


阻塞(sāi ㄙㄞ),挡:~塞。~挡。~截。~击。~嘴。心中不畅快:~心。墙:围者如~。量词,用于墙。古代钟或磐十六枚编成一组,挂在一个架子上称“一堵”。姓。……





汉语拼音:dǔ zhù








堵住 [dǔ zhù]
  1. 造句:他用一块布堵住了船上的漏洞。



  1. Just as quickly, a year later, after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, the spigot was turned off.


  2. Then, with one of the patient's nostrils occluded , and his eyes closed, pass a mildly aromatic and familiar substance. . .


  3. I saw the water ooze in at several crannies , although the leaks were not considerable, and I endeavoured to stop them as well as I could.


  4. You could hear the wind trapped in the cavern of his chest and struggling with all the unnatural impediments.


  5. Let me take a look. You know why? It's clogged with hair. No wonder water won't go down.


  6. When a tadpole came into the circle, I blocked the entrance with a stone. Secondly, I kept looking for the tadpole in the water.


  7. They know there is nothing a man in Washington can do to plug a hole a mile down in the gulf.


  8. If fuel does attempt to feed back , the pressure of the fuel forces the ball to seat , blocking the line .


  9. Water was thought to carry disease into the skin; pores nicely clogged with dirt were a means to block it out.


  1. 堵住的鼻子

    a stuffy nose.

  2. 请堵住漏洞。

    Please plug up the leak.

  3. 枪膛堵住了。

    The gun chamber was stopped up.

  4. 用沙土堵住溪水,

    Stem a stream with sand

  5. 用塞子堵住漏洞

    stop up a leak with a plug

  6. 堵住现有的漏洞

    to close existing loopholes

  7. 用沙土堵住溪水,。

    Stem a stream with sand.

  8. 座便器堵住了。

    The toilet is blocked.

  9. 门都被堵住了。

    The doors had been barricaded.

  10. 下水道被枯叶堵住。

    The drains are choked with dead leaves.

  11. 请不要堵住入口。

    Please do not obstruct entrance.

  12. 城门口被堵住了。

    The entrance to the city was blocked up.

  13. 堵住管子里的气体

    to trap the gas in the pipes

  14. 猎人堵住了兽穴。

    The hunters blocked up the hole of the beast.

  15. 手挽手的堵住车道。

    linking their arms to block the driveway.

  16. 枯叶堵住的排水道

    A drain clogged up with dead leaves

  17. 管道被棉花堵住了。

    The pipe was choked by cotton.

  18. 有时管子被堵住了。

    Sometimes the hose gets clogged.

  19. 管子已完全堵住了。

    The pipe has been stopped up already.

  20. 浴缸的排水堵住了。

    The drainage of the bathtub is clogged.

  21. 大石头堵住了洞口。

    Large boulders obstructed the entrance to the cave.

  22. 她堵住耳朵隔绝噪音。

    She stopped up her ears to keep the noise out.

  23. 这溪流被坝堵住了。

    The stream was dammed up.

  24. 你堵住那个洞了吗?

    Did you plug the hole yet?

  25. 卫生间的下水道堵住了。

    The sewer in the toilet was blocked.

  26. 除非你堵住我的口。

    Only if you put a gag on me.

  27. 除非你堵住我得口。

    Only if you put a gag on me.

  28. 排水管被泥堵住了。

    The drain was choked with mud.

  29. 入口处用板堵住了。

    The entrance has been boarded in.

  30. 我家水管堵住了,什么

    I have a clog.Excuse me?


  1. 问:堵住拼音怎么拼?堵住的读音是什么?堵住翻译成英文是什么?

    答:堵住的读音是,堵住翻译成英文是 oppresse

  2. 问:堵住心头拼音怎么拼?堵住心头的读音是什么?堵住心头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:堵住心头的读音是,堵住心头翻译成英文是 loom