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1. 跑 [pǎo]2. 跑 [páo]跑 [pǎo]奔,两脚交互向前迅速跃进:~步。奔~。赛~。很快地移动:~动。逃:~出笼子。漏泄:~电。~气。为某种事物奔走:~买卖。~外的。~堂。~码头。~单帮。跑 [páo]走兽用脚刨地:~糟(牲口……
汉语拼音:gǎn pǎo
Far from wiping out shareholders, Resona's stock quadrupled over the next 12 months, as did the rest of the Japanese bank sector.
理索纳股票非但没有把股东都赶跑,反而股价在随后的12个月内翻了两番,就像日本其它银行那样。Instead, she said, her beauty acted as a Romeo- repellant , causing suitors to run screaming from her.
相反,她认为她的美把“罗密欧”赶跑了,求偶的男人们惊叫着逃之夭夭。After we have cleared the cities of the enemy, we shall be able to take up new branches of economic work.
将来从城市赶跑敌人,我们也会做新的经济工作了。Then give it six more. Just keep throwin' six months at it till it goes away. Stuff like this takes time.
那就再等六个月。继续给它个六个月,把它给赶跑。这类事情得花点时间。The dog made at me all of a sudden, but I drove it off with my umbrella.
狗突然向我扑来,可是我用伞把它赶跑了。When foreign reporters show up to cover news that might portray Egypt in a bad light, angry mobs sometimes chase them away.
当外国记者报道一些有可能损害埃及形象的新闻时,愤怒的暴徒有时会把这些记者赶跑。Hi, you should not have driven the children away, for they were not to put sand in the wheels.
嗨,你不应该把那些孩子赶跑的,不是来捣乱的。When the Japanese drove Chiang Kai-shek's troops out, he had formed a guerrilla band with a few of his students.
蒋介石的军队被日军赶跑后,他带领一批学生组织了一支游击队。Be alert, the enemy repulsed from the top of the bill will likely launch another attack.