


1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……





汉语拼音:jiǎo wàn






  1. 脚与胫接连处,即腿肚下面的部分。

    《后汉书·律历志下》“小雪” 南朝 梁 刘昭 注:“小雪,晷长一丈一尺八分。当至不至,来年蚕麦不成,多病脚腕痛。” 元 杨显之 《酷寒亭》第三折:“把孩儿风流罪犯寻些箇,吊着脚腕又不敢将脚尖那。”



  1. So he tied a cowbell to her ankle, so he could hear at night if she tried to get out of bed.


  2. I prefer to call it a smiley face drawn by Mother Nature without the use of tattoo ink.


  3. I am writing to let you know how much I appreciate your helping my son Robert last Thursday when he sprained his ankle.


  4. then he let out a bellow like an angry bull and dived at Harry, grabbing him by the ankle.


  5. The action, viewed from the front, should be straight forward and true, without weakness at shoulders, elbows or pasterns .


  6. Mischievous rumours that he has sprained his wrist in the process and will be out for a month appear to be unfounded.


  7. The distal part of the fORelimb of a vertebrate, including the wrist and hand OR the carpus and fORefoot.


  8. Also, he reminded the injured the injured ankle and prepared himself for a day of travel.


  9. The shoes' shape is a black upper with green colour around the ankle area and tone area.


  1. 裤脚到脚腕。

    Pants must reach the ankle.

  2. 脚腕结实、与地面垂直。

    Pasterns firm and almost perpendicular to the ground.

  3. 我踢足球伤了脚腕。

    I knackered my ankle playing football.

  4. 手腕脚腕上也没捆绑痕迹。

    No ligature marks on her wrists or ankles.

  5. 她用手揉了揉脚腕子。

    She rubbed at her ankle.

  6. 脚腕中等长度, 非常轻微地倾斜。

    Pastern is medium length and very slightly sloped.

  7. 我的脚腕儿磨出了泡。

    Blisters rose on my ankles.

  8. 外轻点, 我的脚腕可能骨折了。

    F Be careful. The ankle might be broken.

  9. 喂,比尔,我扭伤脚腕子啦。

    I say, Bill, Ive sprained my ankle.

  10. 那狗咬著她得脚腕子了。

    The dog was nipping at her ankles.

  11. 那狗咬着她的脚腕子了。

    The dog was nipping at her ankles.

  12. 那狗咬著她的脚腕子了。

    The dog was nipping at her ankles.

  13. 脚腕结实、有弹性、差不多垂直于地面。

    Pasterns are strong, springy and almost perpendicular to the ground.

  14. 脚腕长, 显示相同的角度, 蹄和肩膀。

    Pasterns should be long and display an identical angle to the hoof and shoulder.

  15. 前腿背面长有饰毛, 到脚腕处减少。

    Hind legs are covered to the hocks with abundant breeches.

  16. 她伤了脚腕子, 瘸着走回家。

    She hurt her ankle and limped back home.

  17. 小狗崽冲着我的脚腕子汪汪叫。

    The little dogs were yapping at my ankles.

  18. 我下楼的时候不小心把脚腕崴了。

    I sprained my ankle when I was going downstairs.

  19. 我下楼的时候不小心把脚腕崴了。

    I sprained my ankle when I was going downstairs.

  20. 您还可以增强您的髋屈肌和脚腕筋腱。

    You'll also strengthen your hip flexors and Achilles tendons.

  21. 狗咬了他的脚腕子, 疼得他龇牙咧嘴。

    He winced as the dog nipped his ankle.

  22. 因脚腕儿发肿而一瘸一拐地走。

    limping because of a swollen ankle

  23. 重量在脚跟,大腿与地面平行膝盖脚腕垂直。

    Weight in heel, See up. the thigh is parallel the floor knee over the ankle.

  24. 她准是跌倒时把脚腕子给崴了。

    She must have wrenched her ankle when she fell.

  25. 白色足爪比较理想, 但白色不能延伸到脚腕。

    White on the feet is desired but must not extend higher than the pasterns.

  26. 他的手腕和脚腕被用绳子绑在平台上。

    His wrists and ankles were strapped to the platform.

  27. 受伤了,因运动而令右脚腕受伤,那天心情沉重。

    I was depressed by my right instep injury.

  28. 她准是跌倒时把脚腕子给产歪了。

    She must have wrenched her ankle when she fell.

  29. 她赤着脚, 但是她感觉不到她脚腕周围的冷水。

    Her feet are bare but she does not feel the cold water around her ankles.

  30. 她赤着脚,但是她感觉不到她脚腕周围的冷水。

    Her feet are bare but she does not feel the cold water around her ankles.


  1. 问:脚腕拼音怎么拼?脚腕的读音是什么?脚腕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脚腕的读音是jiǎowàn,脚腕翻译成英文是 The joint between legs and feet.