


1. 付 [fù]付 [fù]交,给:支~。托~。~款。~梓(把稿件交付刊印)。~讫。~出。~与。~之一笑。~诸东流。量词,指中药(亦作“服”):一~药。……





汉语拼音:fù qián



  1. John had been blessed in his business, and he looked at the clerk and silently mouthed that he would pay for the boy's roses.


  2. That said, at least one of the host nation trucking companies has tried to do battle instead of paying off insurgents and warlords.


  3. Processed food costs a lot, especially as you usually are paying for all that wasteful packaging as well.


  4. Here at last was a way of getting people to pay for online content: just make it available on iTunes and let Apple collect the money.


  5. The price tag was a reasonable $135 and I decided to pay cash and buy her the dress as a present.


  6. But if you have something of value to provide that matters to us, a number of us will be happy to pull out our wallets and pay you for it.


  7. The same is often true for strippers: Customers will pay dancers to simply sit and talk with them.


  8. Some how some who took the shuttle bus did not pay and the driver don't seems to bother also.


  9. If so you could pay her to stay married to you.


  1. 谁付钱谁点唱。

    He who pays the piper calls the tune.

  2. 袋子要付钱么?

    a packaging bag Are the bags chargeable.

  3. 我们总得付钱。

    We are always being asked to stump up.

  4. 我为你付钱。

    I could pay for you.

  5. 那得先付钱。

    Not without paying first.

  6. 饮料由我付钱!

    Drinks are on me!

  7. 以后付钱也行。

    It's okey to pay later.

  8. 只要你付钱, 噢!

    as long as you pay me ow!

  9. 谁付钱,谁有权。

    He that pays the piper calls the tune.

  10. 我去柜台付钱。

    I pay some money to the cashier.

  11. 付钱, 给小费, 贿赂

    To pay, tip, or bribe.

  12. 付钱,给小费,贿赂。

    To pay, tip, or bribe.

  13. 快付钱,要是不付!

    Pay up or else!

  14. 他坚持拒绝付钱。

    He persisted in his refusal to pay the money.

  15. 谁愿为这付钱。

    Whos gonna foot the bill for all of this.

  16. 你需要先付钱吗?

    DO I have to pay in advance?

  17. 12个月都不用付钱

    No payments for 10 months.

  18. 要么付钱, 要么卷铺盖走人。

    Pay up or pack up.

  19. 他逼着我们付钱。

    He came down on us for payment.

  20. 晚上要多付钱吗?

    Do I have to pay more at night?

  21. 他逼著我们付钱。

    He came down upon us for payment.

  22. 他要付钱给乐师们。

    He settled up with the musicians.

  23. 可我们已经付钱了。

    But we pay the coyote.

  24. 所以他们才没付钱

    That's why they haven't paid.

  25. 能用信用卡付钱吗?

    Do you take credit cards?

  26. 只要广告主肯付钱。

    Want ad only advocate agree to pay.

  27. 我们总被要求付钱。

    We are always being asked to stump up.

  28. 该我做东,今天我付钱。

    It is my round. I am paying today.

  29. 是的,我按月付钱。

    Yes, I pay monthly.

  30. 是得,我按月付钱。

    Yes, I pay monthly.


  1. 问:付钱拼音怎么拼?付钱的读音是什么?付钱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:付钱的读音是fùqián,付钱翻译成英文是 To give money.