


1. 只 [zhī]2. 只 [zhǐ]只 [zhī]量词:一~鸡。单独的,极少的:~身。片纸~字。只 [zhǐ]仅仅,惟一:~是(a.仅仅是;b.表示强调限于某个情况或范围;c.但是)。表示限于某个范围:~顾。~管。~见树木,不见森林。……





汉语拼音:zhǐ pà







  1. 犹恐怕。表示疑虑或估计。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷九:“只怕后生家看得容易了,他日负起心来。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·听稗》:“只怕到那里低三下四,还干旧营生。”《红楼梦》第五七回:“趁早儿去解説,他只怕就醒过来了。”



  1. Insurance, whether it can add a trace of the heart did not fortified protection and less accidents? I'm afraid, the final legacy, only pain.


  2. Maybe, even if I should wrap him with flatteries, he would not give it up!


  3. I'd like to do it, of course. But I just can't. I'm afraid I'd fall down in the middle of it.


  4. Going against the wind is more suitable for flying. I'm not scared of everyone trying to stop me; I'm just scared of surrendering.


  5. As for the White House's wish to be "well perceived in the world" , the less said the better.


  6. Intelligent as she, I'm afraid it will not be long before insight into the truth - who would be willing to face the bloody truth?


  7. But I did not give up, I study harder, and finally admitted to a graduate student at Tsinghua University.


  8. The direction of the wind, the more suitable for fly. I am not afraid of ten thousand people stop, afraid of I surrender.


  9. I'm only afraid that it'll be like the party for dam construction, and become a party that profits from it.


  1. 看样子这只怕是太藏奸卖乖了!

    I am afraid that this looks very artful!

  2. 爱是一场战争, 我不怕受伤只怕你不快乐。

    Love is a war, I am afraid of hurting but you are not happy.

  3. 怕只有哑畜生居然开口说话!

    If some dumb animal had found a tongue!

  4. 只是怕韦德和特里。

    Only of Wade and terry.

  5. 不是怕你丢掉,只是怕失去你。

    Dont fear you forsake, just afraid of losing you.

  6. 没有怕同性恋的,只有怕人的。

    Hello, theres no such thing as homophobia, theres just people phobia.

  7. 他们不贪心,只是怕得发抖?

    They're not greedy, they're just quaking with fear.

  8. 喂, 没有怕同性恋的, 只有怕人的。

    Hello, there's no such thing as homophobia, there's just people phobia.

  9. 不, 我只是怕你再唱打油诗。

    No. I was just afraid you'd sing another verse.

  10. 我只是怕她有麻烦才偷听的。

    I only listened when I thought she was in trouble.

  11. 那只是因为怕有负于其他得外孙。

    It was because of a sense of being disloyal to the other grandchildren.

  12. 那只是因为怕有负于其他的外孙。

    It was because of a sense of being disloyal to the other grandchildren.

  13. 我已把那个包用绳捆上了,只是怕捆不牢。

    I've tied up the parcel with string, but I'm afraid it won't hold together.

  14. 他并不后悔,只是怕,怕那个无处无时不紧跟着他的鬼。

    Xiangzi regretted nothing, he was only scared, scared of that ghost which followed him constantly, everywhere.

  15. 别误会, 我可没有别的意思, 只是怕你在危害其他的女孩儿!

    Other misunderstanding, I can have no other meaning, but you are afraid of endangering other girls!

  16. 希律就想要杀他, 只是怕百姓。因为他们以约翰为先知。

    And when he would have put him to death, he feared the multitude, because they counted him as a prophet.

  17. 我只是不怕丢人而已

    I'm just not afraid of humiliation.

  18. 不是,只是有人怕失业

    No. Some of us actually try to avoid unemployment.

  19. 怕是只有杨柳岸边, 面对凄厉的晨风和黎明的残月了。

    Fear is the only willow shore, in the face of shrill the dawn of the morning breeze and the setting moon.

  20. 那怕你只是有节制地吸烟,现在也是你戒烟的良好时机。

    Even if you only smoke in moderation this is a good time to stop.

  21. 夜间主在异象中对保罗说,不要怕,只管讲,不要闭口。

    Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace

  22. 信不信由你,这个身强体壮的年轻人居然怕这只小狗。

    Believe it or not, the physically strong young man is scared of the little puppy.

  23. 我想, 可能只有我那么怕冷。

    I guess, probably just me, because Iam not used to cold.

  24. 她很不错的,只是有一点怕羞。

    She's very nice, but a little shy.

  25. 看见这三只熊, 她怕极了。

    Seeing the three bears, she was very afraid.

  26. 别怕。他只叫不咬。

    Dont be afraid. He is all bark and no bite.

  27. 我怕这么做只会火上加油。

    Im afraid the move will only add fuel to the fire.

  28. 只显示他们有多怕你

    It just shows how scared they are of you.

  29. 别怕。你只会觉得一点小小的刺痛。

    Dont worry. You'll only feel a small prick.

  30. 傻瓜! 只有成人才会怕女人。

    Silly, only grownup men fear women.


  1. 问:只怕拼音怎么拼?只怕的读音是什么?只怕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:只怕的读音是zhǐpà,只怕翻译成英文是 Used to express inference or worry.


只怕zhǐ pà1、只是担心、牵挂2、唯一害怕、恐惧1、他也知道,父亲只怕是真的不行了。2、一些人不怕官,只怕管。3、“入山不怕伤人虎,只怕人情两面刀”。4、世上无难事,只怕有心人。