






阳性的人:~性。~人。~孩。~女平等。儿子:长(zhǎng )~。封建制度五等爵位的第五等:~爵。……


1. 女 [nǚ]2. 女 [rǔ]女 [nǚ]女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:~人。~士。~流(含轻蔑意)。少(shào )~。以女儿作为人的妻(旧读nǜ)。星名,二十八宿之一。亦称“婺女”、“须……



汉语拼音:qīng nián nán nǚ



  1. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.

  2. Just at that moment a boy and a girl came and sat down where the old couple had been.

  3. Authorities in southern Afghanistan say Taliban militants have publicly killed a young man and woman who tried to run away to get married.

  4. Say a pair of young men and women (Brigitte Lin, decoration) in love during the war.

  5. There is likely to be a welcome at the airport by youths and girls in national costume, but foreign diplomats will not be there.

  6. At the meeting, activities like " Outlander Meeting Mother-in-law" , "Young People Matching" and "Divorced Mid-age Party" are very hot.

  7. The attention of everyone, the front is blue waves bridge, here is where mechanical and electronic young men and women dating.

  8. One of my favourite activities was to marry couples.

  9. Shanmenghaishi if the young men and women, are absolutely determined, then they are the only way out is to elopement.


  1. 现在很多青年男女相信占星术。

    Nowadays, many young people believe in astrology.

  2. 两教派的青年男女仍互相约会。

    Catholic boys dated Protestant girls and vice versa.

  3. 一群青年男女正在这儿翩翩起舞。

    Youths and maidens were dancing here.

  4. 讲一对青年男女在战乱年代相爱。

    Say a pair of young men and women in love during the war.

  5. 这是青年男女运动街舞的好去处

    The best place for the young to practice street dancing

  6. 青年男女们,为甚么你们成天站在那儿,无所事事?

    Lads and lasses, why do you all stand there idle all day ?

  7. 失去我国青年男女的生命是美国十分痛苦的事。

    It is agonizing for America to lose our young men and women.

  8. 围绕青年男女社交公开等问题, 刊发了大量文章。

    It published many articles on the open association among young men and women.

  9. 现在, 这里也成了青年男女耳语, 听涛的好地方。

    Now it has become the most favored dating place for a couple of boy and girl who have amative relations to whisper and appreciate the rote of surf.

  10. 年龄介于15至24岁青年男女中在15岁前有性行为的百分数。

    Percentage of young men and women aged15 to24 who have had sex before age15.

  11. 它讲述了一对青年男女因爱死而复生的传奇故事。

    It is a legendary story describing a pair of young people who died for love and relived from love.

  12. 像高盛这样的大型投行,会考虑这些刻苦的青年男女吗?

    Would big investment banks like GS take these rigorous young boys and girls into consideration.

  13. 这样惘惘不甘地跳上电车, 看见邻座一对青年男女喁喁情话。

    Disconsolately, he hopped on a trolley car and saw a young couple sitting nearby whispering tender words to each other.

  14. 古老而神奇的爱情故事吸引了不少青年男女在此情意绵绵。

    And the old, mysterious love tale attracts quite a large number of youth with unbroken affections on their arrival at the magical place.

  15. 是日男女青年可以欢聚一堂。

    That day men and women youth can have a happy reunion a hall.

  16. 看那边来了一群男女青年。

    There came a bevy of youths and maidens.

  17. 元宵灯节期间, 又是男女青年与情人相会的时机。

    Rice glue ball light stanza period is the opportune moment that men and womens youth and lover meet again.

  18. 我不过把这些了不起的男女青年战士的话筒单地记了下来。

    I simply wrote down what I was told by the extraordinary young men and women.

  19. 你和黑人青年,不论男女,到底建立了多少可靠的关系?

    How many authentic relationships do you have with young black people, folks, men, women?

  20. 青年男女的爱抚晚会

    petting party

  21. 这一对青年男女遵命照办。

    The two young persons obeyed.

  22. 老工程师主持了这对青年男女的婚礼。

    The old engineer married the young man and the young girl.

  23. 这对青年男女听后相拥, 欢慰一笑。

    This to youth the and women hug each other after hear, the a smile.

  24. 青年男女双方都跟为数众多的异性约会过。

    Both young men and women date a number of different people.

  25. 青年男女则借此机会以歌道情,寻觅佳偶。

    Young men and women are to take this opportunity to Dao Qing Song, couples looking for.

  26. 诚请未满三十岁之青年男女报名参加。

    All men and women under thirty years of age are cordially invited to enter the competition.

  27. 可是我却无法欣赏。我的后面坐着一对青年男女。

    I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.

  28. 通常有载歌载舞的青年男女合唱队伍和一匹木马。

    There is always a chorus of young men and women who sing and dance and often there is a pantomime horse.

  29. 我有意识地吸收了我所能物色到的最能干的青年男女。

    I had deliberately recruited the ablest young men and women I could find.

  30. 男女青年恋爱时除赠送绣荷包,腰带外,背袋也是定情物。

    When young people love tokenlove, too, in addition to the embroidered pouch and the waistband.


  1. 问:青年男女拼音怎么拼?青年男女的读音是什么?青年男女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青年男女的读音是,青年男女翻译成英文是 youth