


与客观事实相符合,与“假”、“伪”相对:~诚。~谛。~挚。~心。逼~。认~。~才实学。~知灼见。确实,的确:~好。~正。~切。清楚,显明:看得~。咬字很~。本性,本原:纯~。天~。人的肖像:传(chuán )~。写~。汉字的楷书:~字。~书……





汉语拼音:zhēn qíng









  1. 本心;真实的感情。

    《楚辞·东方朔<七諫·自悲>》:“狐死必首丘兮,夫人孰能不反其真情。” 王逸 注:“真情,本心也。” 宋 陆游 《临江仙·离果州作》词:“只道真情易写,那知怨句难工,水流云散各西东。”

  2. 实在的情况。

    元 杨梓 《豫让吞炭》第二折:“咱十分谨慎,只恐他看出真情,后日必中他计。” 清 李渔 《玉搔头·媲美》:“见面多惭愧,无是多非,把真情埋没了一肚皮。” 茅盾 《童年·长寿夫妇的悲剧》:“母亲一想,这就不能不把真情告诉 长寿 ,并且要他宽心。”



  1. Waiting for one day, I can give you all the truth, with my love for you to fill your empty right atrium.


  2. Without the truth, and then gorgeous, beautiful text is just a coat color-hyun, the lack of bright soul.


  3. Would not his love, his tender care, and the advantages he could bestow upon her make her forget the question of age?


  4. Then, maybe for his manifestation, he starred in a series of action films like The A-Team and The Dark Fields later on.


  5. I thank him, too, for the kiss of the hand, but if he has genuine regard for me, let him kiss me with the kiss of his mouth.


  6. Do not know either what kind of girl this boy likes on earth let him move the true feelings.


  7. Sunshine also find her dreams, I do not know if I can feel the sincerity of the temperature.


  8. He did not know how to tell her the truth and shame himself.


  9. As the erhu is not close to me, I sang American songs "You are so beautiful to me" , to express my true feelings and respect.


  1. 真情贺卡站

    true feeling card station.

  2. 患难显真情。

    True love kythes in time of need.

  3. 患难见真情。

    A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  4. 他真情谢她。

    He thanked her with genuine affection.

  5. 知悉真情权

    the right to know.

  6. 脸红泄露了真情

    to blush the truth

  7. 急需时见真情

    True love shows itself in time of need.

  8. 真情所至, 金石为开

    Love will find a way

  9. 患难之中见真情。

    The hour of need shows the friend indeed.

  10. 真情像草原广阔

    True emotion is just like the wideness of campo

  11. 戏言中常吐露真情。

    Many a true word is spoken in jest.

  12. 他不愿吐露真情。

    He was not to be drawn.

  13. 使证人讲出真情

    elicit the truth from a witness

  14. 我是真情实意的。

    I meant every word I said.

  15. 我是真情实意的。

    I meant every word I said.

  16. 她很少流露真情。

    She seldom showed her true feelings.

  17. 我可以披露真情吗?

    And shall I avow it.

  18. 他的悲痛出自真情。

    His sorrow was quite real.

  19. 劝诫她招认真情吧!

    Exhort her to confess the truth!

  20. 真情实感来源于生活。

    Ture emotion is derived from life.

  21. 真情大义撑起两重天

    Save for Affection and Morality

  22. 这只是真情流露,是吧

    You do know that's just an expression,right?

  23. 烈火见真金,患难见真情。

    Fire is the test of gold, adversity of friendship.

  24. 富贵易同心, 患难见真情

    prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them

  25. 充满真情实感的动人表演

    a moving performance full of raw emotion

  26. 富贵交友易, 患难显真情。

    Prosperity makes friends, and adversity tries them.

  27. 顺境交朋友,逆境试真情。

    Prosperity gains friends, and adversity tries them.

  28. 我倒希望我能尽叙真情。

    I wish I could express my feelings.

  29. 啊!让我真爱真情落笔。

    O! let me, true in love, but truly write.

  30. 夕阳的爱情才识真情的开端!

    Love at the sunset is the beginning of true of affection!


  1. 问:真情拼音怎么拼?真情的读音是什么?真情翻译成英文是什么?

    答:真情的读音是zhēnqíng,真情翻译成英文是 real feelings; facts