. 南北杏冲水雪耳浸发修好,撕成细朵,放滚水内加姜片拖水。

    Rinse Chinese almonds soak snow fungus until soft, trim and tear into small pieces, blanch in boiling water with a slice of ginger, remove.

  15. 壶水烧开了咕嘟咕嘟地滚泡。

    The kettle was boiling away merrily on the fire.

  16. 那些石头由于水的作用而变得圆滚滚。

    The stones have been rounded by the action of water.

  17. 烧开一锅水, 将西米用水清洗一下, 进滚水锅中。

    Bring a pot of water to boil. Rinse the sago and pour into the boiled water.

  18. 烧开一锅水,将西米用水清洗一下,入滚水锅中。

    Bring a pot of water to boil. Rinse the sago and pour into the boiled water.

  19. 鱼丸放入滚水中。

    Add the fish balls into boiling water.

  20. 虾肉用滚水滚熟捞起。

    Poach fresh shrimps in water until boiled.

  21. 几个人被扔进滚水锅中。

    Several men were thrown into a boiling cauldron.

  22. 那些石头由于水得作用而变得圆滚滚。

    The stones have been rounded by the action of water.

  23. 他们利用滚杠把小船推下水。

    They pushed the boat down to the water on rollers.

  24. 煲滚水,放入排骨,汤料及蒜头再煲滚。

    Boil water. Add spareribs, herbs and garlic cloves and bring to a boil again.

  25. 鸭洗净,放进滚水中煮5分钟,取出洗净。

    Wash and parboilduck tongues in boiling water for 5 minutes. Rinse and drain well.

  26. 鸭脷洗净,放入滚水中煮5分钟,取出洗净。

    Wash and parboil duck tongues in boiling water for 5 minutes. Rinse and drain well.

  27. 滚压式污泥脱水机是一种新型脱水机械。

    The Rotory Press Filter is a new type of dewatering equipment.

  28. 他们将船放在滚木上推滚下水去

    They pushed the boat down to the water on roller

  29. 他踢着一块石头,石头连蹦带跳地滚入水中。

    He kicked a stone and it bounded into the water.

  30. 涂墨滚手动小滚筒, 用于薄而匀地涂墨水

    A small hand roller used to spread ink thinly and evenly.


  1. 问:滚水拼音怎么拼?滚水的读音是什么?滚水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滚水的读音是gǔnshuǐ,滚水翻译成英文是 Boiling water.

  2. 问:滚水坝消能池拼音怎么拼?滚水坝消能池的读音是什么?滚水坝消能池翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滚水坝消能池的读音是gǔn shuǐ bà xiāo néng chí,滚水坝消能池翻译成英文是 tumbling bay



“水滚”、“滚水”两词在闽南语、河南话、四川话、湖南话、江西话、粤语、潮语中的使用频率颇高。“水滚”是一个词组,乃指“水沸”,与普通话的“水开”词义相同;“滚水”则是一个名词,乃指“沸水”,与普通话的“开水”词义相同,也是普通话“热水”的意思。“水滚”、“滚水”两词中的“滚”字,其义均为“(液体)沸腾”(见《辞海》)。  一、“滚”义为(液体)沸腾的词例: 《朱子语类》卷十:“譬如煎药,须是以大火煮滚,然后以慢火养之。” 宋代庞元英《谈薮·说郛三十》:“俗以汤之未滚为盲眼,初滚为蟹眼,渐大为角眼。”