




替:~替。~办。~销。~序。~表。历史上划分的时期:时~。世~。古~。近~。现~。当(dāng )~。年~。世系的辈分:下一~。姓。……



1. 广 [guǎng]2. 广 [ān]广 [guǎng]指面积、范围宽阔,与“狭”相对:宽~。~博。~义。~漠。~袤(东西称“广”,南北称“袤”,指土地面积)。~厦。多:大庭~众。扩大,扩充:推~。~开言路。广 [ān]同“庵”,多用于……


1. 场 [cháng]2. 场 [chǎng]场 [cháng]平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:~院。量词,指一事起迄的经过:下了一~雨。集,市集:赶~。场 [chǎng]处所,许多人聚集或活动的地方:~子。~地。~所。量词,用……



汉语拼音:shí dài guǎng chǎng



  1. Now he is usually seen around the corner of 48th Street and Seventh Avenue, a block or two from the heart of Times Square.


  2. There was an awkward moment in Times Square when he saw the Naked Cowboy and said, 'Please tell me you're not a Democratic Congressman.


  3. Here is Times Square, the two streams that came together to make a wetland in Times Square, as it was at the end of the American Revolution.


  4. People were celebrating at ground zero and in Times Square, cheering as if the ball had dropped on New Year's.


  5. "My dream casting would be for Sean and Kristin to extend for another year, " she said, "and keep that billboard in Times Square. "


  6. It was the only event that has come close to the atmosphere of Tahrir Square in Egypt, a sight which inspired him and his friends.


  7. He took a taxi though Times Square was only a few blocks away.


  8. and there was that scene when he goes to the movie theater in Time Square.


  9. The main suspect in an attempt to set off a car bomb in New York's Times Square has admitted weapons and terrorism charges.


  1. 西湖时代广场

    West Lake Times Plaza.

  2. 广州新时代广场

    New Time Square of Guangzhou

  3. 时代广场上狂欢

    Revel on Times Square of New York.

  4. 时代广场的蟋蟀。

    Selden, George. The Cricket in Times Square.

  5. 时代广场离这远吗

    Is the Time Plaza far from here.

  6. 穿过时代广场,然后右转。

    Cut across the Time Square and turn right.

  7. 有一个广告牌在时代广场!

    With a billboard in Times Square!

  8. 纽约时代广场欢度百年华诞

    Times Square celebrates centenary

  9. 时代广场的巨大液晶屏幕上

    on a jumbotron screen in Times Square.

  10. 她刚刚是不是说下站是时代广场?

    Did she say the next stop is Times Square ?

  11. 描述香港铜锣湾时代广场的士站。

    Taxi stand near Times Square, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

  12. 描述香港铜锣湾时代广场得士站。

    Taxi stand near Times Square, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

  13. 百老汇在时代广场贯穿第七大道。

    Broadway intersects Seventh Avenue at Time Square.

  14. 我叫了辆出租车,说要去时代广场。

    I hailed a cab and asked to go to Times Square.

  15. 请问我到哪里能坐到快车去时代广场?

    Where can I catch an express for Times Square?

  16. 位于3楼的行人天桥连接屯门时代广场。

    A footbridge at 3 F connecting Tuen Mun Trend Plaza.

  17. 但他对时代广场的生活有一种迷恋。

    But he has this fascination with the life in Times Square.

  18. 当然,浪漫剧情的主线还是源自时代广场。

    The threads of romance emanate from, of course, Times Square.

  19. 有一个镜头是他去时代广场的电影院。

    and there was that scene when he goes to the movie theater in Time Square.

  20. 当天晚上我也正好在时代广场 做喜剧秀。

    Now, I happened to be in Times Square that night doing a comedy show.

  21. 百老汇与第七大街在时代广场相汇在一起。

    Broadway intersects Seventh Avenue at Time Square.

  22. 大多数来纽约的游客都被吸引到时代广场。

    Most visitors to New York gravitate to Times Square.

  23. 为了欢迎2008年,上百万人涌到纽约时代广场。

    Millions of people jammed in to Times Square in New York to welcome 2008.

  24. 然而在1942和1943这两年,人们仍旧聚集在时代广场上。

    In 1942 and 1943, crowds still gathered in Times Square.

  25. 由时代广场沿礼顿道摩利臣山道步行15分钟

    Walk15 minutes from times square along leighton road, morrison hill road to

  26. 在美国,最大,最热闹的聚会在纽约的时代广场举行。

    In the USA, the biggest and noisiest party takes place in Times Square in New York City.

  27. 上图中,一位受伤的示威者躺在时代广场的地上。

    Above, a wounded demonstrator lies on the ground in Tahrir Square.

  28. 我们人类经过时代广场或大中央, 我们一群一群得走着。

    We humans walking through Times Square or Grand Central, we are moving swarms.

  29. 我们人类经过时代广场或大中央,我们一群一群的走着。

    We humans walking through Times Square or Grand Central, we are moving swarms.

  30. 任何经过时代广场的人总见过一两次赤裸牛仔的。

    At one time or another, anybody who passes through Times Square sees the Naked Cowboy.


  1. 问:时代广场 (香港)拼音怎么拼?时代广场 (香港)的读音是什么?时代广场 (香港)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:时代广场 (香港)的读音是,时代广场 (香港)翻译成英文是 Times Square

  2. 问:时代广场站 (苏州)拼音怎么拼?时代广场站 (苏州)的读音是什么?时代广场站 (苏州)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:时代广场站 (苏州)的读音是,时代广场站 (苏州)翻译成英文是 Times Square Station



“时代广场”是个多义词,它可以指时代广场(鄂尔多斯时代广场), 时代广场(汕头时代广场), 时代广场(苏州时代广场), 时代广场(廊坊时代广场), 时代广场(南昌时代广场), 时代广场(宜昌时代广场), 时代广场(瑞安市时代广场), 时代广场(余姚时代广场), 时代广场(济南时代广场), 时代广场(新疆时代广场), 时代广场(乐清时代广场), 时代广场(广东湛江时代广场), 时代广场(温州时代广场), 时代广场(广州时代广场), 时代广场(大庆时代广场), 时代广场(大连时代广场), 时代广场(定州时代广场), 时代广场(重庆时代广场), 时代广场(香港时代广场), 时代广场(太仓时代广场), 时代广场(威海时代广场), 时代广场(成都时代广场), 时代广场(温岭时代广场), 时代广场(上海时代广场), 时代广场(西湖时代广场), 时代广场(武汉时代广场), 时代广场(永年时代广场)。