







汉语拼音:fàng fēi










  1. Anyway, I seemed to want to fly freely and swim in the sea sort of due to my thoughts of dreaming to be free.


  2. It will be a good day to follow your dreams and imagination toward a horizon that you know is in your future.


  3. Cut out pictures of the physique that you want. Forget what you look like now. Forget what you think you can achieve. Dream big!


  4. TF: There are two requirements to get the mind out of the office: allowing alternative activities, and reconsidering the concept of time.


  5. That might be because we haven't allowed ourselves to dream, or we don't know ourselves well enough to answer the question.


  6. Wishing light are on the rise, that of the flying, cannot the long time not put, and the Flight not to be append the FOREIGN BODY.


  7. Tonight, I sat down in front of the computer, my thoughts are flying.


  8. A few years ago, a group people of insight gathered together to survey the changing market sagaciously and began to chase their dreams.


  9. Letting fly those paper airplanes might be okay in a virtual classroom, but it could get you into real trouble in a real one.


  1. 放飞梦想,逍遥潍坊。

    Flying dreams, carefree Weifang.

  2. 有人放飞了气球。

    The balloons start flying.

  3. 放飞我漂亮的风筝。

    Fly my nice kite.

  4. 放飞我的英语梦想。

    Fly my English dream.

  5. 驾御生活放飞梦想

    Drive life and let dream fly

  6. 他放飞所有的气球。

    He let go of all the balloons.

  7. 他试图放飞他的风筝。

    He tried to fly his kite.

  8. 新的起点,放飞新的希望!

    A new start, to soar a new dream!

  9. 男孩子们正在放飞航模。

    The boys are flying model planes.

  10. 在平地上放飞风筝

    Fly kites on the flat land

  11. 然后他们就点燃放飞灯笼。

    Then they lit a fire to fly the lantern.

  12. 做好风筝又不去放飞。

    Kite flying is not to do a good job.

  13. 放飞世界,拥抱对方的未来!

    Flying the world, and embrace each other future.

  14. 放飞的是思绪,沉淀的是心灵。

    Releases for flight is the train of thought, the precipitation is the mind.

  15. 秀出你的英语!放飞你的梦想!

    Show your English! Fly your dreams!

  16. 和在海滩放飞风筝的日子

    And fly kites from the beaches.

  17. 鸽子可不会自己放飞自己的。

    The doves are not going to release themselves.

  18. 他把绳子解开,把小鸟放飞了。

    He unties the string, released for flight the bird.

  19. 这个航空公司首度放飞欧洲航线。

    The airline company launched a European route for the first time.

  20. 这个航空公司首度放飞欧洲航线。

    The airline company launched a European route for the first time.

  21. 保持爱的最好方法是放飞翅膀。

    The best way to keep love is to give it wings.

  22. 养猎鹰者一次放飞的一对鹰

    a pair of hawks released by a falconer at one time

  23. 我们结婚生子, 然后再放飞子女。

    We get married and have children and then have to let them go.

  24. 让和平鸽放飞在黎巴嫩的天空!

    Let peace doves flying in the skies of Lebanon!

  25. 我们来尝试一次 放飞智能鸟吧。

    So maybe we'll try it once to fly a SmartBird.

  26. 飘放风筝系留气球放飞模型飞机

    Flying kites captive balloons model aircraft

  27. 飞行员甲状腺癌根治术后放飞一例

    A pilot case of thyroid carcinoma returned to flight after radical therapy

  28. 我们转向的问题是,放飞你们的想象力。

    The question we turned to was, just let your imagination run free.

  29. 放飞年轻的翅膀走进陆军航空兵学院

    Visiting Army Aviation Institute of PLA

  30. 当雷雨好像就要来的时候放飞风筝。

    Fly the kite when a thunderstorm appears to be coming on.


  1. 问:放飞拼音怎么拼?放飞的读音是什么?放飞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放飞的读音是fàngfēi,放飞翻译成英文是 To allow planes to take off.; To let birds or...

  2. 问:放飞点拼音怎么拼?放飞点的读音是什么?放飞点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放飞点的读音是fàng fēi diǎn,放飞点翻译成英文是 liberation point

  3. 问:放飞一次拼音怎么拼?放飞一次的读音是什么?放飞一次翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放飞一次的读音是fàng fēi yí cì,放飞一次翻译成英文是 toss

  4. 问:放飞范围拼音怎么拼?放飞范围的读音是什么?放飞范围翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放飞范围的读音是fàng fēi fàn wéi,放飞范围翻译成英文是 Clearance Limit



“放飞”是个多义词,它可以指放飞(2015年电视剧), 放飞(佟大为演唱歌曲), 放飞(邸凡编著图书)。