


1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:nán bù chéng






  1. 犹难道。

    《冷眼观》第二十回:“何以外国人又十分相信上帝呢?难不成他们的上帝是一种非怪非妖,非人非畜,所谓 姜子牙 的坐骑四不相去冒充的吗?”



  1. JERRY : You think Manya showed up during the game and put a hex on me?


  2. Expect me to tell her that an old Jew brought me up?


  3. Jack: Don't think there's a filly that can throw me. Let's get, 'less you wanna stick here and tie knots all day.


  4. You think he'd talk to the daughter he abandoned?


  5. Aren't all despots a threat to freedom loving people all over the world.


  6. So the question has to be, was Gaddafi playing hooky during his first week at Dictator's School?


  7. Is complicated not to grow up Anne have already had a favorite man?


  8. The material has already gone to this, difficult don't convert her water of year if still need to dictate ahead hard top bow to overlord to?


  9. Maybe than I fear you?


  1. 难不成他们都是江湖骗子?

    Are they then both charlatans?

  2. 难不成你是吉普赛人

    What are you, some kinda gypsy

  3. 难不成你还乐在其中?

    Are you saying you enjoyed it?

  4. 你要我怎么做,难不成。

    What do you want me to do? Like.

  5. 难不成你想让我转行?

    Are you suggesting that I just give up my career?

  6. 难不成你身上装着个雷达

    What, is this like radar?

  7. 难不成她还想在这找啊。

    She's certainly not meeting anyone here.

  8. 难不成真的是有个好时候?

    Is there a right moment?

  9. 难不成你期待四季乐队还怎么着?

    Were you expecting the four seasons, or something?

  10. 难不成干花君还能专门学中文看帖子?

    I dont know, honestly dont know.

  11. 难不成我要告诉她我是被犹太人带大的?

    Expect me to tell her that an old Jew brought me up

  12. 难不成你不知道我们屋内有衣物滑落槽?

    Don't you know that we have a laundry chute in the house?

  13. 难不成威胁自由的暴君也爱全世界的人民吗?

    Aren't all despots a threat to freedom loving people all over the world.

  14. 难不成你以为帝家以后会让你儿子继承吗?

    Is laborious don't become you to meditation emperor house after ambition make your son inherit ?

  15. 噢, 什么, 难不成你在女朋友家夜宿了一晚?

    Oh, what, did you like, shack at your girlfriend's last night?

  16. 难不成他们的精神也有问题,只不过我们不知道罢了?

    Were they crazy also, and we didn't know it?

  17. 干嘛, 难不成你想跟我要饼乾喔?滚远一点啦!

    What, you want a cookie Get the hell out my face.

  18. 紫藤花悄悄开放, 撞击着我的心房, 难不成内心还在滚烫?

    Wisteria is blossoming softly, it hits my heart, isn't my heart still hot?

  19. 今天特别多, 难不成这整船的人都给鬼都叼去了?

    Is specially many today, difficult don't become this whole persons of ships all to the ghosts all did the Diao go?

  20. 做加减法,露西不成问题,可分数却难倒了她。

    Lucy knows how to add and substract but fractions have her up a stump.

  21. 瞧你那小细胳膊?难不成爷怕你?

    I'm not scared of you and your scrawny arms.

  22. 杰瑞你认为难不成曼雅出现在比赛中,给我来了那么一下子?

    JERRY You think Manya showed up during the game and put a hex on me

  23. 我们修行不怎么难,成佛不难,教人不难,教训自己才难!

    It is not difficult to become a saint or to teach others. It is teaching ourselves that is difficult.

  24. 组织的如此完美的一个结构,很难不把这说成是神威所致

    So perfectly organized a structure, it was hard not to attribute divinity to it.

  25. 若幸而成, 扁舟往来, 见公不难也。

    Fortunately, as if, boat exchanges, the public is not difficult to see also.

  26. 那可不成,太难了

    Don't even joke about that.

  27. 人多难守密, 人少不成欢。

    Three are too many to keep a secret and too few to be merry.

  28. 不可分裂的很难或不可能破裂或分裂成小部分的

    Difficult or impossible to break or separate into parts.

  29. 你不要说让我难过的话,成不成?

    You won't say thing to distress me, will you?

  30. 独木不成林。

    One tree does not make a forest.