


1. 挑 [tiāo]2. 挑 [tiǎo]挑 [tiāo]扁担等两头挂着东西,用肩担着:~土。~夫(旧时以给人挑货物行李为业的人)。挑的东西:~担。挖取:~荠菜。量词,用于成挑儿的东西:一~儿白菜。选,拣:~选。~拣。~剔。~肥拣瘦。古同……


1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……



汉语拼音:tiāo shí






  1. As for "not picky, " the easy to understand.


  2. A food change once a month, or every two or three months is not going to give you a picky dog.


  3. And apparently it's a very picky eater and it, you know, homes in on only the ripest coffee cherries.


  4. Kevin refused to eat his meal. "Your baby brother is better then you, he eats everything, not like you. You are so picky. " I said to Kevin.


  5. Skipping meals, eliminating certain food groups, or going on fasts (not eating at all or eating very little) can be harmful to kids.


  6. Assuming that to ensure that the future is not picky picky eaters, will surely be the kind of fat and well-being.


  7. Don't be so fussy with your food. It 's nourish and good to you .


  8. He had been a fussy eater.


  9. And other research has shown girls are more likely to be picky eaters if their mothers don't like vegetables.


  1. 她不挑食。

    She is not fussy about her food.

  2. 我有点挑食。

    I'm a picky eater.

  3. 你别那麽挑食。

    Don t be so fussy.

  4. 我从不挑食。

    I've never been a fussy eater.

  5. 他一向很挑食。

    He had been a fussy eater.

  6. 你女儿挑食吗?

    Is your daughter a picky eater?

  7. 你别那么挑食。

    Dont be so fussy about your food.

  8. 罗杰特别挑食。

    Roger is rather fussy about his food.

  9. 树袋熊很挑食。

    Koalas are very picky eaters.

  10. 我年轻时十分挑食。

    I was a really faddy eater when I was young.

  11. 我看你太挑食了。

    I am afraid you are too particular about your food.

  12. 我所有的孩子都挑食。

    All my children were fussy eaters.

  13. 我几个儿子都很挑食。

    My boys have always been faddy eaters.

  14. 众所周知,小孩子吃东西挑食。

    Everyone knows children are picky eaters.

  15. 他们烹调手艺不高,也不挑食。

    They cooked without skill and ate without discrimination.

  16. 看吧,挑食的人也喜欢食物。

    See? eaters like food, too.

  17. 看吧,挑食得人也喜欢食物。

    See ? eaters like food, too.

  18. 挑食是自闭症得早期症状?

    Is Picky Eating an Early Sign of Autism?

  19. 挑食是自闭症的早期症状?

    Is Picky Eating an Early Sign of Autism ?

  20. 李明爱挑食,从不吃黄豆芽。

    Li Ming is very fastidious about food. He never eats soybean sprouts.

  21. 李明爱挑食,从不吃黄豆芽。

    Li Ming is very fastidious about food. He never eats soybean sprouts.

  22. 大多数孩子都会经历挑食的阶段。

    Most kids will go through a phase of being faddy about what they eat.

  23. 她很挑食, 买衣服也一样挑剔。

    She is very fussy about foods and very picky about clothes.

  24. 更换狗粮会让我得狗挑食吗

    Won't changing foods make my dog picky

  25. 更换狗粮会让我的狗挑食吗?

    Won't changing foods make my dog picky?

  26. 她正在节食,所以挑食挑得厉害。

    She is picky about what she eats because she is on a diet.

  27. 不要为我担心,我不是挑食的人。

    Don't worry about me, I'm not a fussy eater.

  28. 一些挑食的孩子胃口小,没有食欲。

    Some appetite for small children being choosy food, no appetite.

  29. 我能看电视了,而且我再也不挑食了。

    I can watch TV and I am not picky any more.

  30. 培养幼儿不偏食、不挑食的饮食卫生习惯。

    Cultivate good habits about choice of food and not to be too selective.


  1. 问:挑食拼音怎么拼?挑食的读音是什么?挑食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挑食的读音是tiāoshí,挑食翻译成英文是 be a fussy eater



挑食(偏食或拒食)是幼儿常见的坏毛病,小儿挑食、偏食都是非常不良的习惯,对生长发育极不利。挑食容易造成维生素缺乏,一旦缺乏任何一种维生素,就会造成维生素的缺乏症,影响身体的健康和疾病的康复。 挑食会导致某些营养素的摄入不足或过量,造成体质虚弱抵抗力差,容易生病或是过度肥胖,严重影响孩子的生长发育。