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汉语拼音:huǎng rú
宋 陈与义 《出山道中》诗:“高崖落絳叶,恍如人世秋。”《儒林外史》第十回:“此时 蘧公孙 恍如身游 閬苑 、 蓬莱 、 巫山 、 洛浦 。” 茅盾 《公式主义的克服》:“我们闭了眼睛,还恍如那些‘人物’即在跟前。”
Oh, turn to Him, in whose eyes time and space have no existence, and to whom a few minutes are as a lifetime, and a lifetime as a minute.
哦,求助于主吧,在主的眼中,时间和空间不复存在,对主而言,几分钟恍如一世,而一世恍如一分钟。As the old withered woman spoke, a smile glimmered on her countenance, like lamplight on the wall of a sepulchre.
这个枯槁的老太婆说着,脸上闪出一丝笑容,恍如墓穴壁上的微光。In the other side of the fire, Yuki was sitting there stilly. Her face was red and looked like a squashy apple, charming and innocent.
雪静静地坐在火的另一边。她的脸被照的通红,恍如熟透的苹果,纯洁而又诱人。The white smooth tresses shuttle through the deep green leaves against a silver gray background, as if in a fantasy.
白色的光滑的树枝,在银灰色的背景下,穿梭于暗绿的枝叶中,恍如梦境。But the sensation of seeing L'Avventura for the first time is still with me, as if it had been yesterday.
然而第一次观看《奇遇(L’Avventura)》的那种感觉依然伴随着我,恍如昨日。It is a woman's voice, but it sounds as though it comes drifting toward us across some vast and unbridgeable distance.
这是一个女人的声音,听起来却恍如穿越了浩瀚的时空,飘然而至。As if they were at a cocktail reception.
他们占据了舞台,他们恍如就在鸡尾酒会的接待入口。In the shadow of Yinseyueguang, As if outside is a beautiful fairy tale world.
在银色月光的笼罩下,令人恍如置身一个美丽的童话世界中。As the two sat on the ground, they felt a faint vibration, then heard a drumming sound, which quickly grew louder and louder.