






两个,一对:一~鞋。~杠。~重(chǒng )。~方。~管齐下。~豆塞聪(耳被堵塞,一无所闻)。~瞳剪水(形容眼珠的清澈)。智勇~全。盖世无~。偶,与“单”相对:~数。~号。加倍的:~料。~份。姓。……





汉语拼音:yī jiàn shuāng diāo




一箭射中两鵰。鵰,亦作“ 雕 ”,一种性凶猛的大鸟。



一箭双鵰 [yī jiàn shuāng diāo]
  1. @@@@@宋.王十明〈林主簿明仲挽词〉其二:「一箭双鵰手,青衫已白头。砚几磨铁尽,官止及瓜休。」



  1. na.
  2. kill two birds with one stone [

  3. arrow];achieve two things at one stroke;answer a double purpose;double gain;shoot two hawks with one arrow;succeed in doing two things by only one action

  4. >

  1. 一箭双雕。

    Catch two pigeons with one bean.

  2. 他射出一箭。

    He discharged an arrow from the bow.

  3. 一箭发射多星

    launch multiple satellites with a single launch vehicle

  4. 他这么做一箭双雕。

    He achieved two things at one stroke by doing things this way.

  5. 两全其美, 一石二鸟, 一箭双雕。

    Kill two birds with one stone v.

  6. 我向空中射了一箭,

    I shot an arrow in the air

  7. 偶向空中射了一箭。

    I shot an arrow in the air.

  8. 他向空中射了一箭。

    He shot an arrow into the blue.

  9. 汤姆向空中射了一箭。

    Tom shot an arrow into the air.

  10. 我对准墙头射了一箭。

    I shot an arrow at the wall.

  11. 他对准野兔射了一箭。

    He shot an arrow at the hare.

  12. 一箭双雕, 一石二鸟, 一抓二奶。

    Kill two birds with one stone.

  13. 看来可以一箭三雕了。

    Looks like a bird in the hand just became three.

  14. 你今天替我挡了一箭。

    You took an arrow for me today.

  15. 罗宾汉向鹿射了一箭。

    Robin Hood let go an arrow at the deer.

  16. 我只是猜测也许你想一箭双雕。

    I just fiigured you wanted to kill two birds with one stone.

  17. 我一直会为你挡这一箭。

    I will always take an arrow for you.

  18. 他射了一箭,但没有射中靶。

    He shot an arrow, but it fell short of the target.

  19. 运气好时我们可以一石二鸟, 一箭双雕。

    Sometimes we can kill two birds with one stone.

  20. 他射了一箭又一箭, 但都未射中。

    He shot arrows one by one, but each missed.

  21. 他射了一箭又一箭,但都未能射中。

    He shot arrows one by one, but each missed.

  22. 他又发了一箭,射中了那只鹿。

    He let go another arrow and hit the deer.

  23. 毫无疑问,这是很好的一箭双雕一石。

    No doubt, it is good to kill two birds with one stone.

  24. 模糊,还有实用与浪漫的一箭双雕功用。

    Ambiguous, still have practical with romance kill two hawks with one arrow function.

  25. 一箭双雕比喻做一件事达到两个目的。

    It means to achieve two goals with one action.

  26. 我向空中射了一箭。它落到了地上。

    I shot an arrow into the air. It fell to earth.

  27. 猎人射最后一箭时, 祈求鹿会倒下。

    Loosing off his last arrow, the hunter prayed that the deer would fall.

  28. 在它看来, 真正的社会主义能起一箭双雕的作用。

    True Socialism appeared to kill these two birds with one stone.

  29. 为了加速我的逃跑, 我们决定采取一箭双雕的行动。

    To speed my escape, we decided to kill two birds with one stone.

  30. 幸运地是,公主及时射出了一箭,制止了他们。

    Luckily, the princess shot an arrow to stop them in time.

