








1. 划 [huá]2. 划 [huà]划 [huá]用桨拨水使船行动:~水。~船。~艇。合算,按利益情况计较是否相宜:~算。用刀或其它东西把物件分开或从物件上面擦过:~一道口子。划 [huà]分开:~界。~分。~时代意义。设计:计~。筹~……



汉语拼音:shuì shōu chóu huá



  1. Tax planners faced an "extremely challenging" environment for the immediate future at least, said the study.

  2. However, the risk of the tax planning did not arouse enough attention from peoples.

  3. The corpus part of this paper discussed tax planning in the greatest four realms: financing, investment, management and profits allotment.

  4. Not against the law are the criteria of tax planning, so planning in accordance with the law are a prerequisite for tax planning.

  5. The general methods include using tax planning methods in the international tax shelters and non international tax shelters.

  6. Tax plan, as an operating activity, possibly due to the regulation of tax policy and unscientific tax plan, may result in failure.

  7. Firstly, as the introduction of this article, it gives a brief account for the present situation of domestic and foreign tax planning.

  8. The tax revenue preparation needs to encourage, as the saying goes: Follows the correct path, does not walk the dishonest ways.

  9. She recently signed up for a tax course at an H&R Block tax preparation office in Seattle.


  1. 税法与税收筹划

    Revenue Tax Law and Revenue Planning

  2. 土地增值税税收筹划

    The Tax Planning of Land V.A.T

  3. 土地增值税的税收筹划

    Tax Planning of Land V.A.T.

  4. 企业所得税税收筹划研究

    A Research on Mobilizating of the Business Income Tax

  5. 论外商投资企业税收筹划

    Tax Planning on Foreign Investment Corporation

  6. 论税收筹划对税收征管的影响

    On the Effect of Taxation Planning on Tax Levy

  7. 税收筹划得当企业从中受益

    How the Enterprise to Get Benefit from the Proper Tax Planning

  8. 论股利分配过程中的税收筹划

    On Tax Planning in Dividend Distribution

  9. 兼营与混合销售的税收筹划

    Tax rate plan of simultaneous business and mixed sales companies

  10. 新中乳腐税收筹划的意义。

    First, the new tax planning funu significance.

  11. 狭义的税收筹划只包括节税。

    The tax planning on narrow sense only includes tax saving.

  12. 施工企业营业税税收筹划方案解析

    On tax planning scheme of sales tax of construction enterprise

  13. 税收筹划经济效应的博弈论分析

    An Analysis on the Plan Economy on Tax revenue and the Gambling Analysis

  14. 一, 新中乳腐税收筹划的意义。

    First, the new tax planning funu significance.

  15. 关于税收筹划与偷税关系的探讨

    Discussion on the relation between tax collection and evade taxation

  16. 为了减轻税负, 税收筹划便应运而生。

    In order to abate the burden of tax, the tax revenue planning thus has engendered through utilizing.

  17. 基于企业所得税改革的企业税收筹划研究

    The Research of Tax Planning Based on Corporate Income Tax Reform

  18. 税收筹划在我国尚属新的概念。

    Tax plan is still a new conception in our country.

  19. 基于新企业所得税法的税收筹划研究

    A Revenue Designing Research According to the New Corporation Income Tax Bill

  20. 基于税收筹划的商业企业促销形式选择

    Selection of sales promotion forms of the commercial enterprises based on taxation planning

  21. 此外,本文着重介绍了税收筹划的实际操作。

    Furthermore, this thesis putts stress on the practical operation of tax planning.

  22. 视同销售中所得税的处理及税收筹划问题

    On Handling of Income Tax on Equal Sales and Tax Planning

  23. 第一部分研究了税收筹划的必要性与可行性。

    The first part researches the necessity and the feasibility of tax planning in practical economy.

  24. 税收筹划需要鼓励,常言道走正道,不走歪门邪道。

    The tax revenue preparation needs to encourage, as the saying goes Follows the correct path, does not walk the dishonest ways.

  25. 第二部份,论述了进行国际税收筹划的法律界限。

    The second part, we discuss the legal boundary of international tax planning.

  26. 但是税收筹划所蕴涵的风险却没有得到人们足够的重视。

    However, the risk of the tax planning did not arouse enough attention from peoples.

  27. 第二部份, 论述了进行国际税收筹划得法律界限。

    The second part, we discuss the legal boundary of international tax planning.

  28. 狭义得税收筹划只包括节税。

    The tax planning on narrow sense only includes tax saving.





“税收筹划”是个多义词,它可以指税收筹划(人民邮电出版高职教材), 税收筹划(立信会计出版社出版图书), 税收筹划(一种企业筹划行为), 税收筹划(东北财大出版图书), 税收筹划(税收筹划案例分析), 税收筹划(清华大学出版社出版图书), 税收筹划(中国人民大学出版社出版图书)。